Trapped in Her Heart



0"How is that being sly?" Sebastian chuckled.      

Rolling her eyes at him, she answered, "You have become very sly these days. Now stop with your tricks and help the kids get ready, I'll go get ready too."      

"As you say honey, you are the boss," he chuckled before giving Bojo some belly rubbing.      


Brandon's office.      

"Do you want something else madam?" Brandon's assistant politely inquired.      

Charlotte smiled and shook her head, "No thanks but I may need another cup of coffee if I am done with this one before your boss comes back."      

"Sure, just let me know whatever you want," she smiled.     

Taking a sip from the coffee, Charlotte asked, "What is your name?"      


"So Jasmine, I know Brandon has instructed you to look after me but you really don't have to, I know where your desk is and if I did anything, I'll look for you."      

Hesitating for a while, Jasmine answered, "It's my first month here and it was kinda difficult to get this job so I don't want anything to go wrong before of a silly mistake so please, let me do my job."      

Patting her shoulder, Charlotte smiled, "Don't worry about that, no one is going to fire you just because you did not take proper care of me."      


"It's alright, just go and do your thing. I'll read this magazine and wait for your boss to finish the meeting," she added.      

"Hmm are you sure?" When she nodded her head, Jasmine continued, "If you need anything, feel free to call me out."      

"Alright, don't worry about me and do your thing." After Jasmine left, Charlotte sighed and resumed reading the fashion magazine again.      



"Hey Jasmine, is my grandson still in the office?" Markus inquired.      

"Well hello big boss, boss is in a meeting right now but boss's girlfriend is in the office," Jasmine smiled.      

Raising his brows, he curiously inquired, "Girlfriend?"      

"Uh huh, have you not met Ms.Charlotte yet?"      

Widening his eyes in shock, Markus beamed, "What? Charlotte is in there? When she nodded her head, he beamed, "She has been coming here lately?"      

"Yes big boss, it has been quite some time since she has been coming here and accompanying boss."      

Thinking for quite some time, he inquired, "Tell me one thing Jasmine, have you noticed any changes in your boss's activity lately?"      

"Apart from the fact that it's my first month here, I can still tell you a few things according to what the last assistant told me. There have been no changes in the official side, normal meetings and other official stuff but there has been a major change in his character and the things he used to do." Without waiting for his reply, she added, "Just for the record and according to what the previous assistant told me, the boss has been a good boy for more than three months now."      

"Hmm that means whatever he said wasn't a lie or bluff, that bastard is really settling down now," Markus muttered before walking towards Brandon's office.      



"And you must be Charlotte."      

Startled by the sudden call, Charlotte gasped, "Oh God." Placing her hand on the chest, she breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought it was a ghost or something."      

"Ahh I am sorry, did I scare you young lady?" Sitting beside her, Markus added, "I didn't mean to but—"      

Cutting him off, she exclaimed, "Don't worry about that, I think I was too engrossed in this magazine."      

"What is it?" he curiously asked before leaning towards her.      

Showing him the shimmery dress, she explained, "This is a limited edition dress, it's so beautiful but too bad I won't buy them."      

"Why not? I mean, they are quite beautiful and I am sure you will look stunning in them," he frowned.      

Caressing the picture, Charlotte sighed, "I know right? But I promised myself not to wear these kinds of dresses anymore. I mean they are more like parties and clubbing wears you know and I have stopped doing both."      

"And why is that?"     

"I just got into a relationship with this wonderful man so I am avoiding those unnecessary things and my boyfriend told me that he has a grandpa." Shrugging her shoulders, she added, "Now I don't know how his grandpa is, what if he is those conservative types who do not like women who wear super short and shiny and party hard? I just don't wanna take chances and wreck everything because of these things."      

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Markus inquired, "And what makes you think that he is someone who is conservative? What if he is cool and okay with everything?"      

"Maybe but I still don't wanna take chances. I am even planning to make changes in my wardrobe, I'll make sure that I discard my single woman kind of dresses and replace them with 'I am a girlfriend now' kind of dresses," she answered.      

Crossing his legs, he smiled, "That is a very nice idea."      

"And he is taking me to meet his grandpa somewhere next week so to impress him, I am planning to take a gift for him." Flipping to a particular page, she added, "I just love these watches but I am really not sure which one to get."      

"Well, I think—"      

"I am so sorry babe, it look a bit longer than I had expected," Brandon explained while walking towards her.      

Looking at him, Charlotte smiled, "It's alright honey, I was just talking to—" Turning towards Markus, she frowned, "I don't know who you are."      

"Grandpa, what are you doing here?" Bradon inquired.     

Widening her eyes in shock, Charlotte stuttered, "G-Grandpa? Your Grandpa?"      

"I just wanted to meet you so I dropped by for some time," Markus answered.      

Raising his brows, Brandon stated, "So the two of you already met, that is great."      

"Yeah we did meet and had a really nice conversation, right Charlotte?" Markus chuckled.      

Giving him a weak smile, she lowered her head and slapped her forehead for being such an idiot.      


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