Trapped in Her Heart

Online blessing

Online blessing

0"Nothing, I was just asking randomly. No specific reason," Noah quickly exclaimed before changing the topic. "W-We got the Felica project, that is the good news."      

"We did? That is great news," Sebastian beamed.      

"What good news?" Melissa inquired.      

Sitting beside Sebastian, Ellie smiled, "Share it with us as well."      

"Noah just told me we got the Felica project," Sebastian answered.      

"That is great news, congratulations you guys." Giving Sebastian a hug, she added, "I knew you guys would crack the deal."      

Wrapping his arms around her, he stated, "With you by my side, I can crack any deal or anything I want to. You are my lady luck."      

Knocking his forehead, Ellie chuckled, "Stop with all the sweet talking."      

"Dad and uncle Arthur always wanted to work with them but something always came up and they ended up not getting the deal. They are gonna be so happy," Noah grinned.      

Getting up, Melissa pressed her hands together and exclaimed, "We should celebrate this great news with some early dessert."      

"That is great, there is a great dessert place around we should go there," Ellie added.      

Rubbing his stomach, Sebastian sighed, "I don't feel like eating sweet today, can I skip and drink a salted soda instead?"      

Scrunching her brows, she placed her hand in her arm. "Seb, are you okay?"      

"Everything is fine, I just don't feel like eating anything sweet for the rest of my life," he answered.      


"I mean for the rest of the day," Sebastian quickly corrected himself.      

Holding his hand, she stated, "I know a great soda place around the corner, let's get you a drink first."      


Harry and Judith's place.     


Looking at the mountain of semi-melted sugar at the bottom of the cup, Judith frowned. Helplessly shaking her head, she sighed, "This girl is too much at times."      

Thinking it was Ellie who added too much extra sugar in her coffee later, she was about to wash the cup when she realized that it wasn't Ellie's regular coffee cup she was holding.      

She widened her eyes in shock when she realized it was the same cup in which Sebastian had his morning coffee. Thinking of the empty sugar container, Judith frowned and gritted her teeth. "Harry Miller."      



"Extra sugar, that was a really sweet move," Jeremy exclaimed before bursting into a loud laughter.      

"I know right? You should have seen his face, he really had a tough time finishing the coffee but the good news is, he did not say a single word or threw any kind of tantrum," Harry stated.      

Shrugging his shoulder, Jeremy cheered, "That is great news, he successfully managed to pass the extreme level showing true colors test."      

Nodding his head, Harry sighed, "Well, I think he is an average nice man."      

"His looks aren't average though, both brothers are insanely handsome and humble. I heard that Sebastian never had a love affair before he met Ellie," Jeremy explained.      

Raising his brows, Harry curiously inquired, "Really? Like never?"      

"Uh huh never, he was like a monk but our Ellie broke him down."      

"Okay that is quite impressive, I thought he was some kind of a fuckboy or something like that," Harry added.      

"Yeah but—" Jeremy stopped midway when he saw Judith storming her way towards them. "Okay I think I need to leave."      

"Stop right there Jerry," Judith shouted.      

Harry widened his eyes in shock when he saw Judith coming towards them holding a cup in her hand. "H-Honey, what happened? Do you want help with the dishes?"      

"I want to know when you both will grow up," she snapped before looking at the two grown up men simultaneously.      

"What did we do?" Jeremy frowned.     

"I'll let Mary deal with your Jerry but you—" Glaring at Harry, Judith snapped, "You are in big trouble."      

"Trouble? W-What did I do?" He innocently inquired.      

Shoving the cup right on his face, she fumed, "What on Earth is this? How could you do something so lame? Are you like what, five or something?"      

Contemplating for a while, Harry explained, "T-That was a mistake, the container slipped from my hand and I—"      

"Dude lame reason, use the 'I forgot I had added sugar already' reason," Jeremy whispered.      

Glaring at him, Judith snapped, "He comes all the way from L.A to meet us, he gets gifts for us and is trying so hard to impress both of us and this is how you treat him? By ruining his morning coffee?" turning towards Jeremy, she added, "You told him about the salted coffee thing you did, didn't you."      

Gulping in nervousness, Jeremy started rubbing his stomach. "M-My stomach hurts, I think my hyperacidity is increasing, I should rush home." Without waiting for anyone's reply, he rushed towards his house through the backyard fence door.     

Without saying anything, Judith started walking inside leaving Harry alone.      

"Honey wait, everything was a mistake," he shouted before rushing after her.      


At the mall.      

"I want fries too with extra cheese," Ellie grinned.      

Helplessly shaking his head, Sebastian sighed, "Are you sure you don't want anything else El?"      

Shaking her head, she answered, "No, a large fries is enough."      

"You always say this and then eat Sebastian's food," Melissa chuckled.      

"I never do that," Ellie retorted.      

"Dude, you know my regular and Melissa's too," Noah remarked.      

Sebastian nodded his head and stated, "I'll go get the order, be right back."      

After he left, Noah quickly explained, "Cal and Ava want to tell Seb about their relationship when we meet them in Hawaii the day after tomorrow but until then, we gotta stop Seb from seeing the news."      

Scrunching her brows, Ellie inquired, "What news?"      

"What? You don't know what Ava did?" When Ellie shook her head, Melissa sighed, "She uploaded a picture where she is kissing Calvin in some club."      

Widening her eyes in shock, she gasped, "What? Really?"      

"Not only that." Showing her the picture, Noah added, "She even tagged her parents and asked for their blessing online."      



I hope you all liked the MINI COMEBACK MASS RELEASE :)     

I would like to make a few announcements regarding the novel:-     

1) I will be taking part in the December WIN-WIN so please show your support by buying at least the first privilege tier of the book.      

2) The book will most probably come to end by the end of this month so stay tight ^_^     

3) I will be starting two new books after I am done with all the existing ones (Will drop the details of the new books later)     

4) I would like to thank each and every one of you for waiting for me patiently and also showering my works with so much love and affection.      

With love,      

Sofia :heart_suit:     

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