Trapped in Her Heart



0[WARNING: Mature content ahead, please read at you own risk]     

Grabbing one of the silver foils from the floor, he quickly tore the packet and sat down on the edge of the bed.      

Peeking from his shoulder out of curiosity, she frowned wondering why he had a condom inside his wallet. "Where did you get that from?" she inquired.      

"Noah gave it to me earlier, he had a feeling that I will be needing it very soon." Helplessly shaking his head, he chuckled, "He couldn't be more right." Hovering her body under his, he settled himself in between her thighs. Gently caressing her cheeks, he kissed her forehead, followed by her eyes, cheeks and lips. The kiss was soft, gentle, it was a way of him telling her that everything was going to be okay and he loved her.      

Pulling away, she cupped his cheeks and nodded her head. She was ready for him, in fact, she hadn't been so sure or ready for anything. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.      

Burying his face on her neck, he slowly pushed his member inside her, inch by inch making sure to keep his movements slow and steady.      

Wrapping her legs around his waist, she dug her nails in his back, squeezed her eyes shut and winced in pain.      

Waiting for a while, he kissed her tears away and slowly pushed himself further inside. He groaned in pleasure when he felt her walls tighten around his throbbing shaft. She was so tight making it difficult for him to hold on.      

Ellie arched her back and moaned in pain and pleasure. She could feel him grow harder inside her and the mixture of pain and pleasure felt very weird yet satisfying at the same time.      

Wiping her tears off her face with his thumb, he anxiously inquired, "Are you okay?"      

She could sense the anxiety and panic on his voice. She didn't want him to worry too much so she opened her eyes and slowly nodded her head. "It was painful at first but now I am okay."      

Pressing his lips in her forehead, he started slowly moving his hip making sure not to hurt her a lot.      

The initial pain she was feeling was soon replaced with pleasurous waves, something that she was feeling for her first them. Soon her groans were turned into pleasurous moans which kept getting louding with each thrust.      

He groaned in pleasure when her walls tightened around his shaft. Placing his hand on her hips, he increased his pace and started pumping inside her harder. His each thrust was powerful and pleasurous making her go frenzy.      

Arching her back, she wrapped her legs around his waist and started moving her hips trying vert hard to match his pace. She could feel heat creeping all over her body and the sudden adrenaline rush made her mind and vision blurry.      

Scratching his face, she threw her head back and muttered, "Faster."      

Pulling out, Sebastian tightened his grip on her waist and pushed himself inside her in one swift motion, thrusting harder and deeper.      

She arched her back and screamed in name. She could feel an intense pleasure building in her lower abdomen.      

Swirling his tongue around her erect nipples, he nibbled it before sucking it while his other hand kept rubbing her clit intensifying the pleasure and pressure.      

Grabbing a fistful of his hair, she screamed in name in pleasure and released herself.      

Thrusting himself inside her a couple of times, he exploded inside her. Lying on top of her with his head buried in her neck, he stayed on the position for a minute before pulling himself out of her. He then discarded the material and pulled her in his embrace.      

Both of them were still out of breath and were covered in sweat but they couldn't care less about it. Covering both of them with the sheet, he gently kissed her forehead and pulled her closer.      

Both Ellie and Sebastian knew this was just the beginning of their relationship and they had a very long way to go. But they also knew that they would manage to surpass all the obstacles that they have to face in the future. Both of them had faith in each other, they trusted each other and believed that their love is so strong and pure that it will never waver no matter what happens.      


Next day.      

When Ellie woke up, Sebastian was nowhere to be seen. Rubbing her grumbling stomach, she sighed and buried her face on the pillow. She had no energy to wake up and look for Seb or some food.      

"Are you missing me?" Walking towards her, he sat down on the edge of the bed and ruffled her hair. "Wake up sleepy head."      

Placing her head on his lap, she wrapped her arms around his waist. "How long did I sleep?"      

"Almost sixteen hours," he chuckled.      

Widening her eyes in shock, she gasped, "You are kidding, right?" When he shook his head, she sighed, "No wonder I am feeling so hungry."      

"Breakfast is already ready, let me bring it here for you."      

"Not here." Looking around, she sighed, "This room is a mess, Let's eat in the living room."      

"You are right, we made this room messy." Kissing the back of her hand, he smiled, "Let's get you cleaned first. We are going sightseeing today, everyone is waiting for us." Scooping her into his arms, he added, "Let me help you."      

"T-There is no need for that, I can do—"      

Cutting her off, he chuckled, "Are you being shy?"      

"Why would I be shy? You are the one who is shy," she snapped.      

Walking towards the washroom, he smiled, "It's just me babe, you don't have to be shy."      


An hour later.      

Outside Noah's beach house.      

Stopping right in front of the door, Ellie wrapped her arms around his waist and inquired, "I wanted to ask you this yesterday but we got busy."      

"Hmm, very busy," he smiled.      


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