Trapped in Her Heart

Naked butt

Naked butt

0"Is that Sebastian?" Glancing at his watch, Calvin added, "It's not even seven, what are you doing here? Are you here to take some kind of an official file from Noah?"     

"Ahh hey Seb, haven't seen you around lately. Oh wait a second." Pausing for a while, Owen added, "It's because you don't come around at all."     

"You guys, stop making fun of Seb, he is here to attend the party."     

Calvin and Owen widened their eyes in shock and shouted, "What?"     

"You are kidding right?" Owen asked.     

Massaging his forehead, Calvin asked, "So are you telling me that Sebastian left work early to hang out with us? Like seriously? Is doomsday around the corner?"     

Ellie's brows twitched when she saw how everyone was acting over dramatic. So what if a person left his office a bit early? Shouldn't they be happy that he finally decided to join his friends?     

Leaning towards Melissa, Ellie whispered, "Mel, why is everyone acting so weird? I feel so sorry for boss, I mean just look at him." She genuinely felt very bad Sebastian who was still standing at the doorway, patiently hearing everyone's over exaggerated comments.     

"El, do you have any idea how huge this is? Sebastian actually left his office so early for the first time he took over the company. Remember how I told you that he is spoilsport?" When Ellie nodded her head, Melissa added, "So you see, Sebastian never shows up when anyone of us throw a party. Sometimes he did but only after 9:00pm because that is when he gets off work. But today it's not even seven and he is here."     

"Well, I think you people should appreciate it more than being overly dramatic and making things so awkward for him. He left office early to attend your party so can you be a bit humble? Give him a warm welcome at least."     

Raising her eyebrows at her best friend, Melissa pursed her lips. "Seriously El?"     


"You are already siding up with him. What happened to you and me always being on the same side?"     

Ellie shrugged her shoulders and defended herself. "I am not taking sides but being sensible here. I think you guys are very mean to him and I don't think so he is as bad as you people portray him to be."     

"Okay, what did exactly Sebastian do to you?"     

"I see a new face in this place."     

"Oh yes, I didn't even notice." Calvin added.     

"Ahh El you are here." Ava shouted before rushing towards her. Pouncing into her embrace, Ava added, "I thought my boring spoilsport brother wouldn't let you off so you wouldn't be able to make it."     

Patting Ava's back, Ellie said, "Well, your brother is here too."     

Bursting into laughter, Ava lightly smacked Ellie's arm. "That was a good one but I am not falling for that."     

Ignoring everyone, Sebastian entered the apartment and sat down on the couch.     

Ava widened her eyes in shock when she saw the most unexpected person. Walking towards him, she sat down beside him and started poking his arm.     

"What is it?" Sebastian asked.     

Ava gasped and squealed in excitement. "Ahhh you are really Sebastian." Turning towards Ellie, she asked, "Did you do this to him?"     

"I don't understand, why is it so hard for everyone to believe this?" Ellie asked.     

"Hey Noah, who is she?" Calvin asked.     

"She is Sebastian's new assistant and Melissa's best friend Ellie Miller."     

"Woah Seb got a hot assistant, no wonder I see slight visible changes in him." Owen said.     

"What happened to the horny one?" Calvin asked.     

Noah sighed and explained, "Seb kicked her out when she rubbed her ass against his desk."     

"Woah, naked ass?" Owen asked.     

When Noah nodded his head, Calvin frowned, "So a horny woman rubbed her naked ass on his desk and he kicked her out? Are you sure that Seb is straight?"     

"Hmmm, I don't know and I have already given up on him. I got him so many different kinds of women but nothing seems to turn him on so maybe he is not straight." Noah had been trying to add colors in his brother's life for years now but always ended up failing miserably.     

Calvin sighed and helplessly shook his head. "I wish there was way to find out."     

Owen thought for a while and suggested, "Hey Cal, why don't you rub your naked butt on his desk?"     

When Noah and Calvin gave a weird look, Owen added, "Oh what I mean is, since a naked butt rubbing woman couldn't turn him on so may be a naked butt rubbing Calvin would."     


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