Trapped in Her Heart



0Looking at the room, Ellie helplessly shook her head, "He acts so childish at times."      

Keeping his bag on the floor, Sebastian chuckled, "No it's alright, I love Minnie mouse." Pointing towards the pink Minnie mouse print bedsheet and pillow cases, he inquired, "Did you use them when you were a kid?"      

"I think I was in middle school," she answered.      

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he ran his finger through the sheet. 'This is very soft." Looking at the curtains which had the same print, he chuckled, "Wow Minnie mouse curtains, how adorable."      

"You don't have to be so happy about it, I'll change it—"      

Cutting her off, he stated, "Why would you do that? I like this way, Minnie Mouse is cute."      

"These are the—" Widening her eyes in shock, Judith gasped, "Oh my God, how did this room suddenly turn into a disneyland?"      

"Well, I think we should ask dad how this miracle happened," Ellie stated.      

Just then Harry entered the room. "What is this noise about?"      

Glaring at him, Judith snapped, "I think we should be the one questioning you. How on earth did this happen?"      

Scrunching his brows, Harry innocently inquired, "What are you talking about honey? What happened? I cannot see anything properly without my glasses, let me get them from my room."      

Helplessly shaking her head, Judith sighed, "I am so sorry Sebastian, I had asked Harry to change the sheets but—"      

"It's alright, you don't have to worry about it," Sebastian assured them.      

Just then Harry entered the room and gasped dramatically, "Oh God, how did this happen? Did I do this?" Ignoring Ellie and Judith's intense glaring, he sighed, "I wasn't wearing my glasses when I was changing the sheets and curtains so maybe I pulled out the wrong one."      

"So are you trying to tell me that you accidentally pulled out the old Minnie Mouse sheet and curtains which I had kept with the pile of clothes that were supposed to be donated?" Judith inquired.      

"Uh huh, that is what exactly happened." Shrugging his shoulders, Harry remarked, "What? Why are you staring at me? It's just Minnie Mouse sheets, I am sure Sebastian loves it."      

"Yeah, it's very soft and looks really very good," Sebastian exclaimed.      

"Oh no dear, I'll change the sheet for you—"      

Cutting Judith off, Sebastian insisted, "No please, you don't have to take so much trouble, I'll manage and to be honest, this is really very nice."      


"Let it be mom, I'll change it later."      

After getting Ellie's assurance, Judith sighed, "Alright, you kids should rest for a while. El, make sure that Sebastian gets everything that he needs, okay?" When she nodded her head, Judith rolled her eyes at her husband and walked out of the room while Harry followed her behind.     

"Yeah so I think you dad doesn't like me," Sebastian chuckled.      

Helplessly shaking her head, Ellie sighed, "I am sorry for this, he usually acts quite mature but—"      

Grabbing her hand, he pulled her towards himself and made her sit on his lap, "It's alright, you don't have to be sorry or anything. I knew that things would be a bit out of place when I come here but I didn't know that your dad will slam these cute Minnie Mouse sheets and curtains in my face."      

Smacking his shoulder, she chuckled, "Stop joking."      

Tightening her grip on her waist, he inquired, "So how are you gonna make sure that I get everything I need?"      

"Hmm you tell me, what do you need? Warm water, coffee or—"      

"How about? Sweet kisses and warm cuddles? I need them so bad right now," he answered.      

Looking at the bed sheet, Ellie chuckled, "So you wanna cuddle in these sheets?"      

"Of course, why not? I am sure Minnie won't mind."      


Harry and Judith's room.      

"That was a very sly move Harry, when are you actually gonna grow up?"      

"I have no idea what you are talking about."     

Crossing her arms in the front, Judith snapped, "You are professor, these kinds of sly tricks do not suit you."      

"I still have no idea what you are talking about," Harry denied before sitting on the edge of bed.      

"You are seriously unbelievable, did you think by using an old shabby bed sheet and curtains, Sebastian will run away?" When he did not say anything, Judith gasped, "Oh my God that is what you thought."      

Realizing that Judith has seen through his sly intentions, Harry decided to drop his pretense. "That guy owns a multinational company, there is no way he would stand such a thing. I just don't want him to stay here, he is rich so can't he just stay in a hotel or something?"      

"Why id it so difficult for you to accept the fact that he is your daughter's boyfriend and they are happy together—"      

Cutting her off, he stated, "They are rich people honey, their thinking and the way they live is completely different from ours. How sure are you that he is not just toying our daughter?"      

"I know that he is not." Walking towards her dad, Ellie explained, "I know that you are concerned about me dad but I know Sebastian, he is exactly how he carries himself. He is so much different than those spoiled rich men. He genuinely cares for me and I care for him too." Grabbing his hand, she continued, "I know you have your doubts about him but if you don't give him a chance, how are things gonna work?"      

Tightening her grip around his hand, Ellie continued, "Sebastian is the most wonderful man I have ever met and I want you and mom to see how wonderful he is too. Can you please give him a chance? Please, for my sake?"      

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Harry inquired, "Are you very serious about this guy? Like, marriage serious?"      

"Yes I am and Sebastian is very serious about us too, I am sure that he already has the whole wedding planned in his head," Ellie chuckled.      


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