Trapped in Her Heart

Quality time

Quality time

0Pinching his nose, she chuckled, "You already spend too much quality time with your girlfriend."      

"All I can say is it's not enough, I need more quality time with my girlfriend," he explained.     

When he pouted his lips, she couldn't help but squeeze his lower lips. "Alright now stop making that face, I'll try to reschedule everything but right now we have a meeting, okay?"      

Groaning in frustration, he complained, "You have become just like the old grumpy Sebastian." Without waiting for her reply, he added, "I'll attend the meeting if you promise to cuddle with me after lunch for some time."      

"I promised Markus that I'll meet him as soon as I am done with my lunch."      

Scrunching his brows, he inquired, "Markus? You still meet him?" When she nodded her head, he frowned deeper, "So you would rather go to meet him than cuddle with me? So you like him more than my warm cuddles?"      

"What? When did i say that?" she chuckled.      

Puffing his cheeks, he grumpily snapped, "Fine, go meet him. I'll cuddle with myself."      

"Seb do you even know who Markus is?" she inquired.      

Closing his ears, he squeezed his eyes shut. "I don't wanna know who he is."      


Cutting her off, he remarked, "We have a meeting right? We should leave." Without waiting for her reply, he placed her on the couch and got up.      

Helplessly shaking her head, she chuckled, "You behave like a baby sometimes."      

"Yes, I am a baby and that Markus is very mature."      

Nodding her head in agreement, she answered, "Yes, he is very matured."      

Gritting his teeth, he grabbed a file from the table and walked out of the room.      

"Hey, at least wait for me," she shouted before rushing after him.     


Meeting room.      

Throwing the file on the table, Sebastian fumed, "Is this how you prepare a presentation? Do you people not know how things are done in this office?"      

The employees lowered their head and did not say anything. For the past six-seven months, their big boss was always in a very good and happy mood but today things were different. Sebastian was snapping and shouting at them whenever they made even a small mistake.     

"Don't force me to remind you all how things are supposed to be done here or do you people expect me to make the presentation on my own? If that is the case then why am I paying you all? Just to have fun in the office?" he shouted.      

When the employees gave Ellie a pitiful look, she sighed. Not knowing what to do, she gently brushed her shoulder against his.      

Scrunching his brows, he looked at her. When she gently shook her head, he took a deep breath to calm himself down.      

"Take all of this and re-do the entire presentation, I want to see it complete by Thursday," he stated before gesturing them to leave.     

After everyone left, she passed him a glass of water. "Here, drink it."      

Taking a sip or two, he frowned, "Did you see how bad the presentation was?"      

Sitting on his lap, she cupped his face. "Just give them some time, I am sure they will work on it." Pausing for a while, she added, "Seb I know you are angry because I told you I am meeting Markus today but shouting at the employees that way will just make them nervous. If you are mad because of me, you are supposed to shout at me and vent your anger."      

"I can't shout at you, I promised and even if I hadn't, I would never do that," he answered.      

"Anyway, I won't go to meet anyone. Let's have lunch and cuddle for some time, okay?"      

Scrunching his brows, he shook his head, "No, you can go and meet whomever you want to. I don't wanna be that bossy and controlling boyfriend who thinks he can control his woman's life. I just overreacted, I am sorry."      

"It��s alright, I don't wanna go now. I will call him and tell him I'll meet him tomorrow." Kissing his forehead, she smiled, "I'll do whatever my baby wants."      

"Baby wants a kiss," he demanded.      

Helplessly shaking her head, Ellie chuckled, "I don't know what to do with you."      



Sebastian and Ellie's place.      

"Mom and dad are coming next week," Ellie informed.      

Widening his eyes in shock, Sebastian remarked, "No, please don't tell me—"      

"We have no other choice, mom and dad don't know I live here with you."      

"We can just tell them—"      

Crossing her arms in the front, she raised her brows, "Do you have plans of giving my dad a heart attack?"      


"They will stay only for a week, I'll be back after that."      

Turning towards Bojo and Boji who were also present, Sebastian asked, "Guys, what do you think? Should we let mommy go?" Looking at Ellie, he added, "They are saying no, you can't go."      

"Why are you like this? I thought I am dating a mature guy," she sighed.      

Keeping quiet for quite some time, he inquired, "When are they coming?"      

"Next week."      

Thinking for a while, he added, "Fine you can go but you have to stay with me in the office for an extra hour."      

Awkwardly clearing her throat, she hesitantly said, "About that, I might need to use my pending leaves—"      

Widening his eyes in shock, he gasped, "No Ellie no, you cannot do that with me."      

"Seb I need to take mom and dad out for sightseeing, you can also join us but you can't leave the office."      

"This is so unfair, my right as a boyfriend is being violated and this is not acceptable. I want fairness in this relationship," he stated.      

Without saying anything, Ellie entered the kitchen to cook dinner for them. She had already imagined this overdramatic scenario coming up when her parents told her about their plans of visiting her. She knew Sebastian would definitely throw a fit when she would tell him about her plans.      



Ellie was taking out some veggies from the refrigerator when Sebastian entered the room along with the two munchkins.      

"Fine, if you wanna go we will not stop you but remember one thing, we are gonna party hard and have fun when you are not here," Sebastian declared.     

"Fine, you can party as much as you want, I won't say anything."      

Puffing his cheeks, he complained, "No we won't party, we are going to a hunger strike."      

Taking out some treats from the shelf, she squatted down. "Here, have some treats."      

When Bojo and Boji beamed in joy and started eating the treats from her hand, Ellie looked at her boyfriend who had a super angry look on his face. "Well, I guess you are the only one who is going on a hunger strike."      

Without saying anything, he lifted her over his shoulder.      

Squealing in shock, she smacked his back. "You startled me." When he did not say anything, she chuckled, "Honey, I need to cook."      

Without saying anything, he made his way towards their bedroom.      


Inside the bedroom.      

Pinning her down on the bed, he frowned, "I am still mad because you are leaving me alone for a whole week."      

Cupping his face, she sighed, "I don't really have a choice Seb, you know that."      

Flipping over, he lied down beside her. "Fine, what can i say? I will eat only junk when you are away."      

Placing her head on his chest, she smiled, "You can come over for breakfast and dinner."      

"Let's do something, I will drop by whenever I have time, okay?"      

"Of course, I will never stop you from dropping by." Running her fingers through his hair, she smiled, "I love you."      

Wrapping his legs around her, he sighed, "I love you too, I don't feel nice when you go away even for a single day. I feel so alone just like how I used to feel before I met you."      

"I'll be back before you even realize I am away and it;s not like I am shifting to some other city, my apartment is very close from here. You have the liberty to drop by whenever you want to," she explained.      

Burying his face on her neck, he sighed, "Fine, you can go."      

"Alright, now let's make dinner."      

He shook his head and hugged her tightly. "I am not hungry, I just wanna stay like this." Without waiting for her reply, he added, "Before I forget, we need to go shopping tomorrow."      

"Shopping? Why?"      

"The company Gala is next week, we need to buy new matching clothes," he answered.      

"Why matching?" she chuckled.      

"We are a couple and everyone needs to know that. I have never seen you in a gown but I am sure you will look extremely gorgeous. I don't want any creep to hit on you during the Gala so be on the safer side, I am going to with a matching outfit," he explained.      


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