Trapped in Her Heart




Outside the office.


When Melissa saw Ellie, she quickly got up and rushed towards her. "How was it? Did you get through? Did Noah help you? Did Sebastian make things difficult for you?"

Placing her hand in Melissa's shoulder, Ellie took a deep breath. "Too many questions Mel, I am still traumatized because of the fall."

"Traumatized? Aren't you already used to it? You fall literally everywhere," she chuckled.

Ellie sighed and helplessly shook her head, "That is true, I wonder how I manage to fall everywhere. In the morning, I landed on my butt and it's still sore."

Taking her hands towards Ellie's butt, Melissa grinned, "Do you want my special butt massage?"

"Wait what? What the hell is a butt massage?" Ellie frowned, wondering how her best friend managed to come up with weird and lewd things like a butt massage.

"Well you know, cupping the butt cheeks and then squishing it tightly and-"

Cutting her off, Ellie covered her ears and closed her eyes. "Stop Mel, I don't wanna hear it."

Grabbing her wrist, Melissa chuckled and tried to remove her hands off her ears. "What? What are you so shy about? You should know about these things so that later when it really happens, you will know what you are supposed to do."

Ellie frowned deeper and vigorously shook her head. "There is no way I am giving anyone a butt massage. Oh my God, why am I even having this conversation with you? Go get away from me, go to your boyfriend and give him butt massages."

Winking at her, Melissa grinned, "He gets in every night."

Closing her eyes, Ellie groaned, "Oh stop, that is too much information."

She rolled her eyes and retorted, "Geez El, what are you shy about? It's not like you don't know what a butt looks like."

"Well, talking about a butt isn't a problem but talking about your boyfriend's butt is a very big problem because if we do that, whenever he is around, all I will think about is his butt and you don't want that to happen, do you?" 

Melissa nodded her head and hooked her arms around Ellie's neck. "Alright, let's not talk about Noah's butt, let's talk about Sebastian's sexy, round butt."

When Ellie did not say anything, she chuckled, "Ahhh don't tell me you are already thinking about his butt. Geez girl, you also got deceived by his handsome and charming face."

Slapping Melissa's hand away, she frowned. "What deceived? I have seen better."

"Don't tell me you didn't find him attractive and sexy." Without waiting for her reply, Melissa added, "If you didn't then there is something wrong with you."

"Why so?" she curiously inquired.

"Girls literally drool and drop their underwear down when they see Sebastian. He is like the handsome prince charming that every woman wants and desires. There are several women waiting for him with their legs wide open." Pausing for a while, Melissa sigh, "But Sebastian doesn't give a shit about them. That man would rather fuck his documents and his office desk than a horny woman."

Raising her brows, she curiously inquired, "So you mean Sebastian Stewart is a gay?"

"Actually-" stopping midway, Melissa widened her eyes in shock when she saw Sebastian standing right behind them.

"Actually what? If it is really like what you said, I think he is a-mmmmmm…"

Cutting her off midway by placing her hand on Ellie's mouth, she pursed her lips.

Smiling at Sebastian, Melissa stuttered, "H-Hey Seb, I was just showing Ellie around."

Ellie widened her eyes in shock and slowly removed Melissa's hand from her mouth. Turning around, when she saw Sebastian, she gulped in nervousness.

Without glancing at them, Sebastian straightened his suit and left.

"Please tell me he did not hear what I just said." Cursing herself for having a big mouth, Ellie sighed. If he had really heard her, she was doomed. How could she expect him to give her a job after calling him a gay right in front of his face?

Crossing her fingers, Melissa sighed, "I hope not."

"Oh God Mel, I am so doomed. I am not gonna get this job and if I don't, I have to move back to Seattle. Moving back to Seattle means I'll have to join that boring company again. Oh God I-" grabbing her hair, Ellie groaned in frustration. This was the worst day of her life. "Just great, this is so great. I have a sore butt and a sore nose and now I am jobless before getting a job. Can life be a little less harsh with me?"

Placing her hand on Ellie's shoulder, Melissa frowned, "El relax, don't panic okay? I don't think he heard you. It's not like he has special hearing skills and you weren't even loud so just chill, okay? And don't forget that Noah is helping us. With your qualifications, talents and Noah's help, you will definitely get through."

Just then, Noah came out of office with a huge grin on his face. "Oh hello ladies, it's good to see you both again."

When Melissa gave him a 'Is the work done?' look, Noah cheekily smiled, "Have I not done something that my baby wants me to?"

When she smiled, Noah patted his chest and proudly exclaimed, "It's done honey."

Pouncing into his embrace, she beamed, "Ahhh babe you are such a sweetheart."

"So am I getting another butt massage tonight?" he inquired.

When she chuckled and nodded her head, Ellie covered her ears and sighed. "I am outta here."

"You aren't going anywhere, let's go for lunch together. Babe you don't have a meeting right?" Melissa asked.

Giving her a peck on her cheeks, Noah shook his head. "Who better than you knows what my schedule is?"

Noah Stewart was Sebastian's first cousin and the VP of Stewart Corporation. He was the only son of Sebastian's father's younger brother while Melissa Powell was Noah's assistant/girlfriend.

Melissa and Noah had been dating for two years now and were also planning to get engaged very soon.


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