Trapped in Her Heart

Company Gala (VIII)

Company Gala (VIII)

0Forcing herself to smile, Rebecca answered, "Of course, as long as the kids are happy together."      

"Exactly." Without waiting for her reply, Noami added, "Don't worry Rebecca, I will always treat your daughter as mine. Well, at least I won't just sit back and gossip when pretentious people are trying to play their dirty tricks on her."      

She gritted her teeth and was about to retort when Sebastian arrived.      

He quickly wrapped his arms around Ellie's waist. "There you are, I have been looking for you everywhere."      

Placing her hand on her chest, Noami sighed in satisfaction. "Look at the two of you, you both look perfect."      

"Thank Mrs. Lewis." Giving her a hug, Sebastian smiled, "We are grateful that you are here."      


"Of course, I wouldn't miss it at any cost." Pulling away, she added, "And look at you, why do I feel like you become more handsome each time I see you?"      

"Did you hear that honey?" Looking at Ellie, he added, "And here you are, you stopped calling me handsome after we started dating."      

"When you look at the same face 24/7 it starts looking annoying and less handsome, right Ellie?"      

When Ellie nodded her head, Sebastian clutched his chest. "Ah my weak heart is getting tormented. How can you agree to that babe?" Without waiting for her reply, he added, "I should take you away before you learn other things which aren't nice for my weak heart."      

"Yes, you should take her away before she starts getting influenced by depressing and desperate auras," Noami snapped before briefly glancing at the ladies.      

Looking at his mother, Sebastian smiled at her briefly before walking away along with Ellie.      


"Who told you? Ava, Mel or Char?"      

"Told me what?" When Ellie raised her brows, he sighed, "Fine, Ava came looking for me and I rushed over."      

"Did you think I would get bullied?" When he shook and nodded his head at the same time, she chuckled, "Don't worry, I am not that weak."      

"I just didn't want them to irritate you, they can be very annoying at times. You have no idea how much Ava hates them."      

Fixing his bow tie, she asked, "Are you done greeting everyone?"      

"Almost, Noah is doing the rest on my behalf as well."      

"Hmmm, mom and dad are coming the day after tomorrow."      

He sighed and nodded his head. "I know, let's take out some time and go to your old place tomorrow."      

"Do you read minds Mr. Stewart? I was about to tell you the same thing."      

"I don't know about minds but I can surely read yours." Inching closer, he was about to capture her lips when she stopped him.      


Placing her hand on his chest, she slowly pushed him away. "There are so many people around."      

"Are you being shy?" When she blushed and lowered her head, Sebastian smiled, "I guess everyone in this room has already guessed that we kiss." Lifting her chin up, he pressed his lips against hers ignoring the crowd of people.      

Pulling away, he gently caressed her hair. "Did you eat anything?"      

"I ate some snacks."      

"Let's eat something first before we resume greeting the guests again."      

"We? You and Noah we?" she curiously inquired.      

Wrapping his arms around her shoulder, he stated, "There is only one we and that is you and me."       

"I have to go around with you?"      

"Of course, do you have any idea how many people have asked for you and Melissa? So to be on a safe side, we have decided to take you both with us," he explained.      

Helplessly shaking her head, she sighed, "I guess I have no other choice but to accompany you."      


Meanwhile, Melissa was busy glaring at her fiance who was breaking into a cold sweat.      

"Babe, I swear I didn't mean it that way—"      

"Oh so there is a different way?" Crossing her arms in the front, she raised her brows, "Care to explain what that way is."      

Pointing towards Calvin, he snapped, "It's all his fault, he was the one who said that first."      

"Hey, stop dragging me into this." Looking at Ava, Calvin explained, "I just said that the woman who was following Seb and Noah looked familiar. Then Owen told us she is Mr. Richards' eldest daughter and then Noah out of nowhere said that she was beautiful."      

"That is a lie, I said she was pretty and you agreed with me." Pointing at Sebastian who has just arrived with Ellie. "Ask Seb, he was there with us too."      

Scrunching his brows, Sebastian asked, "What are you people talking about?"      

"Noah called the woman who was loitering around him and Seb pretty so Mel is mad at him," Charlotte chuckled.      

Shrugging her shoulders, Ellie chuckled, "Well, that is not a lie. I mean, she is beautiful. To be honest, I like the way she is dressed." Looking at her boyfriend, she asked, "What do you think Seb? Don't you think she is dressed well?"      

Raising his brows, Sebastian asked, "So you want me to look at some other woman and tell you whether she is well dressed or not?" Without waiting for her reply, he moved closer and hugged her from behind. "I just like the way you dress."     

"Safe played man," Owen chuckled.      

"I think it's time to divorce you," Melissa snapped.      

Widening his eyes in shock, Noah panicked, "What the hell are you talking about? What divorce? I won't let you divorce me."      

"Dude, you both are not even married yet, how can she divorce you?" Sebastian sighed.      

"At what time is your flight tomorrow?" Ellie inquired.      

"11:00 am." Placing her finger on Noah's chest, Melissa gritted her teeth. "You are sleeping on the couch today."      


1:00 am      

Sebastian and Ellie's place.      

Holding Ellie in his arms, Sebastian stepped into the apartment. Looking at his cute girlfriend who was soundly sleeping in his embrace, he smiled. Today was a big day not just for the company but also a big day for them and their relationship.     

This is what he wanted, he wanted everyone to know about her and their relationship. Sebastian never had the intention of keeping things under the wraps, he had always been open about his relationship with Ellie and never cared about what others thought about them.      

He also knew his mother still wasn't okay with the fact that they were together but he couldn't care less about. It didn't matter what his mother or anybody thought about their relationship, what mattered and would always matter is what Ellie thinks about it. Only hers and Sebastian's opinion should matter in their relationship.      

Sebastian would never give anyone the right to make decisions for them even though that person was his own mother. He knew they had done nothing wrong, they were just normal people who had fallen in love with each other in a normal pace and environment. Why should they care about others?      



Placing her on the bed, he was about to move away when she snuggled.     

Without opening her eyes, she asked, "Are we home?"      

"Hmmm." Kissing her forehead, he remarked, "I'll help you change."      

"I want to take a bath but I feel so tired." Scrunching her brows, she added, "My legs hurt."      

"I already took off your shoes in the car." Looking at her swollen red feet, he sighed, "I told you not to wear heels."      

"I don't wanna look short in front of you."      

"Let's soak them in lukewarm water for some time after you finish changing." Pulling away, he added, "I'll get your clothes."      

Rolling over, she stated, "Why don't you change first, I'll do it later."      

"Alright, after that I'll help you change." When she let out an affirmative sound, he quickly got down and rushed towards the washroom.      

After taking a quick shower, he changed his clothes before helping Ellie out. While she was still in the half asleep state, he helped her change, gently removed her makeup and untangled her hair.      

"I'll get some lukewarm water for you to soak your feet."      

"I can do that tomorrow—"      

Cutting her off, he declared, "No, you have to do it today otherwise you will hurt a lot tomorrow." Without waiting for her to say anything, he walked towards the washroom.      

After bringing some lukewarm water in a medium sized bowl, he placed it right in front of the bed. He then pulled Ellie up and helped her dip her legs in the water while he sat beside her.      

Wrapping her arms around his waist, she placed her head on his shoulder. "Today was fun but also hectic."      

"I know." Kissing the top of her head, he added, "Tomorrow is a day off anyway, you can rest well all day."      

"We have to go to my old apartment."      

"Your parents are coming in the afternoon, right?" When she nodded her head, he remarked, "Then we can go in the morning to do some cleaning."      

"Yes, I guess we can do that."      


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