Trapped in Her Heart



0When Sebastian did not say anything for quite some time, Melissa jumped to his rescue again.     

"Of course uncle, Sebastian will never compromise with Ellie's health," Glaring at him, she pinched his waist and added, "Right Sebastian?"     

Coming out of his daze and left with no other choice, Sebastian reluctantly nodded his head and with a very heavy heart, smiled at her. "She can take some time off." But his smile disappeared when Ellie frowned at him.      

Turning towards Ellie, Harry smiled, "You see? Now you even got permission from your boss so you are coming with us."      


"Honey, I think your dad is right. We can't leave you all by yourself in this condition." Judith added.     

"But I am not alone, I have Se—I have Mel with me," Ellie retorted, she didn't wanna go back to her hometown leaving Sebastian alone.     

"Yes aunty uncle, I can take care of El and—"     

"Mel honey, we know you have your own things to do so it will be inconvenient for you too." Judith explained.     

"But mom—"     

"What is wrong with you darling? Don't you want to stay with your mom and dad for a while?" Harry asked.     

"Fine, I'll go," Ellie sighed before looking at Sebastian who was already looking at her.      

After exchanging a brief look with her, Sebastian excused himself and walked out of the room because he was scared that if he stayed any longer, he might start begging her not to leave. Though he knew that she would come back but he still did not like the idea of not seeing her for days or maybe weeks. What if she did not come back for a month?      

After stepping out of the room, he gritted his teeth and stormed out of the hospital. He did not have the courage to see her off so decided to leave.     

Stopping midway, he frowned deeper. How could he just leave without seeing her off? What would she think of him if he just left without telling her?      

After calming himself down, he made his way towards her room again.      


When Ellie saw him again standing near the door, she breathed a sigh of relief. When he barged out without saying anything earlier, she thought he would never come back or see her off.     

"I'll go and talk to the doctor for a while."     

"I'll accompany you."     

After Judith and Harry walked out of the room, Melissa also excused herself.     

Picking up her medicines from the table, he said, "Your medicines..the time—nevermind, I will tell your mom about it."     

"I am sorry, my dad—hmm he is not always so rude but—"     

Cutting her off, he shook his head. "It's alright, I understand how he must be feeling."      

Sitting down beside her, he ran his fingers through her hair. "Take care of yourself okay and don't worry about work. Just focus on yourself until you feel better."     

Giving him a weak smile, Ellie nodded her head.      


Two weeks later.     

Stewart International Group     

Sebastian's office      

Massaging his forehead, Sebastian sighed before taking a sip of his regular strong coffee which he was forcefully drinking only to keep himself awake.      

Placing the cup down, he took a deep breath. It had been a week since Ellie left and Sebastian had never felt so low and frustrated in his entire life.      

He was very upset when she left but he was sure that he would feel better later but he never did. In fact, not seeing her around made him feel more awful. Her absence made him feel so empty and hollow from inside, like someone just took away the most important part of his body.      

When he was with Ellie, the sky was pink and, in Ava's words, even the dog shit he saw on the road looked nice but without her, everything felt and looked so bland.     

Though they were in touch with each other over the phone, her virtual presence wasn't as satisfying and peaceful as her actual presence.     

He missed her constant long talks, the way she laughed, smiled, coughed, sneezed and—massaging his forehead, he cursed under his breath. He was going crazy, Ellie's absence was making him go crazy.     

"Dude, what the hell is wrong with you?" Noah snapped at Sebastian.     


Glaring at him, Noah retorted, "What? Do you have any idea what time it is?"      

Glancing the watch, Sebastian frowned, "It's 9—"     

"Uh huh and you were supposed to go home like five hours ago."      

When he did not say anything, Noah sighed, "Seb, what the hell is wrong with you? Ava was telling me that you aren't going home and even if you do, you stay up all night, Patricia told me that you aren't taking your meals on time and you are also working until midnight."      

Pausing for a while, he added, "I thought Ellie had changed your schedule and you were following that so what happened?"      

"How can I follow Ellie's schedule without Ellie constantly reminding me what is next? The new schedule is a mess without her." Sebastian sighed, in fact, he was a mess without her.      

When he kept massaging his forehead, Noah helplessly shook his head and started looking for Sebastian's migraine medicines but when he didn't find them in the original place, he frowned. "Where are your meds?"      

"I threw them away last month."     

"Why would you do that? You know that your migraine acts up from time to time right?" Noah asked.     

"Because they stopped acting up and I thought they wouldn't so—"     

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Noah frowned, "I have no idea what is going on between you and Ellie but for Pete's sake Seb, she is not dead so will you stop acting like a Romeo? You are giving me those teenage highschool girl vibes, who is upset because his boyfriend forgot to add a heart at the end of the text."     

Pausing for a while, he added, "She is in Seattle on Mars or moon and she will be back on a couple of week and—"     

Cutting him off, Sebastian snapped, "Couple of weeks? You mean two weeks more?"      

"I guess that is what a couple of weeks means," Noah sleepily replied.     

"Great, just great, so she is not coming back for two more weeks." He muttered before gulping down the entire black coffee.      


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