Trapped in Her Heart

Third time......

Third time......

0"Of course, why not? But I am telling you, it's not that great."      

"That is not something for you to decide Mr. Stewart, give me an honour to grade it and if I like it, maybe I will reward you with something special," she stated before blowing a kiss at him.      

Helplessly shaking his head, he smiled, "I am cooking."      

"I know but you are looking way too handsome and cute to not kiss," she answered before stretching her arms towards him.      

Wiping his hands with a clean kitchen towel, he wrapped his arms around her waist. "You seem to be in a very good mood right now."      

Hooking her arms around his neck, she chuckled, "You expect me to be all grumpy and sad when my boyfriend is looking all handsome and attractive?"      

Without saying anything, he inclined his head towards her and captured her lips.     

Ellie closed her eyes and melted in his embrace when his hands started wandering all over her body. Slightly parting her lips, he gave his tongue an access to freely explore her mouth.     

Wrapping her legs around his waist, she pulled him closer. The humorous and pleasant atmosphere around the kitchen suddenly turned hot and steamy.      

She lightly moaned when his hand caressed her inner thighs but to her disappointment, he suddenly pulled away.      

With a huge scrunch between her brows, she was about to complain when he showered light kisses all over her face.      

"Time to cook," he exclaimed before drawing his attention towards the abandones chopping board.      

"What was that?" she inquired, all frustrated and annoyed.      

Giving her an innocent shrug, he answered, "What was what?"      

"This is the third time you have—" Stopping midway, she pursed his lips.      

"What are you talking about honey? I seriously have no idea."      

Puffing her cheeks, she got down from the counter and poked his arm. "You are going to pay for this." Without waiting for his reply, she walked out of the kitchen.     

"Honey, wait—" Sebastian chuckled before helplessly shaking his head.      


5:00 pm     


Wearing a plain black dress, Charlotte entered the cafe only to find Jimmy still waiting for her. She was late by an hour and was expecting him not to be there but surprisingly he was. Feeling bad for keeping him waiting, she sighed and smiled at him.     

When Jimmy saw her, he quickly got up and breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought you wouldn't come."      

"I am sorry for being late, I just had a long day," she apologized before settling down.      

"It's completely alright, I did not wait for a long time." Without waiting for his reply, he added, "I have already ordered your favourite Latte and you have to try the scone from this place, they are quite famous."      

Keeping her bag on the table, Charlotte explained, "Listen Jimmy, I am seriously very grateful of you for helping me a few days ago and you are a really sweet guy but I want to make this clear because I don't want you to get your hopes high." Pausing for a while, she added, "Nothing will ever happen between us, we are very different people." Since she was planning to give Brandon and their relationship a shot, she wanted that to be her best shot and wanted to come clean with everyone beforehand to avoid unnecessary trouble.      

Keeping quiet for quite some time, he sighed, "I know, in fact, I always knew that I am not your kind. But I am not going to lie to you Charlotte, I really like you alot."      

Placing her hand on his, she stated, "I really didn't mean to hurt your feelings but I also didn't want to keep you in the dark."      

"Yeah it's alright, I am leaving for a few years anyway and I just wanted to meet you before leaving." Pausing for a while, he inquired, "So is there someone else or you just not ready for a serious relationship?"      

"There is someone but to be more clear, even if there was nobody, I would've still turned you down because I just don't feel that way for you."      

"You don't have to explain anything, I completely understand but we can still be friends right?" When she nodded her head, he asked, "So who is the lucky guy?"      

"His name is Brandon—"      

Cutting her off, he added, "Brandon as in Brandon Hawick?"      

Charlotte nodded her head and answered, "Yes but I know he doesn't seem like an ideal man to be in a relationship with but he is very sweet and it's really mean of you to judge him without knowing him in person. And it's not like I am very nice or—"      

"Charlotte, I never said that Mr Hawick is bad or you shouldn't be with him." Without waiting for her reply, he continued, "I don't really know how he is with relationships or women but in a nutshell, he is a wonderful man. Not many people know this but I do people my father is a board member of that orphanage in Florida, Brandon Hawick makes a large amount of annual donations in that orphanage every year without fail in the name of his parents but he always keeps it very low-key. He has also sponsored many kids under his parents name and there are many other charitable things that he has done. In short, he is a very kind and incredible one."      

"Wow, I did not know that," she smiled when a sense of proudness crept all over her heart.      

Just then the waiter brought the coffee and snacks over.      

"There you go, your latte and the scone," he smiled.      



"Yes grandpa I am outside the store but I cannot promise to get you one, what if they are out of scones?" Brandon asked.      

"I don't know, bake it or whatever but get one," Markus fumed.      

"Alright I will—" Brandon stopped midway and frowned when he saw Charlotte inside the cafe happily sipping coffee with a man who looked quite familiar.     


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