Trapped in Her Heart

Super mad

Super mad

0"Okay now that was super rude," Charlotte stated while glaring at the door.      

Grabbing a fist full of her hair with both her hands, Ava groaned, "It's all my fault."      

"Why did you go there anyway?" Brandon inquired.      

"That bastard told me he wanted to end everything because it is creating problems for him as well so I just—"      

"So you believed him and agreed to have coffee with him?" When Ava sighed, Brandon snapped, "What is with you women and having coffee with other men? Oh wait, how could I forget? You people are allowed to have coffee with anyone you feel like because you are Homo Sapiens with a vagina. But human's with a penis can't because you women think that we are probably fucking the woman we are having a cup of expresso with. How is that even fair?"      

Scrunching her brows, Charlotte frowned, "Will you stop judging us?"      

"Okay, now why are you taking her side?" Taking a pause, he snapped again, "Oh wait because you did the same thing."      

Left with no other choice, Charlotte just rolled her eyes at her cranky boyfriend and decided to pay full attention to Ava who was still stressed. "Don't worry, Calvin will understand."      

"No he won't, he is very mad. Didn't you see how red his face and arms were? That happens only when he is super mad," Ava stated.      

"Of course he is mad Ava, what else do you expect him to be? Happy?" Taking out his phone, Brandon explained, "Did you even check the news? Your pictures with that guy are all over the place, he must have felt awful after reading it. How could you not see it coming?"      

"I seriously did not. How the hell am I supposed to know that his mother would also be present and they would also invite the press over? I thought Nathan seriously just wanted to talk to me about everything that is happening meaninglessly. I was tricked okay? Even I did not want anything like this to happen. Do you think I like seeing him this mad?"      

While Ava was shopping for their Hawaii vacation at the mall, Nathan suddenly approached her. He told her they should talk and solve the entire situation about them being engaged. He also told her that he wasn't liking anything of it and wanted to clear a few things off.      

Ava knew how much Calvin hated it when anyone called Nathan her fiance. Thinking that talking would really help, she agreed to have coffee with him but decided to tell Calvin about it later because she knew he wouldn't like the whole idea. But who would have thought that was the biggest mistake she had ever met.      

As they were having coffee, Nathan's mother suddenly arrived and started giving her gifts. Before she could do anything, a few people approached them and started clicking pictures of her along with Nath and his mother. Everything happened so quickly and she was so shocked that she could barely do anything. Later when she lashed out at Nathan, he told her that it was Rebecca's idea for publicizing their relationship. This made Ava really very mad and she was about to lash out at her mother when she realized that the pictures were already all over the articles along with their company names.      

She wanted to explain what had exactly happened to Clavin but the latter was too angry and bummed to listen to her.      

Helplessly shaking his head, Brandon sighed, "You do realize that if you had told Cal about the meeting, nothing of this sort would have happened. And how could you trust that Nathan guy?"      

"I agree with Bran on that, that was a stupid move. Guys are jerks, you can't trust everyone you see or meet," Charlotte added.      

"Exactly, men are jerks and you have no idea how mean we people are," Brandon added.      

"I know men are jerks now can we please stop thinking about other things and focus on my boyfriend. If I don't make things right, I might have to go on a trip with swollen eyes and with snort all over my face," Ava stated.      

Shrugging his shoulders, Brandon chuckled, "Well, at least you have a fiance." When both of them glared at him, he awkwardly cleared his throat.      

"Babe, it's not the right time to joke," Charlotte snapped.      

"Okay I have an idea, why don't you just find and kiss him the moment to see him without caring where you are. I am telling you, guys love random kisses initiated by their woman. I am sure Calvin's heart is going to melt and his dick is going to turn hard," Brandon suggested.      

Thinking for a while, Ava inquired, "What if he pushes me away? Or shouts at me in front of everyone?"      

"He will not."      

"And if he does, just kiss him harder or just drag him home and have sex," Charlotte added.      

"Okay, I can do that." Taking a deep breath, Ava got up. "I know exactly where he goes when he is upset. There is this club in the fifth block, he always goes there to grab a couple of drinks when he is upset."      

"You wanna go alone? I can accompany you if you—"      

Cutting Charlotte off, she answered, "No, it's alright. I think it's best if I go alone." Without wasting any time, she rushed towards her bedroom to grab her bag before walking out of the apartment.      

After she left, Brandon wrapped his arms around Charlotte's waist. "So about that tip you just gave Ava—"      

"What tip?"      

"That kissing harder or dragging him home and having sex with him, is that applicable if I am mad at you?" he inquired.      

Pursing her lips, she hooked her arms around his neck, "Well, that depends on how mad you are."      

"I am very very very mad, I am so mad that I don't wanna talk to you," he grinned.      

Helplessly shaking her head, she chuckled, "Well then it's definitely applicable."      


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