The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Butt Naked...

Butt Naked...


She turned to him and said, "Well! Grandma's not home. She is probably out, playing mahjong. Maybe she will be home later after dinner." Alexa apologetically explained the best she could.


"It's all right! No bother, I will be in the country for a while. We will have more chances to meet in the future." He told her inspecting her small home.

"Cool! How about you make yourself at home. Give me a couple of minutes to take a shower and change then we can go, alright?" She did not wait for his reply. She took it for granted that he would agree.

Alexa had to hurry, or she was going to be late for her appointment. She went to the only bathroom in the house and took a shower as fast as she could. It did not take her long. It took less than fifteen minutes, and she finished her shower.

She turned off the running water and was ready to dry herself when she realized that she forgot to bring a towel with her. 

"F***k me!" She mumbled. She needed to think quickly.

"Ramon!... Ramon, can you hear me?" She called from inside the bathroom.

Ramon was in deep thought and barely heard her calling. "Alexa! Did you call me?"

"Yes! Can you do me a favor, please! I forgot to bring a towel. Can you get me one from the room?"

What choice did he have, "Okay? Where in the room?" He yelled back as he entered the small room that Alexa had been sharing with her grandmother.

"Right behind the door, there's a pink towel hanging. Can you hand it to me, please?!"

'That was easy enough. I didn't have to go digging in some cabinet or something.' Ramon thought. He grabbed the towel then handed it to Alexa, who was peeking from behind the bathroom door, looking all fresh and wet.

"Thanks Ramon! You are a lifesaver." She yelled through the door. 

A couple of minutes later, she came out of the bathroom, with only a towel wrapped around her body. As she was walking toward the room, being bashful, she said, "Sorry! I did not have a choice. I'm not trying to seduce you, alright?"

Ramon, who was busy playing with his cell phone, looked up and immediately blushed due to the scene in front of him. He tried to divert his gaze and look down. But from the corner of his eye, he could still see her beautiful, long, bare legs as she walked by.

Alexa was walking as fast as she could, almost running when she slipped because of her wet slippers that were on her feet. She almost landed flat on her back, but Ramon was quick to catch her before it happened.

Ramon banged his knee against the coffee table, and it gave way as he caught her. While being held by Ramon, Alexa fell right on top of him, as they landed on the ground looking cozy.

Alexa scrambled to get up as fast as she could, not realizing that part of the towel was underneath Ramon.

"Oh! Shit! WTF!" was all she could say before running to the safety of her room butt naked.

Ramon; "^-^" 

Alexa was so embarrassed that as soon as she reached the safety of her room, she locked it and stood behind the door, with a racing heartbeat. 'It's okay, I am safe now. That was a close call. I can calm down now'. She mumbled to herself while she was massaging the left side of her chest, trying to control her emotions that were currently going haywire.

Ramon's face turned all red from embarrassment. He did not expect something like that to happen. He needed to do something, or Alexa would not want to come out of the room. She still had an upcoming appointment with someone.

Ramon walked towards the bedroom and knocked at the door. "Alexa, it's me... I only want to inform you that I did not see anything, alright? If you are feeling embarrassed because of what happened, think nothing of it. Remember that you have an appointment, and we need to get going."

Alexa heard every word Ramon said. However, she hesitated to reply. She took a couple of breaths; 'inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale,' when she felt calmer, she then replied, "Alright! I will be out in a minute. Oh! Ramon, thank you! Hehe!"

Alexa did not have much time to doll herself up, so she put on a nice-collared polo shirt, dress pants to match, and flat shoes. Once that was done, she tied her hair up into a bun, to make her look a little more professional. She was about to get out when she thought of something else that could make her look more mature. She took out from the drawer a pair of clear glasses and put them on.

She looked at herself again and made sure that everything was in place. She even somewhat looked like a professor. [Hahaha!] She laughed at her image in the mirror; it reminded her of the English Teacher she had back in High School. [An old maid]

Ramon was surprised by her transformation, Alexa now looked prim and proper. He had to blink a couple of times to ensure that he was not hallucinating. "What's with the get-up? Do you have to dress like a spinster, as he laughed at her." He jokingly commented for Alexa to feel at ease.

"Whatever! I was trying to look professional, not like a spinster. However, whatever works is fine for me whether it's "professional" or "spinster" doesn't matter." Alexa replied to Ramon's banter.

"Hahaha! You are still as funny as ever. You have not changed a bit. The only difference now is..." 

Ramon did not finish what he was about to say. Alexa might take it the wrong way, and he did not want that to happen. He still had a favor to ask, and if he made her angry, she might change her mind.

"Let us get out of here. I don't have much time left." Alexa threw her arm over Ramon's shoulder, acting like nothing had happened earlier to ease the tension building between them again.

"Let's go then!" Ramon placed his arm on Alexa's shoulder in return, and they walked out of the house, laughing together.

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