The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Dinner With The Enemy

Dinner With The Enemy

0Earlier that day:     

Chrissy arrived at her room feeling exhausted. Her memory of her life keeps flooding her mind, and it's giving her a massive headache. She went straight to where her medicine was being held and took out a vile of serum.     

She took out one vile, a syringe and an elastic string then sat down on top of the bed and prepared to administered the medicine to herself. She needed the shot, or her headache would never go away.     

Her face twitched a little when she poked her skin with the needles, but that was only for a moment. The clear liquid of serum went straight to her vain and shoot out to her brain. "Ahhh!" She breathes a sigh of relief once all the liquid were emptied entirely.     

Without having the strength anymore, she dropped the syringe and the empty vile at the carpeted floor, released her arms from the elastic string and flopped her body to the bed and passed out.     

This always happens when Chrissy gives herself a shot. That's why she always make sure that all doors were double-locked and no once could enter and do anything to her.     

After a couple of hours, she was wakened up by a call from the hotel telephone. She looked at the alarm clock on top of the side table next to the phone.     

It's Five o' clock in the afternoon.     

Chrissy slowly got up and reaches the hotel phone and answered. She's still groggy from her short nap.     


"Darling, it's your husband. Are you alright?" Dr. Garcia sounded worried.     

Chrissy felt a twinge in her heart after hearing him said without pausing for a moment of hesitation,- It's your husband- knowing full well that they are not married.     

"Oh, hi! I had a massive headache a while ago and rushed back here in my room to give myself a shot. As usual, I passed out afterward. Why is that?" She asked     

"Sorry, love... It's part of the process for the chemical to work correctly. Once the medicine hit the core target in your brain, it will shut it off to let you rest and heal you in the process."     

"Hmmm, Is it? I wonder...- Anyway, I need to let you go. I have a dinner appointment with the President of Mega Entertainment and her family tonight. I only got an hour or so to get ready. Later!" Chrissy was about to hang up...     

"Wait... wait, I'm here at the hotel now. I had to check-in temporarily, for they would not give me a spare key to your room. Also, they won't give me your room number..." Dr. Garcia sounded upset and agitated.     

When Chrissy heard that he's in the hotel as well, it 's like lightning struck her. She quickly got up and stepped on the syringe that was on the carpeted floor.     

"Ouch!!!" She unknowingly said it a little too loud.     

"What happened?!" Dr. Garcia exclaimed anxiously from the other side of the line.     

"Nothing, it was only the syringe. I accidentally stepped on it." She calmly replied.     

"What's your room number? I'll be right over."     

Chrissy was hesitant for a moment if she should give her room number to Dr. Garcia or...- Nah!, he would be suspicious if she suddenly disappeared and she can't let him know yet.     

"It's 15001." She blurted out.     

"Alright! I'll be right over, don't move and do anything that might hurt you!" Dr. Garcia sounded all concern, and it's breaking Chrissy's heart.     

"Alright!" She then hangs up.     

No sooner after she hangs up, she quickly called Sophia and warned her. She has no time to call Alexa, Dr. Garcia would arrive any minute. She needed to prepare herself, and she cannot take the chance of him knowing that she already has her memory back...     


Sophia gathered  Everyone together and had a meeting regarding Chrissy's situation.  Everyone must know what's going on, to be able to act accordingly when they arrived.     

Therefore,  Dr. Garcia was treated like a member of the family during dinner.  He never once had an inkling that Chrissy already knew her real identity.  All the men made him feel welcome and included him with their business discussion. They even went as far as inviting him to stay to play poker after dinner while the ladies chit-chat over tea and cake.     

The dinner was a success, Dr. Garcia was over the moon that he was able to meet the famous CEO Go of the Mega World Intl. Group.  He's been wanting to approach Jeff with the hope of getting funding for his research and development of new medicine.  Now is his chance and he would make the best of the situation...     

After dinner, the men gathered into the game room to play poker.  While the ladies went back to the parlor.  Nothing was amiss; everyone played their role perfectly...     

It was Little Ava and Little Jeffrey time for bed.  Their nannies came to get them.  Ava went willingly, while the little 'devil' Jeffrey, would not let go of Alexa.  He grabbed hold of Alexa's neck and locked his hands together.  He would not let go, no matter how hard they try to pry his hands open.     

"Hahaha!  Alexa, it seems you found you an admirer. Hahaha!"  Ann teased her cousin.     

Alexa thought that her little nephew was cute to be smitten with her.  She also found the boy adorable, and she wishes that she has one of her own.      

While thinking, she looked at Prince Alexander direction who's having fun playing poker with the guys and then looked at little Jeffrey afterward.  'If we started five years ago, we would have one like you'  She thought as she played with Little Jeffreys hair.     

"How about I take him to his room so he could get ready for bed,"  Alexa suggested since they were not having any luck prying him from her.     

Ann felt terrible, but there's nothing she could do when it comes to little Jeffrey. Only his dad could coax him in one word, but his currently busy playing poker.  Therefore, she agreed with Alexa's suggestion, apologetically.     

Alexa slowly got up to take Jeffrey to his bedroom.  Unknown to her that Prince Alexander was secretly watching her as she walked with a child in her arms.  He wishes that it was their child that she's carrying like that.      

"Your Highness...!  Prince Alex, it's your turn.  Call or fold?"  Ethan asked with a grin on his handsome face. While winking at Daniel who's shooting a sharp knife as he looks at his future brother-in-law.     

Prince Alexander sheepishly folded his card and threw it towards Ethan and accidentally flipped it as he said, "I fold!"      

Ethan's eyes widened and so us everyone when they saw the two cards that Prince Alexander had folded.  It was two Aces, and with what's currently flopped at the table, which was two Aces, and a King.  That gives him four of a kind...  Which is hard to beat with only three-card opened.     

"Hahaha!  Hahaha!  Hahaha!"     

All the men laughed out loud for what Prince Alexander had done.  They love it that his mind was not on the game at all; he could have scooped that whole pot and won.  But instead, he folded and lost a hefty sum of money.     


The night ended without a mishap.  Everyone enjoyed the dinner and the after poker.  Dr. Garcia thanked everyone while his hand was wrapped around Chrissy's waist as they bid everyone goodbye.     

Chrissy did not remove his hands, even though she was cringing the whole time.  Everyone saw it but were not stupid enough to let Dr. Garcia know what they were seeing.     

Alexa was afraid that when they go back to the hotel, Dr. Garcia might do something.  She needed to improvise and find a way to keep her mother at her side.     

"Ms. Garcia...- didn't you promised that you would be working with me tonight?"  She then turned to Dr. Garcia, "Do you mind letting her stay for a while with me?  She could ride with us when we go back to the hotel.  What do you say?"      

Alexa asked right in front of everyone to make sure that Dr. Garcia would not be able to say no.  She has her finger cross behind her back while she was asking, and praying at the same time.     

Chrissy doesn't want to sound anxious; she looked at her fake husband first before she replied to Alexa.  "It's up to him?"     

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