The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

What, Now?

What, Now?

0Alexa, who had stepped out for a while giving them a moment of privacy, had come back and saw her mother staring at a black screen. She has a vague idea of what had happened, but she doesn't want to be noticeable. Therefore, she made small talk not to let her mother feel awkward.     

"Did he hang up already? I swear... that man, I still have a question to ask him, and he hangs up already. Let me call him back. May I have my phone back, please!" She said with concern in her voice.     

She extended her hands for Chrissy to hand her the cellphone. However, Chrissy was still in a state of shock and unmoving. She heard Alexa saying something, but none registered in her mind. She was astonished by a worrisome look on her face.     

 "Huh! Did you say something?" She looked at Alexa blankly still holding on the phone and not letting go.     

"Are you alright, mom! Why do you look like you just saw a ghost? Wait... Don't tell me? Let me guess, the President heard you and brother speaking, and he now knows? Is that why you're deathly white? Oh no! What should we do?"     

Alexa now in a craze for she knows once her father gets back in a state of mind, he would be calling for sure. And there's no way she could avoid answering the call or he would be in a frenzy and be there as fast as time permits. She cannot let that happen and needed to think of something quickly, for he should be calling pretty soon.     

"The first lady is still in a coma, and it would not look good for the President to leave her side. What should I do? What should I tell him to make him come down?" She was mumbling to herself low enough, so Chrissy could not hear her as she paced back and forth.     

Alexa had to do something, and the only thing she could think off was to call him back right away. "Mom, may I have my cellphone back, please! I need to call dad. You understand, right?"      

Chrissy only nodded in agreement before handing the phone to Alexa. "I'm a bit tired, and I don't think I can handle any stress right now, so do me a favor, if he asks to speak with me, please! make an excuse for me. Alright!" Her voice was shaking, and tears started forming in her eyes.     

"Oh... Mom! I'm sorry! I didn't know that he would be there at these hours. Do you know what time it is there? It's two a.m. why is he still up? Nevermind that! Let me call first, and will talk later when I'm done." She gave her mother a quick embrace and then ushered her out of the room so she could make the call to her father.     

Chrissy had just stepped out, and the light of her phone lit up... Sure enough, it's President Grant this time, his calling her from his own phone.     

Alexa took a quick breather first before procuring a beautiful smile on her face. She then swipes her finger on the screen of her phone... "Hi, Daddy!" With the sweetest smile on earth that could melt any father's heart.     

President Grant's face was solemn and not smiling at all. He knows what his daughter was going to do and he's not granting her way this time. He must speak to Chrissy even if he has to fly out that moment.      

President Grant couldn't believe that Chrissy was right there in front of him several times and he has no clue that it was her. He must speak with her, or he would tell his pilot to get Airforce one ready to fly to the Philippines right there and then...     

"Don't you dare Daddy me, young lady! Let me speak to your mother, right this instant!" President Grant said sternly, and he was serious with his order.     

Alexa doesn't know what to do. She was trying to think of what to say as an excuse, but the way President Grant was staring at her on the screen was making her nervous. She started stuttering the words that were coming out of her mouth.     

"Ah, ah...Ah! I'm sorry! Dad, but mom is not feeling good right now. She was in shock at the moment that you found out and needed to lay down. Could you forgive us just this once and let her rest first. Could you? Please!!!!" She put her two hands together as if she's praying.     

President Grant wasn't buying her pleading act. He knows she's trying to make an excuse for her mother and he's having none of it, he wanted to speak with Chrissy and not a moment later.      

 "Alexa, listen to me... If you don't put your mother online right at this moment... You will be seeing me in person, as soon as time permits me. Watch me if I don't do it!" He told her with eyes glaring at her and shooting fire.     

"Oh, come on... Dad! Be reasonable, alright! Mom is not ready to face you yet, give her some time, please! Do you think it's easy for her, of course not?! Give her a break!" Alexa is now agitated and unreasonable. She's also looking at her father with eyes bulging from the socket and shooting dagger to her unreasonable father.     

Like father like daughter, both were headstrong, and none was ready to give up.     

"If you do that, let see if we don't hide from you! Yes! You heard me right; I would go in hiding with mother if you insist on speaking with her right now!" Alexa was doing her best to buy time for Chrissy to come to term and she's praying to all the Gods to give her this miracle.     

It seems that there was one God who's awake, and had heard her prayer...     

President Grant was about to say something when Daniel barged in without knocking... His haggard face flooded with sadness and tears starting to form in his eyes as he spoke...     

"Father... Oh, Dad....! I just received a call from mother's doctor, we need to go right now... Please!!!"     

Alexa heard Daniel's voice and from the sound of it, she could already fathom what had happened. She was speechless after that and unable to move... 'What, now?' She thought while looking at President Grant's sad-looking face.     

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