Trapped in Her Heart

Start shredding

Start shredding


When Patricia gave him an uninterested look, Noah stretched his hands towards her and grinned.


Taking out the bunch of resumes, she warned him, "I don't know what you are planning young man but if anything happens, you are facing his wrath."

"You are such a sweetheart Patricia. I swear, in future if you need my help, I'll do anything for you. You are the most sweetest, cutest, most adorable and-"

Cutting him off, she rolled her yes and gestured him to leave. "Get out of my sight before I take them back."

"A quick question, we don't save resumes in the system right? Or the phone numbers of the candidates?" Noah inquired.

Patricia shook her head and answered, "No we don't, we save the details in our software only after she/he signs the contract and receives an appointment letter."

Flashing a gorgeous smile, he winked at her. "GOTCHA."

Seeing his mischievous smile, Patricia frowned, "Wait, what are you planning to do?"

Ignoring her question, he quickly rushed towards the elevator.


Sebastian's office.

Noah was about to enter Sebastian's office when the latter stepped out holding two stacks of documents in different hands.

"Woah dude, where are you going?" Noah asked.

Walking towards the elevator, Sebastian answered, "Copy room."

Following him behind, Noah asked, "Why?"

"I need to shred a few of them and get a copy of others, my shredder is not working." Sebastian always copied confidential documents on his own while the shedding was done by someone else under his supervision but since the shredder in his office wasn't working, he had to use the common copy room.

"Here, let me help you hold them. Give me the ones which are supposed to go into the shredder." Taking a stack from his hand, Noah secretly shoved the resumes that he was holding in between the documents and quietly stepped into the elevator along with him.


Copy room.

The copy guy, Kenny quickly got up when the two boss's entered the room.

"Good evening boss."

Pointing his chin towards the stack which Noah was holding, Sebastian instructed, "Shred these and you know the drill."

Kenny vigorously nodded his head and took the documents from Noah's hand.

The drill that Sebastian was talking about was to check the documents thoroughly before shredding them. All the documents that needed to be shredded had a red cross mark on them and if Kenny couldn't find the red cross mark, he had to keep them aside and show them to Sebastian after he was done.

"You take care of the copy thing and I'll make sure the shredding is properly done." When Sebastian nodded his head and left, Noah gave Kenny a smile and hooked his arms around his neck. "Let's do some shredding shredder guy."

"You seem to be in a very nice mood boss, did Mel give you some kind of a special treat?" Kenny inquired before turning on the paper shredding machine.

"Have you ever seen me in a bad mood?" Noah inquired.

Kenny vigorously shook his head and smiled, "No boss, you are always jolly and that is what all the employees love about you."

Placing his hand on Kenny's shoulder, he smiled, "You are saying this because you haven't seen me when I am mad and do you know when I get mad?"

When he shook his head, Noah answered, "I usually get mad when people don't listen to me."

Kenny winced when he tightened his grip around his shoulder.

"Why don't you start shredding Kenny? I am waiting for you to shred all these documents." Inching closer, he whispered, "Irrespective of whether they have the red cross mark or not."

When he widened his eyes in shock, Noah tightened his grip once again, making him wince in pain. "Start shredding," he stated in a very threatening tone.

Gulping in nervousness, Kenny quickly started shredding the papers without looking for the red cross marks.


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