The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

She's Gone...

She's Gone...


While they were inside the taxi following Ramon and Alexa, Pierre texted Prince Alexander to inform him of what was going on, and what they were currently doing.


[ You're Highness, we are currently in pursuit, Miss Alexa and that man. I Will keep you posted.]

Prince Alexander saw the text as he was making his way back to the venue. Instead of texting back, he went to look for a quiet and secluded area to make a phone call to his assistant.

"What's going on? Where are you going right now?" He asked arrogantly.

"Apology your Highness, we are currently inside a taxi in pursuit of Miss Alexa on the way to God knows where," Pierre replied nervously while looking at Greta who was asking him who he was talking too.

"You better not lose her, you know the consequences if it happens." Prince Alexander warned Pierre once again like he always does when he orders him to do something.

Pierre was about to say something in return when the taxi suddenly halted.

"We are here Sir, Mam!" The taxi driver informs them.

Prince Alexander heard what the taxi driver said. He anxiously bombarded Pierre with a question. "Where are you right now? Where did she have to go? What's going on?"

"Your Highness, we are currently at the hospital. It seems that she has an emergency. I will contact you as soon as we find what's going on."

Pierre hung up the phone and followed Alexa and Ramon inside the hospital to find out what the emergency was. Greta followed right behind him at a slow pace and recorded everything that was happening for Lady Antella to view when she got back to report what happened.

Alexa ran fast as if the devil was chasing her. She was followed by Ramon, who was anxious to know what happened to Grandmother Santos. When they arrived at the emergency room, it was chaos, Alexa ran and checked each bed as she searched for her grandmother.

"Grandma, where are you?... Grandma..." Alexa yelled in the emergency room. "Ramon, do me a favor, please!!! Could you go and speak to someone at the nurse station and ask around. I will continue looking while you do that, is that alright with you?"

"Sure! Do not worry, Alexa! We will find her, and I am positive she is alright." At least Ramon hopes that grandma Santos is alright, if not he doesn't know how Alexa would handle the situation.

Ramon went to the nurse station not knowing who to ask and what to do. The nurses were going crazy, and no one paid attention to him as he stood there waiting for someone to acknowledge him. When a minute passed, and no one said anything to him, Ramon finally found his courage and approached one of the nurses that's busy in front of the computer.

"Excuse me, Mam! Hello!!!! M-Mam!!!" Ramon anxiously tried his best to get the nurse's attention, who didn't even bat an eye and continued what she was doing in front of the computer.

"Hello!!!" Ramon taps the top of the computer trying his might to get the nurse's attention.

"Yes? Can I help you?" The nurse replied but did not even glance at Ramon, and she only mumbles the question.

She continued clicking and typing, "If you need something, speak up or sit and wait, you are not helping by standing there glaring at me." The nurse snarled at Ramon who's unable to utter a word.

Ramon was about to ask about Grandmother Santos when one of the nurses who just came in with sadness in her eyes. "What a day, I just finished speaking to the old lady's granddaughter to let her know that her grandmother is here at the hospital. Not a minute after I hung up, I went back to check on the grandmother, and she's gone..."

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