Trapped in Her Heart

Boss boyfriend

Boss boyfriend

0Keeping quiet for quite some time, Harry inquired, "Will the wedding happen here in Seattle?"      

"Well, there is time for that but I can assure you that Sebastian will agree to whatever you say," Ellie answered.      

"As if he has any other choice," he scoffed.      

"So should I take this as a yes? You will give Seb a chance, right?"      

Giving her a hug, he sighed, "Do I have any other choice?"      

"Of course you don't," Judith chuckled before joining the family hug. "I like Sebastian already, he is really a great guy. Did you two do it already?"      


"Judi, what is wrong with you?" Harry and Ellie exclaimed unanimously.      

Shrugging her shoulders, she chuckled, "What? I am just trying to be a modern mom, is that wrong?"      

Helplessly shaking her head, Ellie sighed, "I can't be a part of this conversation, I am going to make some coffee for Seb. Do you guys want some?"     

"Can't he make his own coffee?" When Ellie gave him a look, Harry rephrased his sentence, "I mean, since he is so good in the kitchen, I thought he could make his own coffee too."      

"He makes very good coffee but he likes the way I make it more," she answered.      

Rubbing the sides of Ellie's arm, Judith said, "You should go and make some coffee for Seb, your dad and I will have one later."      

After Ellie left, Judith wrapped her arms around Harry's waist and smiled, "You melt like a candle in front of her and this is what I love about you."      

"Well, since she is so confident about the boss boyfriend then there must be something good about him," he answered.      

"In a way I am glad that we did not try for the second time, Ellie has always been more than enough for us," she stated.      

Breathing a sigh of relief, he remarked, "Thank you so much for disagreeing with your mom over something."      

"I have disagreed with her over many things in the past and marrying you was the biggest one," she chuckled.      



"Ah look who is here." Giving Melissa a hug, Harry smiled, "I am seeing you after almost a year Mel and you have become much more beautiful than you already were."      

"Stop it uncle Harry, you always tease me like this," Melissa chuckled.      

"No I am serious, I think L.A is treating you quite well."      

Looking at Ellie who was standing right beside her father, Melissa grinned, "Well, L.A is also treating Ellie very well. I mean look at her, she is glowing."      

"That is true, L.A's water is quite nice for my skin," Ellie answered.      

"L.A's water or Sebastian's apartment's water," Melissa chuckled.      

Widening her eyes in shock when Ellie gave her deadly glares, she quickly changed the topic. "Uncle, you know Noah."      

"Yes of course, the handsome gentleman who stole our Melissa's heart," Harry smiled.      

"It's good to see you again uncle Harry, I bought gifts for you and aunty," Noah stated before passing Ellie the bag.      

Smiling at him, Harry remarked, "Two bribes in the same day, I hope the Seattle police won't raid my house."      


"What? I am just joking."      

Looking around, Melissa inquired, "Where is our big boss? Did uncle scare him away?"      

"He is in the kitchen with mom, they are making something special today," Ellie answered.      

"You kids hang around for a while, I will go and hide my second bribe somewhere safe."      

After Harry left, Melissa quickly inquired, "So how did it go? Did you tell them about—" When Ellie nodded her head, she beamed in excitement, "Oh my God, tell me everything."      

"Mom took it pretty well and she really likes Sebastian so she wasn't a problem but dad kinda didn't like it," Ellie explained.      

"Okay, that doesn't sound so good."      

Ellie nodded her head and added, "but later I had a talk with him and I think I managed to convince him to give Seb a chance."      

"Okay so there is still a very bright hope." Slumping on the couch, she sighed, "That is some good news."      

Scrunching her brows, Ellie inquired, "Why? Did you hear any kind of bad news?"      

"Uh huh, Ava and Calvin are having a very intense fight and Brandon told us that it's pretty ugly," Melissa answered.      


Los Angeles.      

Calvin's apartment.      

"Will you at least talk to her? Don't jump into a conclusion—"      

Cutting Brandon off, Calvin snapped, "There is nothing to talk Brandon, do you think she would have talked to me if I had done something similar?"      

Helplessly shaking his head, Brandon sighed, "I know you are pretty bummed about it, even I was very bummed and upset when I saw Char with some guy in the cafe but later I found out that it was nothing like that."      

"Ava is my girlfriend but now almost everyone thinks she is some other guy's fiancee, what do you expect me to do? Congratulate her? Wish her all the best?" he furmed.      

"I am sure that there is more to it man and the only way to find out is to talk to her without shouting or jumping into a conclusion," Brandon explained.      

Taking a deep breath, Calvin remarked, "I don't feel like doing anything at the moment, I just want to be all by myself right now."      

"But—" Brandon stopped midway when he saw Ava and Charlotte coming out of the room.      

Sitting beside Calvin, Ava placed her hand on his thigh. "Calvin I—"      

Cutting her off, he mockingly scoffed, "So are you here to dump me? Well, since you already have a fiance and almost half of L.A knows about it, I don't think you need a boyfriend anymore."      

"I had no idea they had planned of this and—"     

"You never have any idea about anything Ava, everything just happens and you are the victim," he fumed.      

"I swear, I think it was mom—"      

Jerking her hands off, he snapped, "Yes your mom, you and your mom are making me go crazy. Everything that happens is either your fault or something that your mom did even though she isn't physically present here. You know what, you and your mom can go to hell because now I don't give a fuck about what you or she thinks."      

Without waiting for her reply, he dashed out of the apartment.      


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