Trapped in Her Heart



0"You are overreacting again Harry, you need to calm down and you better not create a scene or switch to your sarcasm mode when they arrive tomorrow morning," Judith warned.      

Scrunching his brows, Harry scoffed, "Do you want me to pretend that I know nothing and welcome her boss?"      

Crossing her arms in the front, she firmly answered, "Yes, is that a problem?"      

Vigorously shaking his head, he answered, "No, no problem at all. I will be at my best behaviour, don't worry about that."      

"Good, now go and change the guest rooms bed sheet and curtains," she instructed.      

"What? Why should I do that for him?" Harry retorted.      

Shrugging his shoulders, Judith smiled, "If you want him to share a room with your daughter then don't do it."      

"I will change it right away—"      

"Use the new sheets and curtains that I bought yesterday and while you are at it, change Ellie's room's bed sheet to. Use the one with pink flowers for Ellie's room and the blue ones for the guests room," she further instructed.      

"Why? Does Mr Boss have some kind of an allergy with pink flowers?" he scoffed.      

"Maybe he hates pink, I don't know Harry, just do what I have told you," she answered.      

Raising his brows, he smiled and nodded his head before walking upstairs. "This is gonna be fun," he muttered.      


Next Day      

Los Angeles     

Samuel and Rosy's place.      

"These are their toys, they always play with them in the morning and evening," Ellie explained before passing Rosy another bag. "And these are their clothes, it has their night jammies—"      

Placing his hand on her shoulder, Sebastian sighed, "Relax honey, they are gonna be okay."      

"Yes, don't worry about them, we will take care of your babies very well," Rosy assured her.      

Placing her hand on Rosy's, Ellie sighed, "It's not that I think you won't take care of them well, this is the first time we are leaving them for a really long time so I am just a little bit nervous and anxious."     

"It's completely understandable darling but don't worry about anything, just enjoy your vacation." looking at Bojo and Boji, Rosy chuckled,"Look at them, they already love this place."      

"Bojo, Boji come here," Sebastian called them out and the two fur babies came running towards him. Squatting down, he took out some treats from his pocket. "Now be good while mom and dad are away for a while, okay? Dad will give you more treats when he is back."      

Ruffling and kissing their head, Ellie sighed, "I love you too and I promise that we will be back soon." When both Bojo and Boji started snuggling closer, she gave them a tight hug. "Yeah, I'll miss you too."      

Looking at Sebastian, she pouted her lips. "Can we cancel?"     

Running his fingers through his hair, he assured her, "They are gonna be okay honey and no we can't cancel, you parents are waiting. Everything is already well planned for Hawaii as well—" Glancing at his watch, he added, "We have to leave otherwise we are gonna be late for the flight."      

Taking a deep breath, she sighed, "Alright, lets go." Giving both of them a kiss, she got up.     

Giving her a hug, Rosy smiled, "Have a safe journey and have fun."      

"You kids should have loads of fun," Samuel smiled.     



Harry and Judith's place.      

"You gotta be kidding me?" Mary, Melissa's mother chuckled.      

Helplessly shaking her head, Judith chuckled, "You haven't seen the expression on Harry's face when someone mentions or talks about Sebastian in front of him."      

"Well, it's understandable why he feels that way. I mean, Harry is so close to Ellie and the father daughter pair have always been inseparable. Trust me, I was shocked when you told me that he agreed with Ellie moving out and settling down in Seattle," Mary sighed.      

"Ellie is a grown up now, we can't interfere with the decisions she takes."      

Mary nodded her head and smiled, "Uh huh and she has always been the sensible one, Sebastian is a really nice boy. Mel was telling me that he really cares and takes care of Ellie."      

"Why does he need to take care of my daughter? She is capable of taking care of herself," Harry retorted before opening the refrigerator.      

"Did you change the sheets properly yesterday honey?" Glancing at the watch, Judith sighed, "It's almost time and there are a lot of things I have to prepare."      

Placing his hand on her shoulder, he smiled, "Relax honey, everything is under control."      

Raising her brows, Mary stated, "That grin on his face, why does it look so dangerous?"      

"What dangerous? You are the one who is dangerous here." Shrugging his shoulders, Harry scoffed, "Stop being paranoid."      

Helplessly shaking her head, Mary sighed, "Alright, I need to leave now. I'll see you in the evening, okay?"      

"Yeah sure, ask Mel and Noah to visit us as well," Judith smiled.     

"Of course, my daughter loves you more than she loves her own parents, she will definitely come here even if you don't invite her," Mary chuckled.      


Los Angeles     


"Did you check everything? And—"      

Cutting him off, Ellie rolled her eyes, "Seb will you stop panicking? We are just going to my parents place." Placing her hand on his, she assured him, "Everything is going to be okay."      

"Yeah dude chill," Noah chuckled.      

"Says the man whose ass was sweating when he met my parents for the first time," Melissa commented without taking her eyes off the magazine she was reading.      

Wrapping her arms around his, Ellie rested her head on his shoulder, "Just relax honey, it's not the first time you are meeting them anyway."      

"Well, the first time wasn't that great or promising and your father doesn't seem to be fond of me," Sebastian sighed.     

"El, did you tell uncle and aunty about the trip?" Melissa inquired.      

"No, I will tell them today in person but I am sure they won't mind," she answered.      


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