Trapped in Her Heart

Favorite child

Favorite child

0Dramatically flicking her hair, Melissa chuckled, "I know but forget about that and tell me what happened between you and Seb after you both went home."      

"Nothing happened but we did make out in his office today in the morning for the first time," Ellie proudly grinned.     

"If you had told me this when we were still in highschool I would've squealed and jumped in excitement, maybe begged you to give me details but we are twenty-six El, twenty-six we are supposed to squeal when either of us try out a new position with our partners." Helplessly shaking her head, Melissa added, "I don't know when that will happen though."      

"I think we are no where near to the sex phase. Sebastian, well he is different and I am sure that—"     

Cutting her off, Melissa chuckled, "Don't tell me that you think he isn't interested in sex or let me rephrase that, he isn't interested in making love with you."      

When Ellie gave her a weird look, she explained, "No matter how sober Seb is, he is still a man with a dick Ellie. And if his organs and hormones function properly, you'll start sensing the changes that will occur on his body when you are near him."      

"You are unbelievable." Helplessly shaking her head, Ellie sighed, "Not everything is about sex."      

"I am not saying that sex is everything but trust me, it might bot be everything but it's definitely something. People become much more close after being intimate with one another babe, trust me. Going to the sex phase isn't weing but it actually means that the couple love each other and cant wait to—" Stopping midway, Melissa sighed, "May be you think it's nothing important now but you'll realized it soon. Oh God, I can't wait for that day when you'll come to me complaining about how sexual frustration."      

"What? Why will I complain about my sexual frustration to you even if I have one?" Ellie chuckled.      

Shrugging her shoulders, she grinned, "I don't know, I just think that you will."      

"Look, I am not against sex or the whole process of making love, I just dont want to rush things with Sebastian. May be we will end up doing it eventually but not now."      

"Fine but if you ever need any tips, count one me."      

"What kind of tip?" Ava inquired.     

"Nothing, I am just asking Ellie to take tips from me when she will have sex with your brother," Melisa informed.     

Pouting her lips, Ava sighed and sat down beside Ellie, "Too bad you are dating my brother so my involvement in the whole sex talk will make it very awkward."      

"Hmm that is true, why are you here?" Melissa inquired.     

Glancing at the watch, Ava sighed, "I need to talk to Seb about something really important."      

"Seb is out for a lunch meeting and I think that is going to take some time," Ellie informed.     

Cursing herself for not visiting her brother in the morning, she asked, "Okay is Noah here? I can talk to him—"     

"Noah and Seb are together but what is it? I can pass on the message if you want."      

Groaning in frustration, Ava explained, "You girls have no idea how fucked up I am feeling right now and it's all because of that bastard."      

"Okay, walk us through this honey," Ellie suggested.     

After explaining the entire matter which involved Nathan and her mother, Ava sighed, "My mother just ruined my life."      

"But that Nathan guy is spreading rumours right? So how is this your mom's fault?" Ellie curiously inquired.      

"Who do you think introduced me to that dickhead? My mother, so whose fault is it? Again my mother. She is a huge bummer in my life and even though she is far away from me, her strong aura is still messing up with my plans." Though Ava knew that her mother wasn't the one who started the rumour but she was sure that her mother had definitely heard about it. And the fact that she chose to stay shut and not do anything about it was getting on her nerves.      

"Are sure that Rebecca isn't involved in this? I mean why would someone start such a strong rumour without any kind of guarantee? There had to be something that gave them the strength to start it," Melissa pointed out.     

Snapping her fingers, Ava grunted, "Exactly, what is said makes one hundred percent sense. Though she isn't here and did not start the rumour, I am sure that she definitely approved it."      

Not liking how they were assuming things, Ellie suggested, "Guys I don't think that it's right to jump to a conclusion and assume things like this. I mean, she isn't even here and maybe she has no idea what is going on."      

"Geez El, stop defending here and when the right time comes, she is going to give you the hardest time because let's face it, you are dating her favourite child. Her little boy she is always proud of and who always listens to her is now listening to you so you are definitely going to be her next target," Ava scoffed.     

"I agree on this with Ava," Melissa added.     

Ellie sighed and nodded her head, "I know and I am equally worried about that. But Seb has assured me a few things so I am not worried."      

"Yes, you can rely on my brother completely for this because he is the only person who can handle them. I mean even I rely on him so many things so don't stress about it." Pressing her hand on the table, Ava continued, "But I am telling you Ellie, you can't be all goody old shoes with her. Trust me babe, I have been living with her for twenty-four years and she is not someone who will melt or change your attitude towards you just because you are sweet and nice to her."      

"Uh huh, she tends to dominate people who are kind to her," Melissa added.     


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