Trapped in Her Heart



0When Sebastian did not say anything, Ellie tried to convince him once again. "I am not forcing you to accept their relationship or anything but think about it in an optimistic way and stop looking at the flaws. I know you feel a little bit betrayed right now but it's not about you or anyone feels Seb, it's about Ava and Calvin. Just like Ava has no say over our relationship, similarly no one has a say over their relationship. This is how it should and has always worked."      

Thinking for a while, he inquired, "So does that mean I cannot break his face if he does something that hurts Ava?"      

"Of course not, we will break his face together if he does something like that," she chuckled.      

 Keeping quiet for quite some time, he added, "Okay, if you say so then I will consider it and not say anything."      

Cupping his face, she kissed his forehead. "My Seb is so understanding and you are so cute."      

"Don't call me cute, call me handsome," he retorted.     

"Alright, you are handsome."      


Another room.     

While Ellie was busy trying to make Sebastian understand that there was nothing wrong with Ava and Calvin being in a relationship, the others were having their own discussion.     

"I don't understand, Seb wasn't supposed to see the post," Ava panicked.      

"Are you kidding me? First you post it on your social media and make it a big affair. Then you also expect Sebastian not to see it and find out about your relationship with Calvin?" Scrunching his brows, Noah complained, "Are you serious?"      

"Alright now will you both stop this discussion, I am having a headache." Looking at Ava, Melissa added, "And what are you fussing about? You were going to tell Seb about it, let's just say that he found out before you could tell him."      

"I know but what happened is totally different than what I had expected. Everything is ruined—"     

Cutting Ava off, Charlotte explained, "How sure are you that he wouldn't have reacted this way if you had told him about it on your own?" Pausing for a while, she added, "Now since everything is already over, just hope that Ellie will handle Seb and everything will be back to normal."      

"I don't wanna scare Calvin or Ava but Sebastian seemed really very mad. Did you guys see the big vein which just popped out?" Brandon inquired.      

Groaning in satisfaction, Owen sighed, "Thank God, I thought I was the only one who saw it."      

"Are you kidding me? That thing was bigger than Mount Everest," June added.      

"I think we can do one thing." Looking at Calvin, Ava added, "You should go and talk to Seb, tell me how important this relationship and—"      

"Woah honey, I love you and this relationship is very important to me but that doesn't mean I'll throw myself off the cliff. What will happen to this relationship if something was to happen to me?" Calvin explained.      

"Tch tch such a big baby," Brandon scoffed.      

Just then, Sebastian and Ellie entered the room hand in hand.      

When Calvin saw him, he quickly got up and approached him. "I was about to find you so that I could tell you how important this relationship and Ava is to me."      

"Do you really love my sister? And is this relationship really very important to you?" Sebastian inquired.      

Calvin vigorously nodded his head and answered, "Of course, It is very important and I love Ava with all my heart and soul."      

"What if this is also one of the many 'just for fun' relationships you have had in the past? What if my sister is nothing but a joke to you?"      

Scrunching his brows, Calvin complained, "Hey, don't say that. I know I have made many mistakes in the past but I have changed for good now. If you don't believe me ask Noa, Owen and Brandon."      

Owen nodded his head and answered, "That is true and I am not saying this just because I support their relationship."      

"I agree with Owen, the other day we were at the cafe and a woman started hitting on all three of us. Calvin scolded her and asked her to leave," Brandon explained.      

"He even told her he already had a girlfriend," Owen added.      

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Sebastian stated, "I know I don't have a say on whom my sister should date or whatever but I would have really appreciated it if you both would have told me about it earlier."      

Clutching onto his t-shirt, Ava explained, "It's not like we didn't want to but we were just scared. I didn't know how you would react and I really didn't want anything to go wrong so—"      

"Mom called me, she told me to check your social media account and when I did, I saw the picture." When she lowered her head, Sebastian sighed, "Why do you do such rebellious things Ava? There is always a way to make things right."      

"She wanted to pair me with that Nathan guy and I was so sick dealing with everything so I thought that if I do something like that, she would stop irritating me and it worked." Pausing for a while, Ava inquired, "You will talk to her, right?"      

"Do I have any other choice?"      

Squealing in excitement, she gave him a hug. "Thank you so much, you are the best."      

"Alright, since everything is okay now all of us should quickly finish eating and go for some sightseeing,' Owen beamed.     

"Yes, let's do that."      


Thirty minutes later.      

Looking out of the window, Ava scoffed, "Why is it suddenly raining so heavily?"      

"Relax, I am sure it will be over by evening and we can go out for some time," Calvin tried to coax Ava who was quite upset over the fact that it started raining while they were having breakfast which ruined all their plans.      

"Since it's raining and we can't do anything about it, we all should play a game," Melissa suggested.      

"That is a nice idea but what kind of game are we talking about?" Brandon inquired.      

"Let's play board games," Charlotte suggested.      

"Hmm I don't think we have any board games here." Thinking for a while, June suggested, "Let's play truth or dare."      

"Tch that is so clique, how about we play Angelfire?" Melissa stated.      

Helplessly shaking her head, Ellie chuckled, "You still remember that game? It's been years since I heard of it."      

"Are you kidding me? Of course I remember it."      

"What is this game and how do you play it?" Ava inquired.      

"So the game goes like this, I will ask you a series of questions and you will have to answer them quickly without thinking. It's kinda easy and simple but it's fun," Melissa explained.      

Raising his brows, Brandon commented, "That sounds fun."      

"Okay then, who is going to go first?" Owen inquired before raising his own hand. "Oh I raised my hand first so it's me."      

"Alright, I will ask you the questions." Sitting up straight, Melissa instructed, "Everyone sit in a circle. Okay Owen, are you ready to play Angelfire?"      

Rubbing his palms together, he beamed, "I have never been more ready."      

"Okay then take a deep breath first and remember one thing, you have to answer the question very fast without thinking. Are you ready?" When he nodded his head, she started throwing her questions at him.      

"What do you prefer sex or cuddle?"      


"Salmon or steak?"      


"Gabriella or June."      

"Obviously June."      

"Shop with June or work?"      

"Work." Throwing his hand in his mouth, he widened his eyes in shock. "I mean shop with June."      

Helplessly shaking her head, Melissa chuckled, "Nope, you can't change it now." Looking at June, she added, "Did I tell you guys that this game also brings out what the person really likes or prefers?"      

Gritting his teeth, Owen snapped, "This game is bulshit, I don't wanna play it anymore."      

Ignoring him, Melissa inquired, "Who wants to go next?" Looking at Sebastian who was busy caressing Ellie's hair, she added, "Sebastian, do you wanna play?"      

Shrugging his shoulders, he answered, "Okay."      

"Why don't we change the rules a little bit. I mean instead of asking questions, let's say a word and the other person will say whatever comes in his or her mind. What do you think?" Calvin suggested.      

"That sounds fun too. Anyway, Seb are you ready?" When he nodded his head, Melissa explained, "I will say a word and you have to say whatever comes in your mind. Are you ready?' When he nodded his head in agreement, she started giving him random words. "Work."      


Groaning in frustration, Noah sighed, "How can work be fun? Anyway, please continue."      


"Sandwiches," Sebastian answered.      




"Stewart," he answered.      

Placing her hand on her chest, Melissa sighed, "Aww that was so sweet."      

"Oh God I just realized that Ellie Stewart sounds so perfect," Ava beamed.      

Kissing the back of Ellie's hand, he smiled, "It does because Ellie is perfect."      


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