Trapped in Her Heart

Company Gala (V)

Company Gala (V)

0"Really? You think so?"      

"Of course." Fixing his tie, Ellie smiled, "There, now you look even more perfect."      

Tapping the tip of her nose, Markus proudly smiled, "I told you everything is going to be okay."      

Slapping his hand away, she lightly scrunched her brows. "How many times do I have to tell you not to do that Markus? It's really very annoying."      

"Ah it's annoying when I do it but what happens when your Seb does it?" he raised his brows.      

"Seb," she muttered before turning around. Grabbing Sebastian's arm who was staring at them with an astonished expression on his face, she pulled him forward. "Honey, remember the Markus I talk about all the time?" When he slowly nodded his head, she added, "Well, he is the Markus."      

"Grandpa, how do you know Ellie?" Brandon curiously inquired.      

Scrunching her brow, Ellie muttered, "Grandpa?" before looking at Markus who was grinning at her.      

Wrapping his arms around her waist, Sebastian explained, "Babe, he is Mr. Hawick, Brandon's grandfather."      

Widening her eyes in shock, she snapped, "You—"      

Cutting her off, Markus quickly apologized, "Before you start scolding and thrashing me, I would like to defend myself and my actions." When she raised her brows, he quickly explained, "When we met for the first time in the park, I didn't know who you were and you did not ask me my identity either so I did not tell you. Later when you told me about Sebastian and I found out that you are also friends with my grandson, I was surprised but I chose to stay silent because I didn't want to spoil the bond we shared."      

"Wait a minute, so you meet Ellie in the park everyday?" When Markus nodded his head, Brandon breathed a sigh of relief, "Well, that is a relief."      

Ignoring his grandson, he turned towards Sebastian and patted his shoulder. "You are a very lucky man, not every man gets a chance to be with a woman like Ellie."      

Looking at Ellie, Sebastian smiled, "I wouldn't deny."      

"The Stewart family is indeed very lucky to have her, right Rebecca?" Looking at her, Markus smiled, "Don't you think Ellie is the perfect woman for your son?"      

Giving him a weak smile, she reluctantly nodded her head. "Indeed."      

"So Mr. Hawick, you did not tell us why did you come here tonight? We would love to know the special reason behind it," Mr Wallis asked.      

"Of course I am here to support Ellie. How would I allow you all to bully my little woman?" Markus remarked before looking at Rebecca. "Right Rebecca? How can I allow anybody to bully Ellie?"      

"Who would dare to bully such a beautiful woman standing beside the young and talented man?" Mr Wallis smiled.      

"Grandpa before I forget, we have to see Mr. Fuji," Brandon reminded him.      

Helplessly shaking his head, Markus sighed, "Hmm let's go and meet them now." Looking at Ellie, he added, "Let's talk after I am done."      

After he left along with Brandon, Arthur remarked, "I didn't know you share such a close relationship with uncle Markus." When Ellie hesitated, he quickly explained his point. "Oh no dear don't take it the wrong way. What I meant is, it's rare to see uncle Markus get close to someone who is a complete stranger in his life."      

Pausing for a while, he added, "And the way addressed you, little woman. He used to call his late daughter with that name."      

"What happened to her?" She had known Markus for so many months now but today she realized that she knew nothing about him and his life. He always listened to her rants and problems patiently but he never shared his problems with her.      

"She died in a car accident when she was young," Sebastian answered.      

"Anyway, let's not talk about things like this now. It's a party, you kids should enjoy yourself and also greet the guests while you are enjoying," Arthur instructed.      


"So he is Markus." Inching closer, Sebastian whispered, "That was a very cheeky prank."      

"Prank? Why do you think it's a prank? You never gave me a chance to tell you who Markus really is and whenever I tried to explain, you used to shut me up."      

"Hmm whatever it is, I feel so relieved today." Taking a deep breath, he grinned, "I feel so light, my heart feels so light."      

Rolling her eyes at him, she scoffed, "So dramatic."      

Stretching his hands towards her, he smiled, "Will you like to dance with me?"      

Biting her lower lip, she nervously answered, "Umm I don't know how to dance."      

Shrugging his shoulders, he chuckled, "Me neither but how hard can it be, right? We just have to move along with the music."      

Placing her hand on his, she smiled, "Okay then, let's give this a shot as well."      


Dance floor.      

Intertwining his hand with his, he placed his other hand on her waist while she placed hers on his shoulder.      

Slowly swaying with the beat of the music, Sebastian smiled, "See, it's not that hard."      

"Everything is easy when you are there with me."      

Kissing the back of her hand, he remarked, "You really look so beautiful tonight and I am not saying this because you are my girlfriend, it's a genuine compliment from a man to a woman."      

"Hmm so does that mean I don't look beautiful other days?"      

Helplessly shaking his head, he chuckled, "Why didn't I see this question coming?" Before she could say anything, he explained, "To be precise, you look beautiful everyday but something is different about you today. I just can't keep my hands off you."      

"You can't keep your hands to yourself everyday Mr. Stewart," she chuckled.      

Swirling her around, he stated, "Well, you start begging me when I keep my hands in the place they are supposed to be."      

Slapping his chest, she snapped, "Stop with the teasing." Placing her head on his chest, she sighed, "This feels so great."      

Kissing the top of her head, he smiled, "Hmm it does, every moment with you feels great."      



Greeting Dear readers,     

2020 has been a very rough year for everyone around the globe, I would like to thank each and everyone of you for being a major part of my 2020. Despite the stressful atmosphere, your comments, reviews and support encouraged me to carry on and create these beautiful stories which are loved by many.     

Thank you for making my 2020 memorable and easy going.     

Let's remember that only the year is ending but we have a long road ahead of us. I cannot wait to make you a part of my 2021 and the many more glorious years to come. Cheers to our blessed and angelic relationship, let's strengthen this bond and keep loving each other till eternity :heart_suit:.     

I hope I can keep making you smile, laugh and maybe also cry :p in the future as well.     


Amidst the celebration, let's not forget that 2020 is over but not the virus. Let's keep taking measures and keep fighting.     

With love,     



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