Trapped in Her Heart

Better to be safe than sorrry

Better to be safe than sorrry

0After sometime, when Noah entered the room, Sebastian was sulking and reading something.     

"Woah, what's with that look man? Did someone give you a wrong file?" he curiously inquired.     

"We have a lunch meeting today with Mr Smith, did you know about it?" Sebastian inquired.     

Noah sighed and nodded his head, "I had actually forgotten about it and was planning to take Mel in that new Italian restaurant for lunch but then she reminded me about the meeting so we had to drop the entire plan."     

Without waiting for his reply, Noah chuckled and pointed towards Sebastian's lips. "Dude, you got lipstick all over your lips."     

Sebastian was about to wipe them with his hands when he stopped him. "That rubbing will just make it worse." Taking out a mini packet of wet wipes from his pocket, Noah carefully wiggled out a wipe and gave it to him. "Here use this, it will just remove the whole thing."     

Sniffing the wipe, Sebastian raised his brows. "Wow this smells great."     

"Uh huh its lavender, I always keep a mini packet of this and a few condoms in my wallet. I mean, you don't know when you might need one so, better to be safe than sorry," Naoh explained.     

When Sebastian was busy wiping the stain off his lips with the fragrant wipes, Noah enthusiastically inquired, "So, did anything happen?"     

"What do you mean?"      

"Oh come on, as if you don't know what I mean." When he gave him a weird look, Noah rolled his eyes, "Since you don't know what I am talking about then you surely did not do it yet."     

The don't know's and didn't do's peaked Sebastian curiosity to know what exactly was his cousin talking about. "No seriously, what are you talking about?"     

"I am talking about sex you kiddo," he snapped.     

"Sex? It's hasn't even been a week since we started dating and you are asking me whether I had sex with my girlfriend?" Without waiting for his reply, Sebastian scoffed, "Dude, you need therapy."     

"What therapy? And FYI, you and Ellie are seeing each other for quite sometime now, you both live under the same roof and also share the same bed. You both have long crossed the whole shy phase and now its showdown time," Noah retorted.     

Shoving the document right on his face, Sebastian grunted, "I am not talking about anything sex related with you so even if we do it, I am not telling anyone."     

"Dude, you don't have to because it will be very evident. I am telling you, after sex glow is very hard to hide and is one hunder percent noticeable." Pausing for a while, Noah continued, "Honestly, I think that it's time for you to make a move and take your relationship to a different level. You people aren't teenagers, you cant just kiss in your office, you are a big twenty-six year old guy, you should be having sex on this desk."     

Tapping on the desk, he added, "Come on brother, have some hormones."     

Immersing himself into a very deep thought, Sebastian shook his head to shrug the unnecessary feeling off. "No, it's too early."     


Cutting Noah off, he explained, "What Ellie and I have right now is actually quite pleasing and we are loving the pace we are at. I don't want to rush into unnecessary things and—"     

"Did you call the whole process of love making unnecessary? Seb tell me, do you and El share the same bed at night?"      

"We started doing that yesterday, why?" he curiously inquired.     

Getting up, Noah grinned and buttoned his suit. "Share the same for at least a week—no you are a noob so may be a couple of weeks for you. Anyway, share it for a couple of weeks and then we can talk about this again."     

"What does that even mean?"     

"You'll know, now if you excuse me, I have a meeting to attend." Without waiting for his reply, Noah walked out of room.     



Ellie sighed and helplessly shook her head when she saw how crowded the pantry was. The employees had surrounded the coffee machine and there was no way she could get through it.      

Dejected and unhappy for not being able to grab a cup of coffee for herself and Sebastian before the meeting, she was about to leave when one of the employees called her.     

"Ms Miller, you can go first if you want to," he politely offered.     

Looking at the crowd of people who were staring at her, Ellie awkwardly turned the tempting offer down. "Oh no it's alright, I'll come back later."     

"No please, we insist."     

"But you guys have been standing in the line for quite some time so it's not okay for me to just barge in and break the line," Ellie explained, though she was finding their behaviour very odd but she still shrugged it off thinking that they were just being kind.     

"Oh no please don't think that way, we are voluntarily letting you take our place and grab a cup of coffee for yourself," the employee insisted again to which Ellie decided to give in.     

"Hmm okay, you people are too kind but I will be needing two cups of coffee, one for Seb—" stopping midway, she cleared her throat and continued, "I mean one for boss and the other one for me."     

"There is no problem Ms Miller, please go ahead."     

Smiling at everyone, Ellie made her way towards the coffee machine.     

"Dude, so is there something really going on between Ms Miller and the boss?" a male employee whispered to his colleague.     

"Don't you know what happened to Morris? He got transferred to Arizona and he is having a really tough time adjusting there so if you don't wanna end up like him, keep shut and let her take all the coffee she wants," the colleague warned his mate.     

"But I don't think Ms Miller is someone who will tell on anyone until we don't do something outrageous."     


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