The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Don't Make It Hard On Me.

Don't Make It Hard On Me.

0Since Lucas and Alexa wasn't too far away from Ramon, he heard the whole conversation and understood what's going on. President Grant, Daniel Grant, and Prince Alexander all specifically ordered Alexa's secret service not to let him get near her. If that's the order, so be it... He would wait for his time, some other day.      

Ramon knows when to retreat, he waved Alexa goodbye and turned around to go back to his villa.     

Alexa saw Ramon waving at her and then turning around to leave. She was about to go after him, but Lucas blocked her path with his arms spread wide open.     

"Miss Grant, please! Don't make it hard on me. This is for your own good, and I'm only doing my job. Please!!!!" He begged.     

"But why? I really don't understand? What did he do so bad for all three of them giving you the same order, why?" Alexa wasn't accepting his poor excuse. It was not good enough for her.     

"Miss Grant. If you must know the reason, I would suggest you speak to them and asked direct. As you know... I only take orders and not make them up." Lucas said sternly with a straight face.     

With that reason, Alexa accepted defeat and just shake her head in disbelief. How could her father, brother, and boyfriend do this to her? She can't fathom a reason why, and as soon as she gets a chance, she would ask them the reason why? She had no choice but to return where the children were playing.     


Ramon made it back to his villa with a sullen and sunken face. " Ahhh! He was near, but then she's too far... And out of reach. As usual, it's the same for the last five years, he can look, but can't be near." He grumbles out loud while he rakes his hair out of frustration.     

Ever since Alexa left the Spaniard Kingdom, not a day goes by that he wasn't thinking of a way to follow her where she went. The only reason he was satisfied to stay put, it's because he knows that Prince Alexander was in the same predicament as him. "But, how did it happen that they are now an item?" He mumbles while pacing back and forth.      

"This isn't right! He can't have her. She's mine!" He yelled at no one in particular. Luckily each villa's where a distance from each other and no one could hear or see him. If anyone sees him at that moment, they would think that he had lost his mind.      

He needed something to calm him down, so he went to the mini-bar in his room, and he poured himself the most potent alcohol he could find and gulp it in one shot. "Tequila"     

He poured him another one and did the same thing. When it wasn't enough, he poured one after another and gulped it like it's water and not a potent liqueur. Therefore, after finishing one whole bottle, he was totally wasted and ready to fight whoever comes his way.     

However, as drunk as he was, he still has his common sense and decided just to sleep it off. He's hoping that at least, with him being too drunk he would be able to fall asleep right away... Not!      

No sooner than he lay down, everything went twirling around, and he felt dizzy as he tries to go to sleep. As if that wasn't enough, his stomach starting to feel funny and he's feeling sick and ready to throw up. "Oh, Shit! What have I done to myself? This is stupid, Ahhhh!" He screamed and at the same time had to scoot over closer to the edge of the bed to look for a trash can.     

And then... the nasty thing happened before he was able to find a trash can. He puked all over the side of the bed while his head was hanging. And that's how he falls asleep, with his head hanging...     


Meanwhile, Alexa went back to her villa with sadness in her eyes. She was hoping that her mother was back so she could speak with her about it. They have not yet sat down and discussed anything. She went straight to her mother's bedroom to see.     

"Mom?! Are you here?" She poked her head inside the room. She smiled after seeing that her mother was laying down resting. As soon as she came in, she asked. "Mom, can we talk?"     

Chrissy, who has her eyes closed but not sleeping, slowly opened her it and looked at her daughter with a squinting eye. "Alexa! Sure, why not. Come sit right here. Let's talk what's on your mind?" She patted the side of the bed.     

Alexa sat down and gave her mother an embrace first, then she began. " You see, I have this childhood friend, I don't know if you remember Ramon? Well, he's here, and I was forbidden to have contact with him. You know that right now I'm going out with Prince Alexander, right?"     

Chrissy nodded in agreement while focused on Alexa. "What about Ramon and Prince Alexander?"     

"Let see, Ramon and I had been friends for so long since we were kids and he had always been for me whenever I needed a friend. Well, we lost contact for a long time then he suddenly appeared like six years ago just for right when I met you. Remember?"     

"Yes, I remember that he was that good looking kid that was with you at the hotel when you were supposed to meet with Lady Antella."     

 "Yes that was him, and at that time he came looking for me because he was being forced by his mother to get married and he needs someone to play along as his fiancee, and he thought about me. At that time, I felt that he was only looking for help, but I didn't know that he was seriously thinking about me differently.     

"Anyway I have not had any contact with him for a long time then suddenly he appeared again. I just saw him out there on the beach. Unfortunately, he was prevented in getting in close contact with me. Lucas had stopped me from greeting him, and he told me that... It was Dad's, Daniel, and Prince Alexander's order. So, I had no choice but to comply." Alexa's eyes were showing concern and unsure of what to do.     

"Furthermore, I don't know what it is, but for some reason everyone forbidding him to be around me and that's what I wanted to know? What do you think I should do, mom? Should I talk to him or listen to Lucas and not let him get close to me?"      

Chrissy just listened quietly to her daughter and thinking of how could help her with her dilemma. She reached out and caressed Alexa's beautiful face, before responding as politically as she could.      

"Well since we are going to be busy for the next couple weeks why don't you just let it slide for now and play it by ear. You can't contradict what your father wants, and also you don't want your boyfriend to get jealous he's a man after all. So think about that, and the best thing is just to concentrate on your fashion show once that's over and when Prince Alexander's back, you could then meet with him. How's that?"     

Alexa thought of what her mother has advised her and she agree after thinking it carefully. It's the best way, she doesn't want to anger her father, brother and of course Prince Alexander.      

"You have a point there mother. I will do what you say and concentrate on the fashion show. Let's play it by the ear and see what happens," She then gives her mother a peck on her cheek and went to her room to make a call to the love of her life...     

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