The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Am I Dying? [Prince Alexander]

Am I Dying? [Prince Alexander]

0Prince Alexander began to worry when he saw the Royal physician coming in with the Queen. From the look on both of their faces, it doesn't look like they have a piece of good news at all.       

He decided to intercept before they even had a chance to open their mouths. Prince Alexander informs them that whatever the result might be, it could wait. He has a more pressing matter to attend at the moment, and he planned on rectifying the situation.     

"Queen-mother, Royal physician... whatever the result of my physical exam might be, I would like to wait until when I come back. I have a more pressing matter that needed my undivided attention. Therefore, I'm going to bid you all goodbye. I need to get out of here as soon as possible. Bye!"      

Prince Alexander didn't wait for their response, and he walked out of the door without looking back. He knew that the Queen would not let him leave if she has any idea where he's heading.      

It's the main reason he did it on purpose, not to alert her of his plan. 'I'm sorry, mother, but I'm not sure I wanted to hear what you're about to tell me. I will soon find out when I get back... But, not sooner.' He thought as he walked as fast as he could get out of there.     

The Queen and the Royal physician were speechless and stunned for the way Prince Alexander had stormed off after telling them that whatever might be the result, it could wait when he gets back.     

The Queen didn't stop him, for she knows where he's heading, to the Philippines to be with that girl. Prince Alexander thinks he would be able to leave; however, he got another thing coming, for the Queen had already alerted the Royal guard to stop him at all cost.       

The Queen has made up her mind that she would not let him play around any longer.  She already made a decision, he could only marry a Royal blood to continue the bloodline. She would not allow him to mix the Royal bloodline with a commoner; that's not an option.     

He will be the next ruler of the kingdom of Stonasia, and he must show an excellent example to his people.     


Prince Alexander continues to try and contact Pierre, and he needed his assistance to make the preparation. Finally, he answered the call, "your Highness, good day to you! How may I assist you?" Pierre asked nonchalantly.     

Prince Alexander had been trying to contact him for the last hour with no success. If he didn't answer, Prince Alexander plans on leaving with or without him... If he didn't answer just now.     

"Get your ass right here at this moment, or I will leave your ass, and you would never know my whereabouts to answer to the King and Queen. Do you understand me?!" He yelled as he was walking out of the palace door.     

"I'm right here your Highness, I had been busy preparing, and I know you would want to leave as soon as you open your eyes. Therefore, here it is... We are ready to hit the road." Pierre was pointing at the opened car door, waiting for Prince Alexander to get in.     

However, just when Prince Alexander was about to get inside the vehicle, a couple of Royal guards came and stopped him from entering.       

"Your Highness, please refrain yourself from entering the vehicle, for we have an order from his Majesty the King to prevent you from leaving." One of the Royal Guard informed him as he was about to get in the car.     

They were ordered by the Queen herself to detain him from leaving. Therefore, as soon as they saw him coming out of his room, they quickly came after him and thus prevented him from leaving. They have no option but to follow, or the Royal Guard would be forced to take action.       

Prince Alexander and Pierre both were brought back inside the palace to the King's chamber. What unfolds to them inside was the advisors were seated waiting for them to arrive.     

The King was propped up and seated in one of the chairs. And next to him was the Queen sadly looking at Prince Alexander as he came.     

No sooner than he was inside the room, Prince Alexander began ranting. There's no way he would take it lying down. He needed to get out of there no matter what it takes. He will do everything in his power to be able to accomplish his goal even if it means fighting with the King and Queen.     

"Your Majesty, what is the meaning of this? I don't understand why I am not allowed to leave? I had informed the Queen-mother that I would hear the result when I come back, please!!! Let me leave just this once. I promise I would be back in no time."       

The King only ignored him. He didn't say a word at all. Instead, he continues his discussion with his advisors. "As I was saying, we need to find a cure as soon as possible before he gets worst. I remember how my father the late King perish at a young age, and he was only in his early thirties." He informs his advisors.     

"What the hell are you all talking about? What does it have anything to do with me?!" Prince Alexander shouted as he came near the King and his advisors. He can't understand what's going on and his not interested in finding out either.     

The only thing that he cares about at the moment was to fly out to go to the Philippines so he could be with Alexa. But from the look of it, the King and the Queen have no plan on letting him leave even if it kills him.     

The King finally acknowledge Prince Alexander and turned to look him straight to his face. "Sit down. There's something you need to know." The King order sternly, but with solemn eyes.     

Prince Alexander didn't have a choice but to sit down while Pierre stood at the corner. All the advisors were giving Prince Alexander a sad look, and it made him worried. A thought came into his mind, 'are they discussing my illness? Am I dying? Is that why everyone's feeling sorry for me?"      

With that thought running in his mind, all the vigor that he was feeling a while ago was now long gone. He slumped down on the chair, looking like a deadbeat...      

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