The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

I Want To Meet This Woman...

I Want To Meet This Woman...


Twenty-four hours later, Prince Alex tried to be inconspicuous when he arrived in Stonasia. He didn't want the King and the Queen to know about his arrival.


Beside his living quarters inside the Palace, he had a Villa outside the City for his rendezvous. He decided to go straight to the villa to avoid meeting his parents. He needed to figure out something before he faced them. Knowing the King, he knew that he was in so much trouble this time.

Last week he received a message from the King's secretary, informing him of his impending engagement with Lady Antella as per the King's decree. Today was the last day of his freedom, and he was going to enjoy every minute of it. At least, that was what he had planned.

Prince Alex arrived at his villa in an excellent mood. He was in the middle of a conversation with one of his girlfriends when *Thud!* he was kicked right on his butt and almost fell on the ground, face first.

The kick was not that strong, and he was able to hold his ground. 

"What the heck!" Prince Alex cursed.

He turned to look and was shocked to see who the intruder was. "What are you doing here? and why are you here?" He asked, face full of anger, daggers shooting from his eyes.

"Does it matter why I'm here? What matters is the stupid idea that our parents came up with? Hahaha! Who are they kidding? You...? Me...? What's up with that?"

"Tomorrow night it will be officially announced for the whole world to know. Are you going to let them do that?" Lady Antella asked with a loud voice.

Prince Alex hugged Lady Antella as a greeting. "How have you been? Hehe! Of course, not! Not in this lifetime or the next. Unless..." He gave her a look over with furrowed eyebrows, "unless you become a real woman in your next life. Hahaha! Then, I might consider the possibility."

With that, Prince Alex got a kick on his shin. 


"Man! You, mean and violent creature, you're just like the one I met in Asia. You two would match perfectly if she's into someone like you."

"Into someone like me? What about me? What's wrong with me, huh?" Lady Antella bombarded Prince Alex with questions.

Prince Alex thought about the girl and the lady from before. If possible, he better not introduce them to each other.

Lady Antella might compete with him for that girl, and he could end up losing the girl to the competitor. And that was not a good idea at all.

Lady Antella kicked his shin again to get his attention. "You haven't answered my question, what are you planning to do about our impending engagement?" She insisted on getting an answer.

"Why don't we go inside and talk about it in a civilized way, alright?!" Prince Alex was afraid that a paparazzi might be lurking somewhere around the vicinity. It's not a good idea to have their pictures taken together, especially with the impending engagement.

Once they were inside, Lady Antella went straight to the bar to pour some drink for herself. "Do you want some? The way you look right now... it seems you could use a whole bottle. Hahaha!" She teased Prince Alex.

"Stop it! Why don't you? I'm tired, and I'm pissed right now." He informed her with a look that could kill.

"What's with that sour look? Did you meet someone in Asia and got busted?" She asked jokingly, not knowing that it was precisely what had happened.

Prince Alexander recounted his meeting with Alexa Grant. The woman was the one who gave him many firsts in his life.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" Lady Antella crouched while holding her stomach, laughing after hearing the whole story from Prince Alexander.

She found herself very interested in meeting this woman. "I want to meet this woman that gave you many firsts, let's see if she can give you seconds. Hahaha!" She was laughing but seriously thinking about going to Asia herself.

"So do I, so do I..." Prince Alexander mumbled.

He had no idea that they would meet very soon…


Alexa worked as a slave for the whole week. She was initially supposed to be an assistant, but she became way more than that.

The original request was for an assistant to handle the daily schedule for the duration that the guest was in town-no more no less.

However, everything changed when the woman met Alexa. Especially after witnessing her encounter with Prince Alexander. Alexa's temporary boss immediately saw the potential within her and wanted to explore the possibility of grooming her as one of her talents.

Instead of letting Alexa assist with her daily schedule, the woman hired another person to do the job. While she kept Alexa beside her during all her meetings, to assist her when she needed something or to groom Alexa for a different role later. 

The woman was not a foreigner. She was born in that country but was living in another. She was invited there to be a member of the panel of judges for an upcoming beauty contest. At first, she was hesitant. But due to the recent success of a contestant winning the competition from her native country, she decided to come and discuss the possibility. She hoped that through this process, she would scout someone to become her future talent.

Her decision was not a mistake, she indeed found someone. She planned on doing everything in her power to get that person signed before she had to return to her base.

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