The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Chrissy's Gone!

Chrissy's Gone!

0President Grant was fuming with anger towards the Si family.  Why does he have to be related to them by marriage, he was hoping with the First Lady passing that it would seize already.  He thought wrong!     

"Anyone out there?!  Call Senator Grant. I want to speak to him right now!"  He shouted from inside the oval room.       

"Yes, Mr. President!  Right away, sir!"  His assistant aid, replies from the outer room.     

No sooner than all of his advisors arrived, Daniel arrived too. He has a gloomy look on his face, for he just went to rest and was about to do hunky punky with his fiancee when they were interrupted.     

"You called for me Sir?"       

"Yes!  Your damn cousin and her parents in trouble.  I want you to go there and take care of this matter personally.  No matter what you do, make sure she doesn't drag our name to the mud.  Now, go!"  He growled while he furrowed.     

Once Daniel had left, President Grant and his advisors got down to business about Alexa's matter. He wants to announce to the whole world that she's her daughter, but he can't.       

Therefore, he's about to inform them that she would be running for miss universe competition under the Philippines flag.     

He wanted to make sure that they don't give her a hard time in case she won.  Only his advisors know the truth about Alexa, and he's afraid that if she won the competition, they might want to use it for his next election campaign. He can't let them do that to his Princess.     

"You know if she wins this competition, they will look into her past and your relationship might come out in the open.  Maybe she could prolong entering the competition for now until you secure your post."  One of the advisors said while in deep thought.     

"Yes, he is right about that assumption, it could backfire on you, and you might lose the precedency.  Could you handle that?"  Another one asked.     

President Grant had to think very hard.  Which one is more important, his precedency or his family? The latter won, and he chose to let her do what she wants.  It is her long-time goal, and just when her dreams were attainable, he can't be a hindrance to her from achieving her goal.     

"How about we play it by ear, the fashion show would be in two weeks.  After that, she would be preparing for the competition.   When the time comes, will decide what to do, for the time being, let her be.  I want her to enjoy her life to the fullest."  The President said with sadness in his voice.     

Everyone agreed to leave Alexa alone for now, when the time comes, they would once again discuss what to do with her.   Once everything was settled, one by one, the President advisors stood up and prepared to leave.  Every one of them gives comforting words and condolence before departing.     

President Grant thanked them and bid them goodbye.  The assistant aid shows them out while the President sits back, rested his head on the chair, and closed his eyes temporarily.  He started to get a headache from anger.      

Earlier on, he thought he would have a heart attack after reading the report about the Si, family.  In the future, he would do everything in his power to stay away from them if he could help it. He thought to himself while trying to rest his mind.     

Suddenly, President Grant remembers where he was heading before he was interrupted and called for this stupid stunt the Si-family had done.  He quickly got up and walked as fast as he could towards Alexa's room.      

His secret service was having a problem catching up at him for he was walking like the grim reaper was after him.     

A moment later, he was standing by Alexa's door...  Lucas and Logan, as usual, were standing guard outside the door.  They pay their respect to the President before Lucas was ready to knock on the door.     

"Wait!  Just a moment."  President Grant stopped Lucas from what he was about to do.       

He first checked if his suits were excellent, and dusted off an imaginary speck of dust.  Once he was sure that he looks his best, he then nodded his head to Lucas.      

Lucas knocked on the door lightly.  *Knock-knock!*  "Miss Grant, the President, is here to see you!"  He shouted.     

"Let him in!"  Alexa yelled back while walking towards the door to greet her father.     

No sooner than President walks in, Alexa was in his embrace.  "Dad!  How are you?  Everything alright?  I heard that you were stopped on the way here for some urgent matters.  I know it was nothing major?"  Alexa said with her eyes full of concern.     

President was so glad to hear her Alexa's joyful voice and concern for him.  He gives her a light kiss on her forehead before answering.      

"It was nothing to concern you.  Just some stupid stunt the Si family had done overseas, and I was contacted to straighten the matter.  It's being taken care off now, and you're brother's on the way there to personally take care of the situation."  He said casually.     

Andrea, who just arrived and was standing right behind Alexa, heard what the President said and quickly greeted the President and excused herself to find Daniel.  From the way she walked out, Alexa could tell that she's upset and fuming.      

It must be because her brother would be leaving soon or had already left without informing her.  She let go of her father and ushered him to sit down at the sofa.     

As they were walking towards the sofa, President Grant keeps on looking all over Alexa's room.  Alexa saw this and knew who he was looking for.  She felt downcast for her father, for she knows who he's been looking for...-  Her mother."     

Once they were seated, Ria stepped out of the room to get some refreshment for them.  When there was only the two of them in the room.  President Grant didn't dilly-dolly, and anxiously asked Alexa.     

"Didn't your mother and aunt came with you?  Where are they?  I was hoping to have a private word with your mother, you know..."  He said with sadness in his eyes.     

Alexa wasn't sure how is he going to tell her father that her mother had run off as fast as she could to not speak with him.  However, she couldn't seem to find the right word and just looked at her father while tears started forming in her beautiful eyes.     

"Dad!  You see...  I don't know how to say this, but..."  She was not able to finish her words for President Grant had put his two fingers on her lips.   "Shss!  It's alright, no need for words.  I understand, your mother left.  Sigh!"  He let out a big sigh before continuing...     

"I was kind of hoping that I could at least say goodbye.  I never had a chance before, and when I thought she had died, I was devastated that I was not able to say goodbye to her. If God would give me another chance, I would never let her go ever again.  You know that?!"      

The President spoke full of sadness, and tears began to fall from his eyes.     

Alexa's heart was breaking, looking at her father.  She slowly embraces her father while trying to soothe his aching heart.        

Meanwhile, she was thinking of how she could bring her mother and father back together, now that he's once again a free man...      

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