Trapped in Her Heart

Awful and sour

Awful and sour

0Next day.     

9:00 am     

Taking a bite of the sandwich, Ellie asked, "What happened boss, why aren't you eating?"      

Placing the sandwich on the plate, Sebastian sighed, "Doesn't this sandwich feel weird to you?"     

"Weird? I don't think so."     

Rubbing his stomach, he frowned, "It feels so weird and raw."      

"Raw? The salami tastes good and the sauce is okay too." Without waiting for his reply, she added, "What happened? Yesterday you were complaining about the spaghetti and the soup and now this, are you not feeling well?"     

Forcing a bite of the sandwich, he shook his head. "I am fine, it's just I don't know." How would explain it to her that nothing tastes good apart from what she cooks for him these days?      

"Hmm maybe because you have been eating too many sandwiches lately so now you are done with them?"      

"No, no I am done with these sandwiches but not the ones that you make."      

She chuckled and asked, "Boss, are you saying that you just like the sandwiches that I make?" She was just joking with him but who would've thought that Sebastian would really nod his head.     

"Don't get me wrong but your sandwiches are lovely," swallowing 'just like you', the three words that he wanted to say, he added, "Everything else feels bland."     

"Why don't you eat them for now and I'll make more sandwiches for you later?"      

He smiled and nodded his head before forcing himself to eat the weird look sandwich.     


Palette Frita.     

"This way Mr Stewart," a waiter guided them towards the table where Mr Timbleton and his assistant Thomas were waiting for them.     

When he saw Ellie trying to find something from the flies while walking, he sighed and helplessly shook his head. Taking the file from his hand, he said, "This is the reason why you trip and fall. One should always look at the front and be careful while walking."      

Pausing for a while, he added, "Now do I even have to teach you how to walk Ms Miller?"      

Tucking a strand of hair behind her hair, Ellie shook her head, "No boss, I was checking if we have everything."     

"Don't worry about that, I personally checked and packed the files, not someone who forgets to pack their clothes while traveling."     

She frowned and puffed her cheeks, he was making fun of her again.      

"There you are young man, right on time." Giving Sebastian a hug, Mr Timbleton chuckled, "As usual, you are never late."      

"And you are always before time," Sebastian added.     

Letting out a hearty laugh, Mr Timbleton pulled away and patted Sebastian's shoulder, "You have no idea how overwhelmed I feel when I do business with you. It feels like I am meeting the young version of your grandpa again."      

"It feels lovely working with you too." Turning towards Ellie, Sebastian added, "She is Ellie Miller, my assistant."     

"Ahh I see you got yourself a beautiful one there young man." Extending his hands for shake, Mr Timbleton smiled, "It's a pleasure meeting you Ms Miller."     

Taking his hand, Ellie smiled, "It's a pleasure meeting you too"      

"This is my assisting Thomas and—" Mr Timbleton raised his brows when he saw his assistant in a daze. Shaking his shoulder, he called him out, "Thomas?"     

"Ahh—" awkwardly clearing his throat, Thomas said, "I am so sorry, I spaced out."      

"Alright then, let's start talking business. Why don't you and Ms Miller sit right over there and exchange the graphics details and pointers while we discuss other things." Mr Timpleton said.     

"Yes sure boss," Turning towards Ellie, Thomas smiled, "After you Ms Miller."     

Sebastian frowned and gritted his teeth when Ellie and Thomas walked away together. He did not fail to notice the way Thomas was looking at Ellis and it was very disturbing. Why would he look at her like that? How dare he smile at her? And why did she walk away with him? With several meaningless yet bothering questions revolving around his head, he was feeling awful and sour.     

"What? Are you spacing out now?"      

"No, I am fine."     

"Alright then, please make yourself comfortable."      

After settling themselves down, Mr Timbleton started telling him the progress of the project while Sebastian couldn't stop himself from looking at Ellie and that other stupid man who was definitely trying to flirt with her.     

"So where are you originally from?" Thomas asked.     

"I am from Seattle."     

"Ah what a coincidence, I am mom is from Seattle too. In fact, I spent half of my childhood there."      

Ellie smiled and asked, "Oh so where is your mom from Seattle?"      


Tightening his grip around the wine glass, Sebastian gritted his teeth in annoyance. The last string of his patience shattered into millions of pieces when Thomas brushed his fingers against Ellie arm's and she said nothing.     

"So what do you think?" Mr Timbleton asked.     

"Yeah I think that is a great idea."      

Mr Timbleton chuckled and asked, "Hmm so selling your company to me for a dollar is a great idea? Impressive, so why don't you get the papers ready and I have a dollar right in my pocket."      

Sebastian widened his eyes in shock and awkwardly scratched his forehead, "Oh, I thought you were talking about the project."     

"I was but I stopped when I realised that I was talking to myself."      

"I don't think so there is anything to discuss because we both know what to do." Taking out the contract from the file, Sebastian added, "This is the contact, you can go through, sign it and send it over later. If you aren't sure about anything, just give me a call."      

Without waiting for Mr Timbleton's reply, Sebastian got up and started walking towards Ellie.     


"And then I tripped on—"     

Cutting Thomas off, Sebastian said, "Let's leave."     

"Oh, it's done? So fast?" Ellie asked.     

He frowned and asked, "You wanted it to last long? You can stay if you want too."      

Not liking the tone Sebastian was using, Ellie slightly frowned. Wondering what might've happened to him, she got up and started gathering her things.     

"You are leaving? Hmm can I get your number? I mean I can complete my tripping story over the text and you can completely yours." Thomas asked.     

Gritting his teeth, Sebastian turned around and stormed out of the restaurant, leaving Ellie behind.     


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