Trapped in Her Heart



0Sebastian's office.     

Taking the last sip of the coffee that Ellie had brought for him, Sebastian sighed. Why did the coffee that she made tasted so good? He wanted another cup but how could he get one more? Should he just ask her to make another one for him?      

Looking at Ellie who was busy arranging the documents for the upcoming meeting, he sighed. How could he disturb her when she looked so busy?      

Slapping his forehead, Sebastian frowned. He was busy too, he had to review the documents before the meeting started and he wasn't even half way done.      

Looking at the documents which were staring back at him, he frowned deeper. What the hell was wrong with him? If it was some other day, he would've finished reviewing almost ten to fifteen documents by now but today he hadn't finished a single one. This was actually the most unproductive day of his entire office life.     

"Hmm boss you have an additional meeting with Mr Nelson today after lunch. He had called a while ago and Patricia told me that he is a very important business client so I gave him the afternoon slot. Is that okay?" Elli asked.     

"Mr Nelson? Did he say why he wanted an appointment?"      

Ellie shrugged her shoulders and said, "I really don't know but I guess Patricia—"     

Cutting her off, he added, "Never mind, just let me know when he arrives."     

"Well hello my brother," Ava dashed into the office, grinning from ear to ear.     

"What are you doing here at this hour?" Sebastian asked.     

"What are you talking about? I have been here since this morning. I was chilling in Mel and El's office and I was about to leave but Noah asked me to stay for lunch. He is bringing take outs for all of us." Rubbing her stomach, Ava added, "Ah I am so hungry."     

"Ava, I need to talk to you."      

"I swear I did not touch anything in your room. I just examined the basket and left." When Sebastian raised his brows, Ava sighed, "Alright, I saw a hundred bucks on your dressing table. You are rich so I thought you won't be needing them so I borrowed it from you and bought some churros with it."      

"Firstly, I had no idea you had entered my room and secondly, that is called stealing and not borrowing." Sebastian snapped.     

Slapping her forehead, Ava groaned in frustration, "Ahh why am I so stupid? Alright," sitting down right across the table, she added, "Tell me what is it?"     

"Mom called me yesterday when I was in the office and—"     

Cutting him off, Ava chuckled, "Stop lying, I know you were at Ellie's."     

Widening her eyes in shock, Ellie turned to the other side and silently groaned in frustration. Great, she was such an idiot. Why did she even tell them about it? Now what would she tell Sebastian?      

Awkwardly clearing his throat, Sebastian reframed his words. "I was at Ms Miller's place for official work."     

"Pfft from when did watching movies start being considered as official work?"      

Sebastian frowned and retorted, "Do you want me to tell you or not?"     

Placing her finger on her lips, Ava pouted her lips.     

"Mom called me yesterday complaining that you weren't receiving her calls."      

"Yeah, I am ignoring her."      

"And why are you doing that? You very well know that she will nag you more if you keep ignoring her right?" Sebastian knew his mother's attitude very well. She was a very egoistic woman and if someone ignored her, she would get all hyped up and would start nagging even more. This is one of the reasons why he always did what she asked him to. He hated being nagged and nudged by her all the time so he ended up doing whatever she wanted.     

"Yes but that doesn't mean I'll take her bullshit all the time."      

"Language Ava."      

After taking a deep breath, Ava continued, "I am sorry but you know that she talks shit most of the time. She wants me to date that disgusting guy despite knowing that I am not comfortable around him. Like why? Why would she do that? I am not going to tolerate her shit just because she pushed me out of her vagina."      

Helplessly shaking his head, Sebastian chuckled, "You do know that you are a caesarean baby right?"     

Snapping her fingers, Ava snapped, "Ah you see, she did not even push me out but it's different for you. She did push you out so you can take her shit."      

"She told me to make sure that you text that guy and see him every now and then." He added.     

Placing her hand in her chest, Ava gasped, "Did I tell you how handsome you are my charming big brother?"     

"Save that flattery for some other day and write down that guy's name on that paper."      

"Why? Are you planning to send some thugs to ask him to stop sending me those messages?" Ava asked before writing Nathane's name in a paper.     

Just then Ava's phone rang and she excused herself after seeing who it was.      

After Ava stepped out, Sebastian picked up the paper and muttered, "Nathane."     

"Well hello people, we got some hot and tasty lunch for everyone." Spreading the takeouts on the table, Noah added, "Hey Seb, are you eating now or after practicing the Kung Fu skills you learnt yesterday?"     

When Ellie glared at Melissa, she stuck her tongue out and mouthed a 'sorry' before hiding behind Noah.     

Sebastian gritted his teeth and frowned. Did Ellie tell everyone about everything that they did last night? Couldn't she keep it a secret? A secret between just the two of them.     

Assuming that she had told about the game too, he tried to defend his dumbness over the board game of snakes. "Well in my defense, the game was—"He stopped mid-way when Ellie placed her finger on her lips and gestured him not to say anything.     

Melissa, who clearly saw what her best friend did, raised her brows in suspicion.      


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