Trapped in Her Heart

Rebecca's approach

Rebecca's approach

0"Seriously mom, how do you do this?" Ellie sighed.      

"Do what?"      

"Making things so easy for me just by saying a few wise words."      

"You will understand after you become a mother yourself," Judith smiled.      

Just then, Sebastian came out of the room along with Harry.      

"You both are done? Dinner is also almost ready. Why don't you both freshen up first?" Judith instructed before gesturing Ellie.      

Without wasting any time, Ellie quickly grabbed Sebastian's hand and dragged him upstairs.      


Ellie's room.      

"Babe, calm down. What are you so hyped up about?" Sebastian chuckled.      

"Of course I'll be hyped up and curious until you tell what kind of conversation you just shared with dad."      

Crashing on the bed, he casually answered, "Not something that you shouldn't know." Touching the soft linen of the bed, he sighed, "Damn, I'll miss this bed and room so much."      

Sitting beside him, she smacked his arm. "Do you want to piss me off?"     

"What? Of course not, why would I want that?"      

"Then tell me everything," she demanded.      

Tapping the tip of her nose, he chuckled, "My cute little curious wife."      

Slapping his hand away, she frowned, "I am not your wife yet."      

"But you will be soon." Wrapping his arms around her waist, he smiled, "I can't wait to call you my wife officially."      

Grabbing his collar, she snapped, "Don't try to change the topic Mr Stewart. Be a good husband and tell me everything."      

"Okay, I will tell you everything but in return you have to promise me something."      

"Okay, I promise now tell me."      

"Wait, you did even hear what it is—"      

"Whatever it is, I promise now tell me."      

"Alright, we were just discussing a few things about the wedding," Sebastian answered.      

"About the wedding? Like what?" she curiously inquired.      

Placing his head on her lap, he explained, "He told me the wedding will be held in Seattle and as you are his only daughter, he wants to bear all the expenses. He doesn't want me to interfere in anything. I think he has already planned everything. He just wants us to tell him everything that we want for the wedding."      

"Wait, what?"      

Nodding his head, he sighed, "I tried to object but he scolded me a lot so I didn't have any other choice. I had to agree."     


Cutting her off, he added, "Now don't stress over it and to be honest, he sounded more excited for our wedding than we are. I didn't want to make him feel disappointed or upset by intertwining in his plans."      

"Do you think I should talk to him?"      

"You can if you want to but I don't think he will listen to anyone." Without waiting for her reply, he added, "Which reminds me, dad wants us to come over for dinner tomorrow. Are you okay with that?"      

"Of course, why would I not be okay with that?" she stated.      


Next day     


Sebastian's parents' place.      

"Then let's go for a double honeymoon after you guys get married. What do you think?" Melissa suggested.     

"That sounds like a great plan, I don't mind," Sebastian exclaimed before looking at Ellie.      

"But if all four of us leave, who will handle things in the office?" Ellie frowned.      

Helplessly shaking his head, Arthur sighed, "See, this is what happens when you accompany a workaholic all the time."      

"Exactly, our Ellie sounds like Sebastian." Looking at Ellie, Samuel added, "People are talking about your honeymoon trip and here you are thinking about the office and work."      

"Yes, don't worry about work. Sammy and I will handle everything while you kids have fun," Arthur stated.      

"Though we haven't worked for a while, I am sure we are still capable of handling everything."      

"Well then everything is sorted. We should quickly decide our destination and plan everything  Noah grinned.      

"Does this mean I can take a vacation as well?" Ava excitedly exclaimed.      

Shaking his head, Sebastian answered, "Of course not, you have to work hard."      

"Your brother is right, we will give you a long vacation when you get married," Arthur added.      

Pointing towards Calvin, Ava chuckled, "So you mean I have to marry him to get a vacation?"     

Scrunching his brows, Calvin complained, "Hey, what do you mean by marry him? If not me, whom will you?"      

Shrugging her shoulders, she sighed, "True, I don't really have a choice."      

"Ava, stop teasing him." Helplessly shaking his head, Sebastian sighed, "Just look at his face, it's red already."      

"Exactly, it looks like Calvin is about to cry,"  Melissa added.      

"I am not crying," Calvin frowned before looking at Ava who was already grinning at him.      

Pulling his cheeks, she chuckled, "Don't be mad now, I was just fooling around with you."      

Just then Rebecca arrived, drawing everyone's attention. "Ellie, come with me."      

Sebastian frowned and was about to retort when Ellie grabbed his hand to stop him. Gesturing him that she would be okay, she quietly left along with Rebecca.      


Rebecca's room.      

"Come inside." As soon as they entered the room, Rebecca made her way towards the wardrobe while Ellie awkwardly waited for her. She had no idea what Rebecca wanted from her but she also didn't want to question her. Though she was still not comfortable with her, she still decided to take her mother's suggestion and try to normalize things between them.      

While Ellie was immersed in her deep thoughts, Rebecca approached her with a box in her hand. Before she could ask anything, she handed it to her.      

"This is Sebastian's paternal grandmother's jewelleries. She gave it to me when I was about to marry Arthur so I am doing the same." Pausing for a while, Rebecca added, "Sebastian is my only son, I had my own plans for him. But since he has already taken his decision, I have nothing else to say. I hope you will always keep up with our family traditions and beliefs without any objection."      

"Of course, I will and—"      

Cutting her off, Rebecca remarked, "Good, you can go down now. Everyone must be waiting for you."      

Giving her a weak smile, Ellie nodded her head and quietly left.     


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