Trapped in Her Heart



0Stopping right in front of his mother, Sebastian placed his hand on Ellie's waist before officially introducing her. "Mom, she is Ellie Miller—"      

Cutting him off, Rebecca snapped, "Your assistant."      

"Yes and also my girlfriend." Looking at Ellie, he added, "El, you already know her, she is my mother."      

Not knowing what to say, Ellie quickly greeted Rebecca. "I-It's nice to meet you Mrs Stewart."     

 When Rebecca did not say anything for a long time, the level of awkwardness in the room suddenly maxed out. In order to escape from the inappropriate situation, Ellie quickly remarked, "I have to prepare insights for the meeting so I'll take my leave."      

Not giving Sebastian any chance to say something, she quickly added, "Meeting in fifteen minutes, okay?" She then slowly slipped out of his embrace and rushed out of the office.      

"What about Charlotte?" Rebecca inquired.      

Walking towards his desk, Sebastian answered, "She is a very good friend of ours and is also dating a very good friend of mine, Brandon Hawick, you know him right?"      

Without saying anything, Rebecca started walking out of the office.      

"Ellie is my girlfriend and the woman I love, mom, she is now a part of my life and family whether you like it or not," he firmly stated, clearing his intentions. Sebastian knew his mother's character more than anybody else, he knew what exactly she was thinking. Since the very beginning, he knew she would have a hard time accepting Ellie and their relationship. Though it didn't matter to him, he didn't want his mom to use inappropriate methods which would hurt Ellie. Keeping everything in mind, he decided to make his intentions very clear from the very beginning.      

"You kids are doing what you feel like these days, what can say?" Without waiting for his reply, she walked out of the office.      


Ellie and Melissa's office.      

"Breath girl, breath." Passing her a glass of water, Melissa added, "You should stop freaking out Ellie, everything is going to be okay."      

"You should have seen the way she was glaring at me, I thought she would kill me with her stare." Taking a sip from the glass, Ellie sighed, "She didn't even greet me back."      

"Rebecca is not someone who greets people, she is kinda rude and egoistic. Noah and I are dating for three years now, I even attend their family functions. I think she has hardly given me a face five times. There are times when she completely ignores me."      

"But your case is different, she is Noah's aunt but she is Sebastian's mother, there is no way I can ignore her." Pinching the bridge of her nose, she sighed, "I didn't even get a chance to wear something nice to impress her."      

Melissa was about to say something when Sebastian entered the office. Giving the couple some privacy, she walked out of the office.      

After Melissa left, Sebastian squatted in front of Ellie and grabbed her hand. "What happened?"      

Slapping his hand away, she frowned, "It's all your fault."      

"What did I do babe?"      

"You could have introduced me some other day but no, you had to do it today when I wasn't prepared." Looking at her clothes, she snapped, "I am not even wearing appropriate clothes as well."      

Kissing the back of her hand, he assured her. "You look lovely and gorgeous as usual." When she did not say anything, he sighed, "Come on, give me a hug."      

Getting up, she wrapped her hands around his waist and placed her head on his chest. "Your mom doesn't like me."      

"How do you know that?"      

"I don't know, I just have a feeling that she doesn't," she answered.      

"Give her some time, I am sure she will be okay and even if she doesn't, it barely matters. We love each other and that is the most important thing which actually matters," he explained.      

"I know but I still want everyone to be happy and together," she sighed.      

Kissing the top of her head, he assured her. "Everything is going to be okay, stop worrying about it."      

"Miss Miller, I brought the notes—" Kenny, the copy guy widened his eyes in shock and quickly turned around when he saw something he wasn't expecting to see.      

Scrunching his brows, Sebastian inquired, "Kenny, what are you doing here?"      

Hesitantly turning around, Kenny answered, "Boss, this papers—"      

"I asked Ken to photocopy a few important documents," Ellie answered.      

"Hmm keep them on the table and leave," he commanded to which Kenny quickly responded. He kept the documents on the table and ran away.      

Wrapping his arms around her waist, Sebastian pulled Ellie closer. "When did you start calling Kenny Ken?"      

Hooking her arms around his neck, she smiled, "Everyone calls him Ken Mr.Big boss. Now if you excuse me, I have to make preparations for the meetings. And stop fooling around in my office. Let me remind you something, my office is not secluded like yours. There are so many people coming in every minute."      

"What makes you think that I care if anyone sees us? Everyone in this office should know that you are mine."      

Pushing him away, she chuckled, "Stop with that cheesiness and get ready for the meeting, I'll go check on Melissa and Noah. You both have to attend this meeting together."      

"When can we go home?" he sighed.      

"What are you talking about? The day just started and you are about to attend the first meeting of the day." Knocking his forehead, she asked, "Do you want me to make some coffee for you?"      

"Yes please madam, I really need one."      


Sebastian's parents' place.      

"When are you planning to shift back home?" When Ava did not say anything, Arthur sighed, "Don't tell me you are planning to stay with your brother forever."      

Contemplating for a while, Ava answered, "I am planning to shift to a new apartment and stay there after I start working in the company."      

Raising his brows, he asked, "You have finally decided to work in the company under your brothers?" When she nodded her head, Arthur smiled, "That is nice, you have taken a very good decision. If the three of you work together like a team, it will be very nice."      

Pausing for a while, he curiously inquired, "Which department will you be working in?"      

"I don't know dad, Seb and Noah told me they have things planned so I just need to join work on Monday."      

"Hmm now let's talk about what you did while your mom and I were away." Taking out his phone, he opened the picture which Ava had posted on her social media and also tagged her parents. Placing the phone on the table, he remarked, "I am on a relaxing vacation and my friends send me messages after messages informing me about this post of yours. I was confused so I had to log into the account I haven't opened for at least two or three years. After struggling so much to recover the password, I see this. How do you think I am supposed to feel?"      

Taking a deep breath, Ava explained, "I know this was an impulsive move and I shouldn't have done it but it's all mom's fault. She was the who kept pushing me into something I didn't like or was interested in so—"      

Cutting her off, he snapped, "No matter what the reason is Ava Stewart this is not the way you are supposed to behave and neither is the right way to tell everyone how you feel." Helplessly shaking his head, Arthur sighed, "When are you going to learn Ava? When will you start acting like an adult? Even teenagers don't do things like this anymore. Learn something from your brother, even he is dating someone but he never did anything so immature.��      

Widening her eyes in shock, she asked, "You know about it?"      

"Of course I do, I was away for a few months doesn't mean I wasn't keeping an eye on my kids." Taking a sip of his coffee, he inquired, "So how is she?"      


"The woman who managed to change your rock solid brother."      

"Ellie? She is great and also the best. She makes the best sandwiches—no, whatever she makes tastes so good. Oh my God, you have to try the special coffee she makes for Seb all the time, he just loves it and I love it too," Ava beamed.      

"So her full name is Ellie Miller?" When Ava nodded her head, he inquired, "She is from Seattle, right?"      

"She is Melissa's best friend and her neighbour too. In fact, we met El through her," she explained.     

Thinking for a while, he stated, "Okay, let's stop talking about Sebastian and talk about you and the guy in this picture." Adjusting his glasses, he scanned through the picture intently. "Isn't that a bar?"      

Snatching the phone from his hand, Ava frowned, "Dad, stop staring at it like that. It's so embarrassing."      

"What? Didn't you tag me because you wanted me to see it?"      


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