Trapped in Her Heart

Company Gala (IV)

Company Gala (IV)

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Helplessly shaking his head, Mr. Richards sighed in dejection. "Of course I would consider it if I had a son and nephew as capable as yours. There is no one I can trust or depend on for the company matters, I have to handle everything on my own."      

Without waiting for their reply, he wrapped his arms around a young woman who was standing right next to him. "I don't know if you remember her, she is my eldest daughter Lara. You had seen her when she was very small, she used to stay in London with my sister but now she is back recently."      

"That is nice, you have such a young daughter and I am sure she is very capable. Why don't you pass on your skills to her?" Arthur inquired.      

"Don't you think I thought of that? She isn't interested in business." Pausing for a while, he added, "But she has started watching business news and reading business magazines because of your son, Sebastian. She is very fond of him, in fact she insisted on coming today only because she wanted to see him in person."      

"Of course, Sebastian will be here any minute. I will call him over and—"      

Cutting Rebecca off, Arthur snapped, "I don't think you know about this but Sebastian already has someone special in his life. In fact, he is bringing her here today." Looking at Lara whose expression had already turned pale, he added, "Don't you read about him? You must have heard about the harmonious and lovely relationship he is now in."      

"W-We didn't know about that." Awkwardly clearing his throat, Mr. Richards inquired, "Who is that lucky woman?"      

Taking a sip of his champagne, Arthur answered, "She is a woman who is interested in business and helps my son in every possible way she can. She lessens his workload and also cooks for him when he is hungry and also makes him smile when he is stressed or sad." Without waiting for anybody's reply, he smiled at them. "Please, enjoy the party." He then walked away along with Rebecca who was clearly not happy with what her husband just did.      

"What's with that scowl on your face?" Arthur snapped.      

"What you did just now wasn't cool, how can you insult our guest like that?" she whispered.      

"Guest?" Letting out a mocking scoff, he remarked, "He was just trying to force his daughter to my son and I am sure that was his only intention of coming here."      

"And what is wrong in that? His daughter is young, talented, beautiful and—"      

Raising his brows, Arthur smiled, "Are you trying to tell me that woman was more beautiful than the woman you son is walking in with?" Gesturing her to turn around, he added, "Look how smart and successful your son is looking with a woman as beautiful and talented as Ellie."      

Pausing for a while, he explained, "Always remember one thing Rebecca, the society and class we live in, it is very difficult to find true love and almost impossible to find someone who will stick by your side no matter how rough or smooth the days are. Most women marry men like us because they want to live a lavish life. Strong and independent women like Ellie and Melissa are very rare to find."      

Looking at her, he added, "I know you think your son deserves better, he deserves someone from our society but believe me or not, Sebastian will never find someone better than her. I believe that Ellie will be like a supporting and motivating pillar in our son's life who will be there to support him everytime he stumbles or struggles." Patting her back, he sighed, "Make your peace with it as soon as possible."      

Looking at Sebastian and Ellie who had just walked in, Rebecca pursed her lips. Though she didn't say anything, the disgust and discomfort she was feeling was clear in her face.      


The constant shuttering of the camera's forced her to tighten her grip around Sebastian's arm. She was feeling almost breathless when they reached the venue of the Gala but the nervousness slowly faded away when they entered the hall and she saw many familiar faces from the office.      

Though almost the entire office knew about the love affair between their big boss and his assistant. Some who had seen them being intimate all the time thought it was cute and they were really in love while some assumed it was just a fling and just like other rich men, their boss was also having fun with his assistant and their relationship would end when he got bored with her.      

But now when they saw them together in the company Gala as a pair, most of them shocked and some were awestruck at how cute and amazing they looked together.      

Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her closer. "Relax honey, I am right here with you."      

Looking around when she realized everyone was staring at them, she forced herself to smile. "Why is everyone looking at us?" she whispered.      

"I am sure they are looking at you and not me because you look beautiful." Kissing the back of her hand, he assured her. "Don't pay attention to them, let's get you a drink first, okay?"      

When she nodded her head, he slowly guided her further inside.      


"El, you look amazing." Giving her a hug, Charlotte beamed, "I couldn't take my eyes off you when you entered the hall with Seb."      

"I second that, you just outshined everyone and look at you slaying in this gorgeous red gown." Placing her hand on the chest, Melissa sighed in satisfaction. "No wonder Sebastian didn't want any of us to see this dress, I would have seriously begged you to let me wear it."      

Looking at Brandon, Sebastian asked, "Mr.Hawick did not come?"      

"You wish, you should have seen how excited he was for his Gala for some unknown reason. He kept saying it's special because someone special is coming." Scrunching his brows, Brandon added, "I sometimes doubt his intentions."      

"What the fuck are you talking about? He is your grandpa, how can you doubt his intentions?" Owen chuckled.      

"Exactly, your grandpa is a very nice and sensible man." Looking at Ellie, Sebastian explained, "Brandon's grandpa and my grandpa were friends."      

"And also school and college mates," Noah added.      

"Where is he?"      

Looking around, Brandon answered, "I think he is talking with your parents."      

Placing his hand in Ellie's back, Sebastian said, "Come, let's meet my parents."      

"We will follow you from behind," Brandon added.      


In a distance.      

"You have really distanced yourself from our family after father, you never visit us," Arthur complained.      

"Things aren't the same after Timilton left." Helplessly shaking his head, Markus sighed. "It was very hard for me to get over it."      

Nodding his head in agreement, Arthur added, "Yes, that is true. Father was a pillar of this family, we were quite shaken after we lost him.      

"Mr. Hawicks, I did not expect you to see here," Mr. Wallics exclaimed.     

Just then, Mr. Richards arrived as well. "I thought Mr. Hawick had stopped attending functions and other official meetings." Without waiting for his reply, he added, "I guess your close relationship with the Stewarts brought you here."      

Smiling at them, Markus answered, "To remind everyone, I did not attend this Gala for so many but this year I couldn't afford to miss it."      

Markus Hawicks were Timilton Stewart, Sebastian's grandfather shared a very close relationship. The two men were infamous people who were well known faces in the business world. Though both of them belonged from a rich family, they did not rely on their ancestral wealth. Instead they focused and worked hard on building their own empire for the future generations to handle.      

After Timilton's death, Markus was very shaken and ended up breaking his ties with the Stewart family. He also stopped attending business banquets and other functions and started working in a very low-key manner until Brandon was ready to take over his position. After handing over everything to his grandson, he took a permanent retirement and stepped away from the limelight forever.      

"Why? What is so special about this year's Gala?" Mr. Wallis curiously inquired.      

"Of course it is special, it has been an incredible year for your company and—"      

Cutting Rebecca off, Markus remarked, "It's not about the company or anything related to the Stewart family. I am here for—"      

"Markus?" Walking towards him, Ellie widened her eyes in shock. "What are you doing here?"      

"There you are." Grabbing both her hands, Markus sighed in satisfaction. "Look at you, I knew you would outshine everyone today."      

Giving him a hug, she chuckled, "I did send you pictures."      

"Of course pictures are not enough, I wanted to see you in person." Pulling away, he added, "You did not tell me how I am looking?" Swirling around, he grinned, "I look handsome right?"      

Vigorously nodding her head, she smiled, "You look incredible."      


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