Trapped in Her Heart



0"You are there with her and yet you don't know what your sister is doing? This is how you are taking care of her?"      

Not having any idea what his mother was talking about, Sebastian frowned, "Mom, why don't you tell me what happened directly? You know I don't like it when you beat around the bush."      

"Check your sister's social media, you will understand everything," she snapped before hanging up the call.      

Without wasting any time, he quickly opened his social media account which he hadn't opened for weeks. Sebastian scrunched his brows when a picture of Ava and Calvin kissing each other in some public bar greeted him. And like every ordinary brother would feel after seeing his best friend and sister together, he also felt betrayed.      


Beach House.      

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Ellie sighed, "Why am I being dragged in this mess again?"      

"Please El, you are the only one who can handle Seb if his temper goes out of control. You don't have to say or do anything, just stand beside him when we tell him everything." Grabbing her arm, Ava requested, "Please, do it for us."      

Helplessly shaking her head, Ellie stated, "You guys will seriously make me single again."      

"Seb loves you way too much to make you even feel single again," Charlotte chuckled.     

Looking around, she inquired, "Where is he?"      

"He is out for a jog, he has left a message for you," Melissa informed.      

"He said he will be back—" Owen stopped midway when Sebastian barged into the room.      

"Calvin Lewis you are so dead," Sebastian yelled before barging towards him.      

Calvin widened his eyes in shock and quickly took cover behind Ava's back.      

Ellie quickly got up and tried to stop Sebastian. "Seb, what happened?"      

"You don't know anything El, Calvin and Ava are dating or maybe just kissing, I don't know but there is clearly something going on between them." Pointing towards Calvin who was still hiding behind Ava, he fumed, "How could you do something like that? I trusted you with my sister and all this while you were busy sticking your tongue inside her mouth—"      

"Seb I can explain—"      

Cutting him off, he snapped harder, "Explain? What will you explain? Are you trying to tell me that you are innocent? If that is the thing then you better shut up otherwise I'll kick your ass harder."      

Without waiting for his, Sebastian added, "I sent Ava with you because you are my childhood friend, I thought you see her as your sister too but who would have thought that all you wanted was to get into her pants."      

Scrunching his brows, Calvin tried to defend himself. "Hey, don't say that. You are making it sound so bad."      

Looking at Noah, Sebastian frowned, "Are you going to tell him something or not?"      

Clearing his throat, Noah faked a frown, "Yes, that is really bad Calvin, how can you betray our friendship like that?"      

Rolling her eyes, Ava retorted, "Oh shut it Noah, you are a really bad actor." Looking at Sebastian who was still boiling in anger and betrayal, she tried to explain her point. "This was not how we wanted you to know. In fact, we were just discussing how we would disclose this—"     

"Wait a second, what do you mean by we?" Sebastian frowned.     

"We, as in all of us," Ava answered.     

Looking at everyone present in the living room who were trying to avoid the situation, Sebastian inquired, "All of you knew about it?"      

When nobody said anything, he looked at Ellie. "Are you also included in the 'we'?"      

Biting her lower lip, she lowered her head and did not say anything.      

"Ellie I am talking to you, did you know about this beforehand?" When she slowly nodded her head, he frowned, "Everyone get out of the room, I don't wanna see your faces for sometime. I need to be by myself for sometime."      


Cutting Ava off, he snapped, "Don't make me repeat myself Ava Stewart, you are giving me a headache now."      

Left with no other choice, everyone quickly walked out of the room leaving Sebastian and Ellie alone.      

When Sebastian sat down on the couch, Ellie slowly walked away giving him the space he needed. But before she could even take a couple steps, he caught her wrist. "Now where are you going?"      

"Y-You just asked everyone to leave so—"      

Cutting her off, he frowned, "You are not a part of that 'everyone', I need you here with me."      

Sitting on his lap, she gently caressed his face. "I thought you were mad at me and didn't wanna see me."      

"I am mad at you." Pausing for a while, he asked, "Why didn't you tell me about it?"     

"Ava and Calvin asked me not too. They wanted to tell you about it when they were ready, it sounded right because Ava is your sister and I didn't wanna be the one explaining her relationship to you. So I decided to keep it away from you though I didn't want to."      

Helplessly shaking his head, he sighed, "I don't know what to say."      

Cupping his face, she explained, "They are really happy together and they look so perfect, I am sure they are going to be fine."      

"I don't know El, it's Calvin we are talking about. Though he is my friend and I love him but that man is a jerk when it comes to women," he stated.     

"But Calvin is a changed man now. I have observed the two of them for so many months now, they really seem to be very into each other. Especially Calvin, he cares and adores Ava so much. They are really in love with each other." Pausing for a while, she added, "I know you are worried about your sister and it's completely normal but you can't judge people on the basis of their past actions. Calvin has been trying so hard to rectify all his past mistakes and be the perfect one for Ava, all of us should appreciate it and show our support not try to point out his flaws."      


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