Trapped in Her Heart



0Smacking his arm, she chuckled, "You are such a liar."      

"Let's go home, okay? You must be tired after crying like a baby for hours now."      

Pouting her lips, she complained, "Whose fault is it?"      

"Hey, how is it suddenly all my fault now?" he inquired.      

Without saying anything, she snuggled closer and closed her eyes, "Hmm just hug me a little longer and then you shall be forgiven."      

While the new couple had already reconciled and were busy hugging, the other couple were extremely happy for them.      

"They look cute together, don't they?"      

Hugging her from behind, Sebastian stated, "Hmm but not as cute as us." Glancing at the watch, he frowned, "It's so late already, when are they planning to leave?"      

"Seb will you stop being rude, they are our guests and we are supposed to greet them properly, not shoo them away," she snapped.      

Scrunching his brows, he complained, "But this way they will spoil out plans."      

Turning towards him, she crossed her hands on the front. "I don't remember us having any plans."      

"How can you forget? We were supposed to spend some quality time together and cuddle all day. Maybe order pizza for dinner and watch movies until you fall asleep in my arms," Sebastian explained.      

Knocking his forehead, she chuckled before walking downstairs.      

"Babe wait, don't go down." Grabbing her hand, he explained, "If we go down, they will stay for a longer time but if we don't, they will leave soon."      

Without saying anything, she hooked her arms around his and started dragging him downstairs along with her.      

When Brandon saw the two of them, he quickly got up along with Charlotte. "Thanks for taking care of her and letting us talk it out."      

"It's no big deal we are friends after all and we are supposed to help each other in need, I am just glad that you both solved the misunderstanding," Ellie smiled.      

Wrapping his arms around her shoulder, Brandon exclaimed, "Yes, we will be careful in the future."      

"So you both are leaving now—" Sebastian stopped midway when Ellie sneakily pinched his waist, warning him not to say anything mean. Clearing his throat, he rephrased his sentence, "I mean, you both can stay for a while because it's raining quite heavily outside."      

"Ah no it's alright, I have my car and an umbrella too so we should be fine," Brandon answered.      

Giving Ellie a hug, Charlotte stated, "Thank you so much El."      

"You don't have to thank me Char, you have also helped us a lot," Ellie answered.      

After both of them left, Sebastian slumped on the couch and took a deep breath, "This place feels so peaceful when it's just the two of us."      

"I think we should throw a party some day, what do you think?"      

"In here?" When Ellie nodded her head, he sighed, "Why?"      

Shrugging her shoulders, she answered , "Just like that, Mel and Noah call everyone over at times, even Owen and June threw a party. I think we should throw one this time."      

"You seriously wanna do it?"     

"Uh huh, why not?"      

"Do you seriously wanna slave and cook for people who—"      

Cutting him off, Ellie chuckled, "What do you mean by people? They are our friends Seb and why are you being so anti-social? It will be fun, we should do it."      

"Okay if you really wanna do it then I am ready to help, let feed those useless people someday."      

Smacking his arm, she chuckled, "Don't refer to your friends like that, they help you all the time."      

"Hey, it's not like I don't," he retorted.      

Without waiting for her reply, he pulled her in her embrace. "Alright, we will do as you say. Let's plan it out after taking a nice romantic nap."      

"How is a nap romantic?" she chuckled.      

"Everything that I do with you is romantic."      


Noah and Melissa's place.      

"Do you think I am doing the right thing?"      

"What are you talking about?....mmmm a little harder," Melissa instructed.      

Increasing the pressure on her foot, Noah sighed, "I am talking about hiding Ava and Calvin's relationship from Seb." Pausing for a while, he continued, "Doesn't feel right."      

"Hmm I know, I don't like keeping anything away from Ellie as well but we promised them."      

"Yeah and I don't know, I'm not sure and confident about the whole idea of Ava dating Calvin." Placing her other food on his thigh, he started massaging it. "It's Calvin we are talking about, I mean he is a friend and it's not like I hate him or anything but it's hard to trust him with my sister."      

Keeping quiet for quite some time, she inquired, "Do you have any plans dating Calvin?"      

"What no, why on earth would I date him?" he frowned.      

"Okay so who is the one dating him?"      

"Ava," he answered.      

"So why are you so concerned about them? Ava is your sister and I know that you are worried and concerned about her but that doesn't give you any right to interfere in her life." Pausing for a while, she further explained, "Calvin and Ava are surely the most unexpected couple but they love each and they also trust each other, honey. You can't just judge someone based on their past activities and its Calvin we are talking about, he will never hurt Ava."     

Helplessly nodding his head, he sighed, "Yeah and it's not like I am against their relationship or anything, maybe I am just being paranoid."      

"Uh huh and judgy." Thinking for a while, Melissa inquired, "Wait, isn't is your trying to hook Ava up with some guy?" When he nodded his head, she raised her brows. "And she also wanted to hook Seb with Char, right?"      

"Yes honey, why do you ask?" Noah curiously inquired but the sly smile on her face already explained everything.      

Slumping on the couch, she chuckled, "Oh well, Rebecca Stewart is not used to losing and hates it when things don't happen according to her plan." Grinning from ear to ear, she added, "This is going to be very interesting."      


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