The CEO Who Hates Me

I Want To Do Things Fast

I Want To Do Things Fast

0"I am not running away you know," Arya murmured, as they walked inside the hotel lobby.     

Ryu never let go of her hand. Ryu laughed and said, "I never thought that holding someone's hand will be this warm. Don't you agree that it feels good?"     

Arya chose to remain quiet and just sighed. He seemed to be a warm person when you're on his good side. 'I wonder how he would react once he found out the truth and she'll be on his bad side?' She thought to herself helplessly.     

They were almost near her room. Arya's heart was thumping hard like there was a stick drumming it. Probably, it's because she was nervous. Ryu's previous words were pumping her brain out – 'I hate moving slow, like a turtle I want to do things fast.'     

'What if he insists on going inside?' Arya thought inwardly and brushed the thought away.     

Maybe, she was just being paranoid. Besides, he seemed to be not that kind of a person. During their entire time together, she was not actually forced into anything. Her body just reacted on her own, and she should learn to control it.     

That was actually weird, thinking about it she had never felt or reacted like that when she was with Jim before. She was even fast into avoiding Jim's actions. Her reflexes were fast to avoid him whenever he tried to do something intimate with her.     

They reached her room's door and Arya quickly went inside while she said the words, "Thank you and I had a great night."     

When she was about to close the door, Ryu's hand stopped it. Arya's eyebrows creased and she asked, "Yup?"     

Ryu's face crumpled. He asked with a rasping voice, "That's it? Didn't you forget something?"     

Arya was confused and just looked at him with her round eyes, indicating she had no idea what he was talking about.     

Ryu sighed and said, "You are not the sweet girlfriend type, are you?"     

Before she could comment on his statement, Ryu had already embraced her and quickly gave her a smacking kiss on the lips.     

Then, he smiled sweetly as he winked at her and said, "You should have bid me a proper goodnight like that." Then, he turned around and walked back to his room.     

Arya was left in a daze.     

'What just happened? How come he is the sweet demanding boyfriend type?' She thought to herself as she closed the door and touched her lips with her hand.     

She had her fourth kiss in a row. Was that good for the first day of being in a relationship?     

She quickly called Kay and informed him about what had happened.     

"That was quick, but I already expected it. I heard that your dad's trial was moving smoothly and there's a high chance that he will be acquitted." Kay said.     

Arya sighed and said, "Yes, my Mom called me. Kay, I wanted to tell Ryu the truth but I am scared. I can't endanger my family's well being."     

"Family is the most important thing, Arya. Just think about them, maybe that way you won't feel guilty that much. Besides, everybody experience being broken hearted. Actually, I'm trying to check on the story behind that revenge thing of Rita. The way I see it, she is not related to Ryu at all. Maybe, she is just like us too. Maybe she is just doing this on behalf of the true person who wants to hurt Ryu." Kay explained.     

"They even have a plan B ready in case you fail. I think it's funny. To make Ryu broken-hearted, they are ready to spend so many resources and efforts. Who will even dare to do that? Maybe, it was your destiny to be in this kind of situation?" Kay continued.     

"I have already thought about it. It is like an ill-fated relationship. 'Everything happens for a reason'-I will just stick to that quote for now." Arya said sarcastically.     

Kay laughed and said, "Yeah, that's right. Who knows, maybe in the end, you are fated to be together." He added teasingly.     

"I will hang up now since you started talking nonsense. See you tomorrow, at the rehearsal."     

Arya's phone beeped: it was a message from Ryu. When she opened it, she didn't know whether she should laugh or hit her head to the wall, like a crazy.     

[Dream of me, will you? That way you won't have a nightmare.]     

'What is this? Why do I feel like I am the one being seduced and not the other way around?' She thought inwardly.     

That night Arya decided to write a diary for Ryu. She couldn't tell him about her true feelings at that moment because of her real motive of approaching him, so she decided to write down everything she felt for him.     

Meanwhile, Ryu received a phone call from his mom. "What do you mean? Why is it my fault? I have clearly declined that marriage offer and you were the only one pushing and insisting on that stupid marriage agreement between the families. I have never agreed to anything like that!"     

"Please, stop interfering in my private life. How long do you plan to threaten me with your health, Mom? For goodness sake Mom, stop it already. I am so tired of it. Why are you so afraid of that family? Are you hiding something from me?" Ryu asked with an irritated tone.     

His mom bid him farewell instead and hung the phone up as soon as she noticed Ryu's rage.     

Then, Arya's face suddenly popped out in his mind. Her expression was really cute when he made his naughty moves on her.     

'I really like her.' He thought inwardly as he chuckled and grinned in an empty room.     

EDITED BY: Yui     


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