The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Who's The Murderer?

Who's The Murderer?

0Then it is like, a flash of lightning hit Alexa... "No!" She then pushed Ramon as hard as she could, then ran away as fast as she could.  She was ashamed of herself for kissing another man while in her heart, there's no one but Prince Alexander.  It's not fair for Ramon, and it's also not appropriate for Prince Alexander whose probably still bedridden and in a coma.     

President Grant and Daniel both know what's going on with Prince Alexander.  However, they made sure that Alexa does not get any news about him.  They both want Alexa to move on and get on with her life.  Thus, Alexa was kept in the dark of any story about the man she dearly loves.     

Lucas, who was watching from afar, saw everything that had happened between Alexa and Ramon.  His order was to let them be and only keep an eye, in which he follows.  He heard the whole conversation between the two about their childhood, and he thought to himself...      

'This guy Ramon Le Grand sure is slow' if you had confessed to her long time ago... Prince Alexander would not enter the picture. Everyone can see that she cares for you... Friendship could turn to love.  I hope that this time, you make sure to get the girl!'  He chuckled as he shakes his head.     

Lucas slowly made his way back to the villa, knowing Alexa probably went straight there.  When he got closer, he saw that Alexa's room has the light on.  He smiled a little, then shook his head again.      

This babysitting Alexa has taken a toll on him. While his twins already have a child, he doesn't even have a girl of his own. 'What a life!' He thought as he enters the house.     

How he wishes that Alexa would get over Prince Alexander and move on...  But it seems that she hasn't done that at all from the way she had pushed Ramon Le Grand.  Lucas went straight to the kitchen and made himself a coffee. He then turned on the television to see if there's a game going on...     

Ramon was stunned and unable to move from where Alexa had left him.  He thought that Alexa had finally moved on when she kissed him back.  But, from the way she had pushed him so hard and ran away like the grim reaper was after her... He knows...     

Ramon decided to continue towards the hills where he could look at the sun setting in a full view.  By himself...     


Meanwhile, back in Stonasia... The King and Queen were discussing Prince Alexander.     

"Let him do what he wanted!  If he wanted to roam around the world to find his lost memory, then so be it!"  The King was telling the Queen, who was adamant not to let Prince Alexander go while he's still blind.     

"But, what would happen if someone sees him in his condition?  No one must know that he's now blind and has lost part of his memory.  What if..."  The Queen wasn't able to finish what she was about to say, for Prince Alexander walks in with the help of Pierre, guiding him towards the King's massive bed.     

"What do you mean, what if... - Queen mother?  What are you trying to say?  You're ashamed for people to find out that I'm a blind man?  The Crown Prince Of Stonasia...  A blind man!  Hahaha,"  Prince Alexander was screaming at the top of his lungs.     

"You're worried about what people might say is that it?  Well, I have news for you... I don't give a damn what people would say.  I think it's better if the King would summon his bastard son to come and take my place.  That way, It won't matter if people find out."  Prince Alexander told the Queen.     

"The only reason I'm here now is to bid you all goodbye and good riddance.  I don't know how long it would take for me to get all my memory back...  However, I will not come back until I do so!"  He then tapped Pierre to take him out of the room.     

The Queen and the King were unable to utter a word after Prince Alexander's outburst.  They know it was their fault why Prince Alexander was in that condition right now...  The Queen's in remorse for what she had done, but... that's in the past and must be buried deeply.     


The night that Princess Angelica died, the queen had plotted with her to seduced Prince Alexander.     

The Queen was afraid that Prince Alexander would announce to everyone his relationship with Alexa Grant.  Therefore, he concocted a plan with Princess Angelica.  If everything works out when the morning comes... Prince Alexander would be found in bed together with Princess Angelica.      

For the plan to work, the Queen asked one of the servants to spike Prince Alexander's drink with aphrodisiac.  Unknown to them that Alexa would also drink from the same glass as Prince Alexander. Thus, it created a problem with implementing the plan.      

However, when Alexa decided to stop at the restroom, they took that opportunity and knocked Prince Alexander out and took him to Princess Angelica's room.  Unfortunately, by hitting Prince Alexander, they would not be able to do the deed.  And Princess Angelica wanted to sleep with him, for that's the only way he would marry her.      

Princess Angelica asked the Queen for a drug to counter-attack the aphrodisiac inside Prince Alexander's body.   It just so happened that the Queen has one in case it's needed.  She happily handed it over to Princess Angelica.      

"Make sure that you don't fail or else..."  The Queen warned as she stepped out of the room.     

Princess Angelica quickly administered the cure, which was a mistake in her part for Prince Alexander's quickly regained his sense and refused to sleep with her.  They end up with heated arguments.       

He even said some harsh words that devastated Princess Angelica to the point of threatening Prince Alexander that she would jump off and kill herself.  Prince Alexander only laughed at her...     

"Go ahead!  Do you think that I would care if you do?  Go Ahead!"  He said sarcastically.     

As when he was about to leave slowly for he was still weak, Princess Angelica ran towards the balcony and was about to jump.  Prince Alexander was still shakey, but when he saw that she was going to kill herself... He went after her and tried to stop her...      

Unknown to them that there was someone out in the balcony watching the whole scene unfold.  The person came slowly closer without them realizing and pushed them off the balcony and watched them with evil eyes as they fell towards their death...     

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