The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Yes! Like That!

Yes! Like That!

0Alexa was only startled, but not surprised by Prince Alex's move. She had been waiting for him to make a move, and he finally did. Unknown to her, he heard every word that she was thinking while she was thinking it out loud.     

That was all the encouragement he needed, and he went for it when he saw that she was about to get up and leave.     

"I've missed you so much, and your kisses are all I have ever dreamed of and ever wanted." He kissed her hungrily as if his life depended on it.      

Alexa felt like the air in her body had been sucked away from the way Prince Alex was kissing her. While their lips were locked, he put his tongue inside her mouth, tasting her sweetness, kissing her deep and hard, sucking the air out of her lungs.     

The two were heated and about ready to get down to business, when...- "Ahem! Ahem!" It was Daniel and Andrea wearing only robes and hair all tousled. Daniel was not shooting daggers this time, but instead, he was grinning from ear to ear.     

"I think you guys need a chaperon or should I say, need to be separated for the meantime." Daniel teased Alexa and Prince Alex, whose faces were all red from embarrassment.      

"No need, we are about to turn in ourselves anyway. We were saying goodnight to each other." Prince Alex said while scratching his head like a schoolboy.     

"Yeah! We were saying goodnight, nothing else!" Alexa chimed in but was unable to look at her brother straight in his face. Instead, she was looking at Andrea, who was trying hard not to laugh at them.     

Alexa moved away from Prince Alex and quickly ran out while speaking on top of her voice but in embarrassment: " Goodnight!"     


"We will follow you guys once we clear out some of our appointments. We could also use some time away from business right now. Ever since I came back into showbiz, I have not had a break." Ann was telling Alexa while they were having breakfast.     

"Oh, I didn't know you are in show business." Alexa was surprised. She thought to herself as he felt that Ann did not need to work at all. She has the richest man in the whole country as her husband, why would she continue with showbiz?     

"It's a long story, and we don't have the time for that right now. I will tell you another time. For the meantime, I want you to focus on your modeling career. This would help you a lot when you start with the competition. Don't worry; we will back you up, 1000 percent. Hahaha!" Ann happily informed Alexa while she was holding her cousin's hands.     

"Thank you! You know how much it means to me. It's the only dream I have left that's not yet fulfilled. Once I become a beauty queen. Then I'm done...!" Alexa announced to everyone at the table.      

Prince Alex squeezed her hand to acknowledge and to tell her that he's supporting her one hundred percent. "Anything you want me to do to help you win, just say so, and it's done!" He proudly told her.     

Alexa smacked his hands. "What you mean anything to help me win. As much as I want your help, I don't want it that way. I will win on my own and would stand proud when it happens. Just you wait and see!"      

"I'm sure you will, honey! I'm just saying that if you do...- only if you do need my help, I'm here!" He then lifted her hands and kissed it soundly.     

Jeff came in with Little Jeffrey just in time as Prince Alex was kissing Alexa's hands and it did not bode well on the little boy. He quickly released his father's hold on him and sped like a lightning bolt towards his Aunty Alexa...-     

"No!!! She's mine!!! Don't touch her!" He quickly pushed the Prince's face away from Alexa's hands, which shocked Prince Alex in return and almost fell off his chair.     

Ann: "Yep-yep!!!"      

Jeff: "Jeffrey Jr.!!!"     

Shouted the couple at the same time. However, he acted like he didn't hear his parents and squeezed himself in between the lovebirds and tried his might to seat on Alexa's lap.      

Ava saw what her brother was doing and started giggling. She thought it was funny; therefore, she also went toward the couple and squeezed herself and asked Prince Alex to pick her up.     

Prince Alex thought she was so adorable and picked her up and put her on his lap. Little Ava loved it and put out her tongue to her twin brother." Bleh! He's mine! Only mine! " While giggling.     

"Ohhhh, no! We got another one. We are in trouble now." Ann exclaimed with a big grin on her face.     

Jeff decided to let it go and went to sit down at the head of the table and began eating like it's just another day in paradise. After putting a spoon full of food on his mouth, Jeff spoke.     

"Prince Alexander, Alexa...- Since both of you smite my two children... Why don't you two adopt them and we can make another one." He said it with a straight face without batting an eye.     

"I think I'll pass, and if we want a set of twins, we would also make our own." Prince Alex responded with a straight face as well.     

"Oh, Alright, then! However, if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me." Jeff said nonchalantly and continued eating.     

Ann, Eva, and Alexa had their mouths open while listening to Prince Alex, and Jeff talked about the children like they were speaking of some kind of goods.      

However, the two children did not like the idea of their father, giving them away. Both started crying while they were still holding onto Alexa and Prince Alex.      

"Mommy!!! Daddy is giving us away... Whaaaa." The twins said it simultaneously that made everyone at the table begin to laugh out loud...      

It was a beautiful day, and they had forgotten about Dr. Garcia for the moment. However, it did not last too long, for when Daniel came in he had a sad look on his face, and it seemed like he was ready to burst into tears...     

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