Trapped in Her Heart



0After hearing the verdict, Mr Hudson sighed and lowered his head. Though he wanted his son to get the punishment he deserved, he still couldn't help but feel extremely awful. When the police and Sebastian contacted him and told him about Danny's attempt to kill Sebastian, he was horrified and immediately tried to contact his son only to find out that he had already left the country and had turned off all the modes through which he could be communicated.     

Danny had always been a very rebellious and stubborn kid who always got into trouble. In fact, Mr Hudson was tired cleaning all the mess that he left behind. Though Danny always kept going against him, he had never done something as outrageous as getting someone killed.     

Though Mr Hudson was very disappointed and sad over his son's unpredictable actions, he could do nothing about it. He knew that Sebastian would never let Danny go so he decided to do what was right. He agreed to cooperate with the police and Sebastian to get his son caught and convict him with the punishment he deserved.      

After the judge left, the police handcuffed Danny and escorted him out of the room.      

When he was nowhere to be seen, Ellie finally breathed a sigh of relief. The uneasiness she was feeling at heart slowly started fading away and she finally started feeling at peace.      

Wrapping his arms on her shoulder, Sebastian muttered, "See I told you everything is going to be okay."      

"Mr Stewart, I know that no amount of apology is going to fix what happened in the past but I still want to apologize to you. I am very sorry for Danny's actions, it's a shame that my son did something so outrageous and evil." Mr Hudson was truly shameful and sorry for his son's actions. Though he had already apologized to Sebastian many times, he still couldn't help but feel guilty towards him and no amount of apology seemed to be enough.      

"It's alright Mr Hudson, your son's actions have nothing to do with you and by cooperating with the police and being here, you have already done enough from your side." Pausing for a while, he added, "And I think you are apologizing to the wrong person."      

"I don't understand—"      

"Danny's plan failed miserably because Ellie took action at the right time and saved me but she ended up getting hurt, in fact, she was also admitted in the hospital." Placing his hand on Ellie's back, Sebastian added, "I am sorry but I think I haven't introduced her yet."      

Pausing for a while, he continued, "She is Ellie Miller, my girlfriend."      

Completely taken aback by the sudden introduction, Ellie was shocked, surprised and excited at the same time. This was the first time Sebastian had introduced her as his girlfriend in front of someone who wasn't their friend, in fact, Mr Hudson was one of Stewart Group's business partners. Though she knew that it wasn't something great or huge, she still tried really very hard not to blush and try to calm herself down.      

"Then I should apologize to the beautiful woman." Extending his hand towards her, he continued, "I am really sorry for everything that you had to go through Ms Miller and I am really very ashamed for my son's reckless actions."      

Taking his hand, she smiled, "You don't have to apologize, I did something that was right and important."      

"I wish the two of you all the happiness in the world, God bless you both," After giving them his blessings, Mr Hudson left.      

"I really feel bad for him, though he did the right thing but this must have killed him," Melissa sighed.      

"Hmm that is true, this was really very tough for him but the guy at least did the right thing and Danny got the punishment he deserved," Noah added,      

Kissing the top of Ellie's head, Sebastian smiled, "Let's go home, okay?"      

When she smiled and nodded her head, he guided her out of the courtroom.      


Outside the Court.      

"Dude, you and El should go home and take some rest. There is an important meeting that I need to attend so I have to leave now," Noah stated.      

Sebastian nodded his head and answered, "Alright, I'll see you both tomorrow then."      

After Noah and Melissa left, Sebastian grabbed Ellie's hand and inquired, "What is it?" When she gave him a weird look, he added, "I know something is bugging you."      

"How do you do this?" she curiously inquired.     

"Well, let's just say that I know you very well to make out that something is bothering you." Taping the tip of her nose, he continued, "Now be good and tell me what you are thinking so that we can solve it and go home."      

Fidgeting with the hem of his blazer, she explained, "Yesterday after you told me about the trial, I googled a few things."      


"I found out that life imprisonment comes with a parole—"      

Cutting her off, he continued, "And now you are worried that Danny can parole himself out?" When she nodded her head, he sighed, "Honey, this is why we hire lawyers and don't worry about it, everything has been already taken care of and nothing can go wrong."      

"Are you sure?" When he nodded his head, she breathed a sigh of relief, "Then there is nothing to be worried about, I am just glad that everything is okay and normal now."      

Kissing her forehead, he smiled, "Let's go home, I'll make lunch for us and you can just chill with Bojo and Boji."      

When Ellie nodded her head, he guided her inside the side before jogging towards the driver's seat.     


Hawick Mansion.     

Brandon's room.      

When Markus saw his grandson busy trying out different shirts, he raised his brows. "What are you doing young man?"      

"Nothing much just trying to figure out what I should wear for my date," Brandon answered.      

Crossing his arms in the front, Markus curiously inquired, "Since when did you start being so serious about your dates."      



The win-win event ends today and we have successfully fulfilled all the criteria of the event. I would have never been able to make it to the end without your support.      

I just want to take a moment and thank each and everyone one of you :)      

Much love,     

Sofia :heart_suit:     

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