The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Celebration Gone Bad

Celebration Gone Bad

0The first family arrived in New York City without delay. Airforce One landed, and the first family descended with Prince Alexander in tow.   The secret service had done a remarkable job in securing the tarmac where the Airforce One would land.       

Everyone was anticipating that they would all be able to get a glimpse of the first family as they arrived. Unknown to them that a car was already waiting for them at the tarmac to take them to the hotel where they would be staying.     

A private exit was prepared for everyone, where no one would be allowed even the airport employees.  The measure they took to ensure that none of the reporters could accost them securely.     

"Were all the preparations done?  Make sure that the whole place is safe."  Lucas was speaking with his colleagues on his hidden microphones.     

"Yes, sir!  We did the walkthrough twice already.  The place is clean. They can enter-exit without anyone's bothering them," replied the second in command secret service to Lucas.     

All the secret services for the first family had secured the area before them arriving.  They made sure that no one would bother them as they leave the building.       


The first family arrived at the hotel without delay.  They were given the Presidential Suite, which has ample rooms for everyone.  The whole floor was occupied by the first family, including Prince Alexander and Pierre.     

Since it was still early, they decided to have an early dinner before going out incognito to watch the fireworks and the ball drop at midnight.  No one ever found out where the first family was staying, no matter how hard they tried.       

Alexa was so excited for this is the first time in her entire life that she will be watching the fireworks and the ball drop in New York City.  It's her long time dream since she was a child to be at time square to watch the ball drop with the man she loves.        

She couldn't contain her happiness as they walk around Times Square incognito.       

President Grant and Chrissy were the only ones to let the whole world know that they are there in person.  Daniel and Andrea were with Alexa and Prince Alexander, galivanting Times Square.  They acted just like any other tourist; they take selfies and ate street food.     

The whole place was jammed pack, and it was hard for them to walk when it was getting late.  However, that did no deter Alexa's enthusiasm.  She wanted to stay until the ball dropped.     

"Are you sure you wanted to do that?"  Prince Alexander was concerned that she might catch a cold for it's freezing.  He knows that Alexa was used to a tropical climate and grew up in the Philippines, where there's no snow.     

"I'm fine!  You're here, and you will keep me warm, right?"  Replies Alexa with a smile.     

There was nothing Prince Alexander could do but keep her warm.  He holds her in close contact with his body to ensure that she gets all the heat she needed.  They stayed around Times Square and kept on walking to keep themselves warm.     

It didn't take long, and the New Year arrives with a bang.  President Grant and Chrissy were at the balcony of the hotel they were staying, while Alexa, Prince Alexander, Daniel, and Andrea were down below on the street of New York City having a ball.     

Once the festivities where finished, everyone trying to get out as fast as they could and rushing.  Not once that people ever have a chance to bump into Alexa and Prince Alexander.       

Daniel and Andrea were protected by at least six secret services, while Alexa and Prince Alexander only have Lucas and three of Prince Alexander's bodyguards.  But, no matter what, they were protected from left to right.     

Once they were inside the haven of the hotel, the secret services finally let out a breath of relief.  Everyone was afraid that something could happen while they were out in the open, but once they were inside the hotel.  They had nothing to worry about.  At least that's what they thought anyway...     

As they were walking inside the hotel, they were busy chatting.  Andrea was over the moon as much as Alexa, and she couldn't stop talking while she was holding her husband's arms as thy walk.     

They were almost at the elevator when they heard a commotion coming towards them, and all the secret services quickly covered Alexa and Daniel. At the same time, Prince Alexander's bodyguards did the same thing.      

Andrea, who was right next to her husband at first, suddenly left without protections when the secret service pulled Daniel to the sides, and she let go.  That's when a drunk man pulled a gun and started shooting with no directions.  One bullet hit Andrea in her stomach without anyone realizing it.     

When Daniel realized that Andrea was nowhere, he quickly pushed his secret service and found her lying on the ground full of blood while holding her stomach.  "Andrea!!!!"  He shouted as he ran towards her and kneeled next to his wife.     

"Daniel, it hurts...  Our baby, please!!!! save our baby." She begged before she lost consciousness.     

The man that opened fire was killed in an instant by Prince Alexander's bodyguards instead of the secret service.  Lucas was still covering Alexa, who's standing right behind Prince Alexander.  With all the things happenings so quickly, they did not realize what had happened to Andrea until it was already too late.     

By the time they arrive at the hospital, Andrea had lost a lot of blood and died from the gunshot wound along with their unborn child.  Daniel was beyond himself and inconsolable.  He was like a mad man ready to kill all of his secret services who did not protect his wife and child.      

The New Years' celebration that supposed to be the best thing that had ever happened in Alexa's life became her worst nightmare.  Her best friend, sister, and her unborn niece or nephew is now gone.      

There was nothing that Prince Alexander could say or do to make her feel better.  The same goes for Daniel, who had lost the love of his life together with their unborn child.  The New Year started the worst, and he doesn't know how he would go on living after that...     

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