Trapped in Her Heart



0Sebastian's heart sank when she started crying in his embrace. He had never seen her in such a vulnerable state before and he could easily guess something wasn't right. Tightening his grip around her, he panic strikingly inquired, "Ellie, what happened?"      

When she did not say anything, he quickly pulled away and guided her towards the couch. Gently nudging her to sit down, he quickly rushed towards the kitchen to get a glass of water for her.      

Sitting beside her, he placed his hand on her back. "Here, drink some water first and tell me what happened." Looking at her injured arm, he clenched his teeth, "And who did this."      

"I—I was about to leave my office when Vincent arrived and—"      

When Sebastian heard Vincent's name, his expression darkened. He had the audacity to touch his woman in his territory, this was surely the end for him.      

Wiping her tears away, she added, "He even tried to corner me yesterday wbut Calvin arrived right on time and—"      

"Why didn't you tell me about it that time?" Sebastian yelled. His muscles clenched and the anger inside him kept growing, he couldn't wait to break Vincent's bones and make him realize that no one has the right to touch Sebastian Stewart's woman.      

"I-I was going to tell you about it today but—"      

Pulling her into his embrace, he closed his eyes. "Stop crying first, I am here with you." After her sobs started getting softer and she finally calmed down, he kissed her forehead and grabbed her other arm. "Come with me, let's go."      


Without saying anything, he guided her towards the elevator.      


Sebastian's Car.      

Taking out a clean handkerchief from his pocket, he gave it to. "Place it on your hand, I'll treat your wound as soon as we reach there."      

"W-Where are we going?"      

"He dared to touch you, I am going to show that bastard his right place," he snarled before punching the steering wheel.      

Startled by his sudden aggressive action, Ellie gasped. She had never seen Sebastian so angry. Though she knew someone had to teach Vincent a lesson, she didn't want Sebastian to do something extreme.      

Placing her hand on his arm, she was about to say something when he stopped her.      

"Ellie please, don't touch me or say anything right now," he snapped before stepping on the gas.      


Sebastian's parents mansion.      

"Stay here," Sebastian instructed before stepping out of the car. He slammed the door shut and rushed inside the mansion.      

"Seb wait," Ellie called him out but before she could even get out of the car, he was nowhere to be seen.      

Contemplating whether she should go inside or wait for him to come back, she nervously started pacing back and forth near the car.      



Dashing into the mansion, Sebastian yelled, "Vincent."      

Startled by his sudden appearance, Rebecca quickly got up and approached her son. "Seb, what happened? Why do you look so angry?"     

Ignoring her question, he angrily inquired, "Where is Vincent?"      

"He just came back, he is inside his room. Seb what—"      

Without waiting for her to finish her question, he angrily rushed towards Vincent's room.      

Before Rebecca could figure out what was wrong, she saw Sebastian drag Vincent out of the room by his collar.     

"Sebastian what are you—" Before he could complete his sentence, a punch landed straight on his face.      

Pinning him against the wall, Sebastian tightened his grip around his collar. "How dare you touch her?"      



"Ellie, what happened? What are you doing here?" Melissa nervously inquired. Looking at the blood stained white handkerchief, she widened her eyes in shock. "This—what happened?"      

"Where is Sebastian?" Noah frowned.      

"H-He went inside, Noah he is very angry and—"      

"Calm down El, I'll go and see what happened." Without wasting any time, Noah rushed inside the mansion while Melissa accompanied Ellie.      



When Noan entered the mansion, Vincent was pinned against the wall and Sebastian was punching him all over his face. Rebecca on the other hand was trying very hard to stop her son but nothing worked.      

Without wasting any time, he quickly rushed towards Sebastian. Grabbing his arm, he frowned, "Seb what are you doing?" Looking at Vincent's face which was covered in blood, he added, "You are going to kill him."      

"Let go of me Noah, I am going to kill this bastard today." Jerking Noah's hand away, Sebastian threw Vincent on the ground and started kicking him mercilessly.      

"Hey, stop. What are you doing Seb? Are you planning to kill him?" Noah grabbed his waist from behind and pulled him away from Vincent.      

"Let me go, you don't know what he has done," Sebastian yelled.      

Scrunching his brows, Noah inquired, "What did he do?"      

"He tried to lay his dirty hands on Ellie, my Ellie," he snarled.      

"He did what?" Letting go off Sebstian's waist, Noah scoffed before glaring at Vincent who was groaning in pain. "You sure had the nerve to do something like that, you filthy dingus." Kicking him in his stomach, Noah snarled, "You are surely not leaving this place in one piece today."      

Just then, Ellie and Melissa entered the mansion. When they saw both Noah and Sebastian kucing and throwing punches at Vincent, they were shocked.      

Rushing towards them, Melissa quickly grabbed Noah's arm and tried to pull him away. "Stop it Noah, what is wrong with you?"      

"Let me go Mel, you don't know what he did with Ellie," Noah yelled.      

"Stop it, he already is bleeding so much," Melissa yelled.      

Before Rebecca could rush to stop Sebastian, Ellie grabbed his arm and tried to pull him away.     

"Sebastian stop it," she yelled.      

Jerking her hand off, he kept beating him without caring about anything else.      

Looking at Vincent who was covered in blood in a half conscious state, she panicked and quickly hugged Sebastian from behind.      

"Please stop," she yelled before bursting into tears.      

Stopping his movements midway, Sebastian balled his hands into a fist. Turning towards her, he pulled her into his embrace. Without sparing a glance at Vincent, he instructed, "Call the guards and throw him out of the mansion."      

"What is wrong with you Sebastian? Vincent is still your cousin, you can't do this. I won't allow—"      

"Didn't you hear what your young master said? Where are the guards?" Arthur yelled.      

"Arthur, what are you doing? How can you—"      

"Enough, I won't allow these kinds of behavior here. I have been tolerating him because he is your sister's son but he has crossed all his lines today. He dared to lay his hands on your son's woman, how can you still take his side?" Arthur yelled at Rebecca.      

Just then the guards arrived and took Vincent away.      

"Get his wound treated in some infirmary and make sure he doesn't return back to this mansion ever again," Arthur ordered.      

Guiding Ellie towards the couch, Sebastian sloley pushed her down. "Get me the first aid box," he instructed before gently removing the handkerchief.      

"You don't have to worry, I am fine—"      

Cutting her off, he scrunched his brows and yelled at her, "How can you say that you are fine? Can't you see the blood that is still dripping off your wrist? Are you blind?"      

Startled by his sudden yelling, Ellie shivered before slowly moving away from him. This was the first time he had yelled at her and she wasn't liking the feeling. Her heart felt heavy, she couldn't control her tears which kept oozing out of her eyes.      

Pinching the space in between his brows, he took a deep breath to calm himself down. He wasn't angry with Ellie, he could never be angry with her. In fact, he was more angry with himself than Vincent. What was the use of calling himself her man when he couldn't even protect her?      

Pulling her into his embrace, he sighed, "I am sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that." Kissing the top of her head, he added, "I promise I won't repeat this."      

"You yelled at me twice today." Smacking his arm, she complained, "You are so mean."      

"I am sorry, I swear it won't happen again."      

Wiping her tears with his tie, she remarked, "It's okay, I forgive you."      

"Young master, the first aid box—"     

Taking it from the helpers hand, he quickly disinfected her would before applying some medicine and then covering it with a gauge. Gently brushing his fingers on her cheeks, he smiled, "Let's go home now, okay?"      

Ellie nodded her head and quickly got up along with Sebastian. He wrapped her hand around her shoulder and started walking out of the mansion along with Melissa and Noah.      

"Stop right there Sebastian Stewart," Rebecca yelled before approaching them.      

Turning around to face his mother along with Ellie, he gently pulled her closer.      

"What kind of behavior was that? How could you act like a holligon? Vincent is your cousin, you could have solved it over a decent conversation and—"      

"Decent conversation? You want me to have a decent conversation with someone who dared to lay his dirty hands my woman?" Sebastian scoffed.      


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