Trapped in Her Heart

Charlotte Adams

Charlotte Adams

0"What are you both so excited about? Boss was stuck because of the cyclone." Pausing for a while, Ellie added, "And it's not like something happened between us."     

"Nothing happened? Ahh sure I believe you. You both were together for an entire night and nothing happened."      

"Hard to believe." Ava added.     

Ellie rolled her eyes and helplessly shook her head, " You guys are overthinking. I mean what could possibly happen between us?"     

"Why not? My brother is handsome and you are beautiful, sexy so anything can happen between the two of you."      

"Nothing happened okay? We just watched movies and that's it." Ellie didn't want to feed them with details because she knew that if she did, they would go and tease Sebastian which would make him feel uncomfortable. The sweet little talk that they had last night and the zero knowledge that Sebastian had about snakes and ladders would remain a secret between the two of them.     

"Movies huh? What kind?" Melissa asked.     

"Kung Fu Panda and Frozen."     

Looking at each other, Melissa and Ava started laughing out loud.     

"Oh my God El, you gotta be kidding me."     

"And here I thought you would say fifty shades of grey."     

"What? Why are you both laughing so hard? It was fun okay? We genuinely had fun." Ellie retorted.     

"Oh El, do you think that Sebastian really enjoyed watching those childish movies?" Melissa asked.     

"I know right? I know my brother and there is no way he would've enjoyed watching them." Ava added.     

"Well, boss did enjoy them." Ellie snapped     

"Hmm I am sure that he did enjoy watching it with you."     

Rolling her eyes at them, Ellie sat down in her chair and started working on the schedule, completely ignoring Melissa and Ava who were still giggling and laughing.     


Sebastian's office.     

Looking at the document which had to be reviewed, Sebastian sighed. He had so many things to do and he couldn't stop thinking whether Ellie would like the cookies or not.     

Yes, he couldn't stop himself and his damn hands from buying a few packets of cookies for her. He also couldn't say 'No' when the sales lady suggested him to buy a basket and a ribbon which would make it look like a special gift.     

'Would she like it? What if the cookies don't taste good?' Cursing himself for not tasting them before giving it to her, he massaged his forehead.     

"Boss, may I come in?"      

"Yes please come in."     

"Here is your schedule, it's all ready." Passing him the paper, Ellie added, "We don't have many meetings today so why don't you go home early and take some rest?"      

"No its okay, I'll be fine."      

"Well, you don't look okay. Like I slept for good three hours and yet I am feeling so lethargic but you didn't sleep at all." Pausing for a while, she added, "Always remember that health is wealth."      

Going through the schedule, Sebastian chuckled. "Hmm I don't remember master Oogway saying that."     

"Ah this isn't master Oogway's wise words, it's something that my parents have always taught me." Pausing for a while, she added, "Thanks for the cookies."     

Awkwardly clearing his throat, Sebastian said, "Your welcome. I heard that they are quite good so I thought that may be you will like it."     

"Hmm, I did send you a mail thanking you for it but I guess you did not check your mail box yet. I wanted to send you a text but then I realised that I don't have your number so—"     

Giving her his card, he said, "Send me a text so that I can save your number too."     

"Ya sure and the meetings will start in fifteen minutes." When Sebastian nodded his head before massaging his forehead, Ellie added, "Do you want a cup of coffee?"     

"I guess I need one."      

"I'll get one for you."      


Nelson mansion.     

With her green-cucumber sheet face mask on, Charlotte Adams was busy admiring her manicured nails.     

"Ah so perfect." she muttered before patting her fingers on the mask and pulling it off.     

"Honey, where are you?" Mr Albert Nelson called his niece out.     

"Uncle Nel, I am up here." She shouted.     

"There is my princess, oh is it your face mask day today?" He asked.     

"I don't need a day for that but ohh check this out uncle," showing him her nails, she added, "Aren't they heavenly and beautiful? Just like me?"     

Taping her nose, he vigorously nodded his head, "Yes, just like my beautiful niece."     

" I need to go to the spa today." She then, sighed and helplessly shook her head, "It was such an awful morning."      

"Awful? What happened honey?"      

Pointing towards a small little reddish dot on her face, Charlotte squealed, "I woke up with this in the morning."     

Taking a closer look, uncle Albert frowned, "What is that honey? Looks like a red freckle."     

"Ahh no uncle, that is a baby pimple. I need to kill it because it grows up and starts reproducing, making me look like a pineapple."      

"Hmm but honey, you need to meet someone today remember?"      

Moisturizing her legs with her expensive cocoa butter body yogurt, she asked, "Who?"     

"Remember aunt Rebecca? The one who visited us last week?"     

"Hmm, the one that had applied too much of everything in her face? You can ask her to take special make-up lessons from me, I can teach her a few of my fabulous tricks for free."      

"Hmm alright, I'll let her know but do you also remember that you were supposed to meet her son?" Uncle Albert asked.     

"Not today uncle, it's a spa day for me."     

"Then when would you like to meet him?"      

"After I kill this baby pimple and my skin is flawless again because there is no way I am stepping out looking this awful."      

"But darling you look beautiful."      

"I know but it's spa day uncle."     

"Okay so why don't I meet him today in his office and fix a day for you?" Uncle Albert asked.     

Admiring her nails, Charlotte flicked her golden blonde hair and sighed, "Ya whatever."     


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