The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

The Heart Beat's, Even If The Memory Was Gone

The Heart Beat's, Even If The Memory Was Gone

0The club was jammed pack when Alexa and Eva arrived.  Ann had asked Jeff to call ahead and make sure that the girl will not have an issue going in.  When Jeff found out where the girl was heading... He wasn't too happy for that's where he had set Prince Alexander up for the night.     

He was planning to transport Prince Alexander the next day when they all leave to fly to America.  Since their flight is around noon and the check-in time is at 3:00 p.m, there was no chance of them meeting.  However, now that Alexa decided to go to THG Hotel & Casino... He's not sure any longer.     

When Jeff wasn't making a move to contact the hotel, Ann nudged him.  "Hey,' Aren't you going to reach the Manager?  If you're not, then I will!"  Ann said irritably.       

Jeff quickly got up and made a call.  He knows better than to ignore what his wife wants.  If he doesn't do what Ann wanted, he will end up sleeping in the dog house.  That's one thing he would never allow to happen ever again.     

With Jeff's arrangement, Alexa and Eva have no problem getting in.  They were ushered to a private seating area while two of Jeff's bodyguards follow them in secret.  Alexa said she doesn't want Lucas to tag along, but she never said that Jeff could not send his bodyguard.  Therefore, he arranged for two of his best guys to watch over the girls.     

As soon as Alexa and Eva enter, every man they passed by would agape and stared hungrily towards the two girls.  They only ignored them and continued walking like they were doing the catwalk on the runway.  Hips were shaking, and long legs were showing...      

There's no way anyone could ignore them as they passed by.  Men or women were staring at the two who enters without a partner in tow.  For the women with a partner, it smells trouble, and for the single ladies, it is worst for the competition just got intense.     

Once they were seated, Alexa ordered the most potent drink they have in the house.  While Eva only orders a mild drink... 'Fuzzy navel' A mixed of orange juice and vodka.  Unlike Alexa, she asked for the most potent cocktail drink available, and the waiter brought her 'Long Island Ice Tea' With nine different types of alcohol in it, and it's as strong as it can get.     

When Alexa tasted it, all that came out of her mouth was, "Ahhh!  This is delicious!  Now I could drink ten more of this." She told Eva whose slowly sipping her cocktail.     

"Can I have a taste?"  Eva asked for she got curious from the way Alexa exclaimed, and it was showing on her face how much she loves it.  Therefore, she must try it too.  "Phew!"  Then spit it out as quick as Eva could.  "A- I mean, Lexy!  What in the world is wrong with you?  That drink if for an alcoholic person!"  Now it's Eva's turn to exclaim.     

"Hahaha!  Hahaha!  Hahaha!"  Alexa was having fun seeing her cousin turn all red from sipping from her drink.  "You are so cute, and you know that!  One glass of this, and we will be jamming..."  Alexa proudly told Eva whose still trying to get rid of the alcohol in her taste bud.     

Meanwhile, in the next private table, Prince Alexander and Pierre had just arrived and currently checking out the place.  The place was dimly lit, so they really could not see well unless the person were next to each other.  Therefore, even though they passed Alexa's private table, Alexa didn't see Prince Alexander, for she was busy teasing Eva at the time.     

However, when she began laughing and Prince Alexander heard her voice... He felt a tinge of pain in his heart... The sound of the voice was familiar to his ears. He couldn't pinpoint where and who that voice belongs to.  He decided to let it go and continue gazing towards the dance floor and watch for his prey.     

However, after a few drinks already and still not finding what he was searching for, he started to feel bored and thinking of calling it a night.  "This is no fun any longer, why don't we finish this drink and let's head to the Casino and see about playing some card."  He told Pierre, who was enjoying himself watching the dance floor.     

He was stunned and disappointed to hear what Prince Alexander had said.  However, who is he to contradict what the boss wants.  He only nodded and smiled slightly.  "Yes, Alex...  If that's what you want.  Let's get out of here then."     

Pierre finished his drink in one gulp and prepared to get up, when... "Wait!  Let's wait a little longer."  Prince Alexander stopped him from getting up.  Pierre follows where Prince Alexander was looking, and he saw two gorgeous women with a beautiful smile plastered on their faces — making their way towards the dance floor.     

The way was paved as they walk towards the dance floor.  People that were dancing stopped and gazed at the two as they do their catwalk towards the middle of the dance floor.  Once they reached the center, the tempo of the music changed to a more seductive sexy dance song.        

When Eva heard it, she was about to turn around and go back to their table.  However, Alexa stopped her and winked before she began swaying her hips and start dancing.  They came from a multi-talented, and musically inclined family.  Therefore, dancing was nothing for both of them.     

They danced their hearts out like a seductress.  They didn't care that everyone had stopped and stood mesmerized from the way the cousin was dancing.  They continued having the wildest night ever in their entire existence.       

Unknown to Alexa that Prince Alexander's gaze was fixed on her, and his heartbeat was running wild like a mustang. *Thud-thud-thud-thud!*  He didn't realize that he was being hypnotized already and got up and made his way towards the dancing floor...     

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