Trapped in Her Heart

Messy Sebastian

Messy Sebastian

0Burying his face on the cushion again, Sebastian groaned, "Why are you people shouting so much? My head hurts."      

Looking at the trash scattered all over the place, Ava frowned, "Why are you so messy? You were never this messy." When he did not say anything, she added, "Why aren't you receiving our calls?"      

"Exactly, what if Ellie is the one calling you?" Calvin frowned.      

"I will know when she calls, her ringtone is a customized one," he answered.      

"Where are the dogs?" Looking around, Owen added, "I don't see them."      

"They are upstairs in the bedroom, they don't want to leave the room."      

"Are you feeding them?" Noah inquired.      

"Of course I am, Ellie will kill me if I keep our babies hungry."      

Sitting beside him, Noah sighed, "Brother, what are you doing?"      

"She doesn't wanna see me, I fucked up everything." Sitting up straight, Sebastian added, "It's all my fault, if I had been a bit more careful nothing of this sort would happen." How could he trust his mom when he knew how much she hated his relationship with Ellie?      

"I don't know whose fault it is but I do know that Ellie is leaving for Seattle tomorrow," Ava informed.      

Scrunching his brows, Sebastian snapped, "What? Why is she leaving?"      

"You are asking us that? Shouldn't you be the one knowing the reason behind it? Shouldn't you be the one trying to fix this mess? But no, here you are drinking and becoming a big mess." Gritting his teeth, Noah snapped harder. "I leave my vacation midway without thinking twice because I know my brother needs me here but when I come back, I see him in a messy and helpless state. You are in a mess, the office is chaotic and as soon as I step foot in the airport, I find out that Danny Hudson is out on parole and is nowhere to be seen."      

"What? How did he even get one?" Getting up, Sebastian quickly grabbed his phone from the table. "I need to look for Ellie and—"      

Cutting him off, Noah scoffed, "Okay so now your brains are working again."      

"Wait a sec, you are going to meet Ellie looking at this?" When Sebastian frowned, Ava rolled her eyes. "You look horrible Seb though you still look handsome but look at yourself. You need to take a shower and a clean shave." Pushing him towards the stairs, she added, "Go make yourself presentable while we clean this mess you have created."      

"Yeah okay, I'll be back in a minute." without wasting anymore time, he rushed towards his room while the others started cleaning the living room.      


Inside the bedroom.      

After taking a quick shower, Sebastian changed into a pair of fresh clothes and made his way towards the dressing table.      

Scanning his eyes on the table, he frowned. "El, where is my watch? I—" Stopping midway, he sighed and sat on the edge of the bed.      

Just then the two furry babies started whining and snuggling beside him. Gently caressing their head, he gave them a weak smile. "I miss her too but don't worry, I'll get mommy back no matter what happens and then we will go for a family beach time."      

When Bojo and Boji started barking and licking his hand, Sebastian chuckled, "You both love beaches, don't you?" Bopping their nose, he started walking out of the room while the two furry babies followed them behind.      



"Ava stop," Calvin tried to calm his girlfriend down who had been arguing with her mother.      

"Why should I stop? She is the one who needs to stop," Ava snapped before looking at her father. "We have always done what you guys wanted us to but it's high time you let us do what we want. Especially Seb, he has always done what you and mom wanted and now after so many years, he wanted to do one thing, be the woman he loves but you guys are trying to take that away too."      

Taking a deep breath, Arthur placed his hand in Ava's shoulder. "I know why you are so mad, I was mad too when I heard about the disturbing and disgusting thing that happened in my absence." Glaring at Rebecca who was standing right beside him without uttering a word, he added, "But I have no intention of putting up with this bulshit and I am here to make things right."      

Without waiting for anyone's reply, he added, "I will go and talk to Ellie's parents and apologize to them for whatever had happened in my absence."      

"Ellie is leaving for Seattle with her parents tomorrow," Noah informed.      

Scrunching his brows, Arthur snapped, "Then what are you guys waiting for? Where is Sebastian?"      

"He is—"      

Just then Sebastian rushed down the stairs. "I just received a call from Ellie's father, he told me she is missing for a couple of hours."      

"What? Where did she go?" Calvin inquired.      

Just then, Noah received a call from Melissa who told him Ellie was missing. "Don't panic honey, we will be right there."      

Ignoring his mother, Sebastian turned towards his dad. "Danny Hudson is out on parole, can you call up the lawyer and ask him to take care of everything?"      

"How did he get out of the jail?" Arthur gritted his teeth before taking out his phone from the pocket. "I'll handle everything, just go and look for Ellie."      

Briefly nodding his head, Sebastian was about to leave when Rebecca tried to stop him.      


Cutting her off, he snapped, "I don't wish to talk to you mother, I don't want to say something that will make you feel disrespected." Without saying anything, he walked out of the room along with others.      

After talking to the lawyer over the phone, Arthur started walking out of the apartment leaving Rebecca behind.      


"Enough, don't even try to give me an explanation. If you don't like Ellie, why did you propose to meet her parents? Why did you make them feel so humiliated?"      


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