Trapped in Her Heart

Informal thoughts

Informal thoughts

0After taking a nice hot shower, Sebastian grabbed a white t-shirt and a pair of black pants to go with it. He then started setting his hair and was about to wear his shoes, all ready to leave when someone called him.     

Looking at the caller ID, he frowned. Why would Noah call him again? Assuming that he was calling to tease him, he decided to ignore it but when he called again, Sebastian reluctantly received his call.     

"What is it Noah?"      

"Tch tch what's up with that cold tone? You were all sweet and buttery when you called me earlier."     

Sebastian sighed and asked, "What happened?"     

"Ahh I just called you to give you some healthy advice." Pausing for a while, he added, "If you want to take someone for a walk then wait until it's dark."     



Noah chuckled and said, "Because night is romantic and more convenient to do things."     

"I don't wanna take anyone anywhere."      

Noah chuckled and nodded his head, "Sure Seb, I'll hang up now."      

Tossing his phone aside, Sebastian made his way towards the window and sighed when he realised that it was still bright outside which meant that he had to wait until sunset or at least until it's dark.     

Walking towards the bed, he lied down and decided to take a short nap before going for a long night walk with Ellie.     


9:00 pm     

Ellie's room     

Ellie lazily got down from the bed someone knocked at the door. She was thinking about ways to thank and apologize to him but ended up falling asleep.     

Rubbing her eyes, she opened the door and saw Sebastian standing right in front of her looking all fresh and handsome.      

"Did I disturb your sleep?" When she shook her head, he asked, "Would you like to go for a walk in the garden?"     


He slightly frowned and asked, "Yes but if you don't want to then—"     

Cutting him off, she shook her head, "Oh no, I'll just freshen up and change first."      

Not knowing what else to say, both of them kept on staring at each other awkwardly. Were they still fighting? Were they still angry with each other? What would happen next?      

With several mutual questions revolving around their heads, Sebastian was the first one to make a move.     

"Can I come inside?"      

Realising that they were still standing at the door, she quickly invited him inside.     

Noticing that she was still wearing the same clothes from the morning, he asked, "You did not change after coming back?"      

"Hmm, I don't have a comfy night t-shirt and I didn't wanna wear a new one to sleep so I had to wear this."      

"Isn't it difficult to sleep wearing that?"      

She shook her head and said, "No and even it is, I really don't have a choice." Grabbing her clothes and bath towel, she entered the washroom.     

Looking at the clothes which were scattered everywhere and the messy bed, Sebastian sighed and decided to arrange everything for her.      


When Ellie came out, Sebastian was fluffing the pillows. Looking around, she realised that the bed was already neatly made and her clothes were nowhere to be. Assuming that he had placed them inside her bag which was lying in a corner, she smiled. He had taken all the trouble to arrange her bed and clean the mess she had created. How on earth was she supposed to stay angry and not admire such a gentleman like him?     

"I placed your clothes inside that—" he stopped midway when he saw her. She was wearing the baby pink dress he had bought for her yesterday and she looked as beautiful as ever. Her hair was still wet and her face was flushed which he assumed happened because she took a hot water shower.      

For some odd reason, seeing him wear the dress he had bought for her made him feel very happy and proud. And this proudness was so much different than what he felt after winning a million dollar project or after accomplishing something. In fact, everything about her felt so different.     

When was the last time when he felt so hurt, sad and distressed when he scolded someone or stopped talking to them? Did he ever look for ways to soothe someone's anger? No he hadn't.      

Sebastian had followed the 'Talk if you want to' attitude all his life. In fact, he never tried to talk or initiate a conversation with his parents when they are angry or disappointed with him. He would just let them be but with Ellie it was different. He couldn't just let her stay angry. The restlessness and anxiety was too much for him to handle. But why?      

Crossing his arms in the front, he scrunched his brows. Was Noah right? Was he really changing?     

The way Sebastian was staring at her made her feel very embarrassed and anxious. Was she not looking good? Did the dress look weird? Did she wear it upside down?      

"Hmm boss?"      

Coming out of his daze, Sebastian asked, "Ah yes?"     

"Hmm am I not looking good? Should I change?" She blushed after asking the question. Why would she even ask him that? Was she dressing up for him? But it sounded like she did.      

Sebastian frowned and vigorously shook his head, "No, why would you change?" Walking towards her, he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled, "You look beautiful."      

Biting her lower lip, Ellie blushed and lowered her head. She felt butterflies in her stomach and her heart bloomed in happiness like as if she was dying to hear that from him.     

Sebastian always felt extremely uncomfortable when she bit her lower lip like that. It was tempting and made him feel very weird. He wanted to bite them too but he couldn't which made the weird feeling even more weird.      

Brushing away the informal thoughts of biting Ellie's lips, he decided to change the topic and not to think about her lips, "Shall we leave?"      

When she smiled and nodded her head, they left the room together.     


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