Trapped in Her Heart

Pleasure and satisfaction (III)

Pleasure and satisfaction (III)

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[Mature content ahead: Please read at your own risk]     

Caressing her waist, Sebastian smiled, "I am sorry, I didn't want to startle you." Pausing for a while he added, "I just wanted us to try something different and special."      

"What do you mean?" When he grinned at her, she widened her eyes in shock. "No, I am not—"      

Stopping her from getting down, he tightened his grip around her waist. "Come on babe, why are you being so shy? It's just us and I am sure it's gonna be fascinating."      

Hesitating for a while, she nervously bit her lower lip. "But I haven't—I mean, I don't know how—" Slumping on top of him, she buried her face on his neck. "You know what I mean."      

Kissing her shoulder, he gently caressed her back. "I know but I also know that you can do it. Come on honey, it's gonna be fun."      

When she did not say anything for a while, he cupped her face and smiled, "You don't have to if you—"      

Cutting him off, she stated, "It's alright, I can only if you guide me."      

Lifting his head up, he nibbled her lower lip and smiled. "You look even more beautiful when you are shy."      

Ellie moaned when he started fondling her breast while rubbing the tip of his member against her entrance.      

Grabbing his hard member which was twitching in excitement, she adjusted it in front of her entrance. He groaned in pleasure when she pushed herself down, he could feel her walls tighten around his twitching member.      

Throwing her head back in pleasure, she bit her lower lip and placed her hand on his chest. She then slowly started thrusting herself in and out, while moaning in pleasure.      

Placing his hand on her waist, he started guiding her while moving his hips, matching her movements.      

When she felt his member growing bigger inside her, she unintentionally increased her pace making him groan in pleasure.      

Lifting his head up, he grabbed her breast and started sucking it increasing the sensuous pleasure. He groaned when she dug her nails on his chest. Tightening his grip around her waist, he flipped her around.      

Lifting her leg, he placed it on his shoulder and started thrusting inside her. Each thrust was strong and pleasurous which made her whimper and scream in pleasure.      

"Harder," she yelled in between her moans.      

Complying to her request, he placed his hand on her waist and started thrusting inside her just like she wanted; faster and harder.      

Clutching onto the sheets, she arched her back and screamed his name when she reached her climax.      

Thrusting inside her for a couple of times, he climaxed inside her before slumping on top of her. Staying in the same position for some time, he flipped over and pulled her in his embrace.      

Without saying anything, he kissed her forehead followed by the tip of her nose and then her lips.      

Sniggling closer, she smiled, "My chicken broth must have turned cold by now." Looking at him, she squeezed his lower lips. "All thanks to you and your mischievous tricks."      

"Yes indeed, you should thank me." Kissing her shoulders, he cupped her breast. "They are growing bigger."      

Slapping his hand away, she sat up straight. "I'll wash up quickly."      

Grabbing her hand, he stopped her. "Where are you going?"      

Placing her hand on her stomach, she asked, "Aren't you hungry? Even if you are not, I am."      

"But what about my cuddles? Everything is incomplete without that," he complained.      

Ellie was about to say something when someone knocked at their door.      

"El, are you inside?" Knocking at the door, Ava inquired.      

"Yes I am." Slapping Sebastian's hand away, she jumped down from the bed. "Give me a minute."      

"Alright, we are waiting for you downstairs."      

Scrunching his brows, Sebastian snapped, "What the hell is hse doing here at this hour? And how did she even enter the apartment?"      

"Ava has access to this apartment, she is your sister Seb." Taking out a pair of clean clothes from the wardrobe, she kept it on the bed. "Here are your clothes, let me take a shower and entertain them while you get ready, okay?"      

Without waiting for his reply, she rushed towards the washroom.      



Looking at the messy living room, Calvin chuckled, "I think something really hot happened here not too long ago."      

"I know right? Do you think we disturbed them?"      

Nodding his head in agreement, he sighed, "I told you we should have called them before coming."      

"How was I supposed to know they would be having sex at this hour?" Squatting down, she ruffled Bojo's fur. "Did you guys get a glimpse of what was happening here?"      

Just then Ellie rushed down from the stairs. Looking at the living room which was currently very messy because of their wild activities, she awkwardly cleared her throat. "I'll quickly clean this, please don't mind the mess."      

While she was arranging the cushions, Ava pointed at the t-shirt which was lying on the floor. "Is that yours?"      

Picking it up, Ellie quickly tried to cover up. "Bojo and Boji are very naughty these days, they have started scattering my clothes all over the place."     

Pointing towards Sebastian's t-shirt, Calvin asked, "Even Sebastian's t-shirt?"      

Without saying anything, she picked it up and rushed towards the kitchen. "Let me get some coffee for you guys."      

After some time, Sebastian came downstairs with a huge scowl on his face. "What are you both doing in my house at this time?"      

"Someone looks angry, did we invade your private moment?" Ava chuckled.      

Ignoring her question, he crossed his arms in the front. "Firstly, I want you to hand over the keycard."      

"Wait, why do you want it back?" she frowned.      

"Because I don't want you to come here whenever you feel like. I am no more a single man, I have a girlfriend and I need my privacy," he stated before stretching his hand out.      

"But I am your sister." When he raised his brows, she gritted her teeth. Taking out the keycard from her bag, she gave it to him. "Fine, take it away. I cannot believe I have to take permission before coming to my own brother's house in the future."      

Keeping the keycard inside his pocket, he inquired, "Now why don't you both tell me what brings you here at this hour?" Before they could say anything, he added, "If the reason is not legit then I will throw you both out."      

"Of course it's legit man, we would never disturb you and El at this hour if it wasn't important." Sitting beside Sebastian, Calvin explained, "I heard that you sent an invite to my parents for the Gala."     

"Yes I did, we invite them every year," he answered.      

Calvin nodded his head and explained , "Yes I know about this year things are different." Without waiting for his reply, he added, "You know how our mom's keep taunting each other over everything. Since this time things have taken a different road, I don't think it's wise to keep them in the same room. My mom knows Ava and I are a thing now so she will not leave any chance to taunt aunt Rebecca. So to avoid such kind of situation, I have decided to tell dad not to attend the Gala this year."      

"I understand your concern Cal but they both can't avoid each other all the time and even you can't keep them away for a really long time," Ellie remarked.      

Helplessly shaking his head, Calvin sighed. He knew his mom very well, she had been waiting for the right time to snap at Rebecca to get back to her. He didn't want her to create a scene in the Gala or pick up a fight with Ava's mother.      

"El is right, stopping them from coming will just make the situation worse. Instead, why don't you talk to aunty and I'll talk to mom," Sebastian suggested.      

Thinking for a while, he asked, "Do you think that is going to work? I just don't want them to create a scene at the Gala in front of so many people."      

"Hmm I understand your concern but stopping them from coming will make things worse. That isn't a wise move and it can also create a misunderstanding," Sebastian explained.      

"This is exactly what I told him but he kept hesitating so I brought him here." Taking a deep breath, Ava quickly rushed towards the kitchen. "That smells so good, what is it?"      



Greetings to all my lovely readers :)      

As you all know this novel is coming to an end soon and this is probably the last smut I am writing for this novel ^_^     

Let's stay together and bid farewell to all the lovely characters that have made all of us laugh, cry and angry at the same time :heart_suit:     

With love,      

Sofia :heart_suit:     

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