The Alchemists

Let's Visit My Parents In Germany!

Let's Visit My Parents In Germany!

0Rune heard the conversation between Rose and Mischa with hot cheeks. Ahhh.. he also wanted to have cute children like Alaric and Luna. He imagined his children from Rose would also be very beautiful and handsome.     

Ahh.. damn. He couldn't think that way just yet. His biggest problem now was telling Rose his family's secret. Only then, after it was confirmed that Rose could accept him as he was, could they discuss marriage and then… children.     

"Alright, while waiting for Vega and Luna to return, we can start with the entree," said Aleksis happily. She signaled to the servants and they immediately came with a trolley of food and began to serve dinner.     

"Let's eat," said Aleksis, inviting everyone to start eating. Various appetizers were served and beautifully arranged on the dining table. When they almost finished the entree, Vega returned with Luna who seemed to have fallen back asleep.     

"I haven't missed much, have I?" said the beautiful woman with a soft laugh. Aleksis shook her head and motioned for Vega to sit down.     

Vega put Luna back in her stroller and gave her a fluffy blanket. There was a trace of milk on the corner of her half-open lips. The baby looked so cute.     

After making sure Luna went back to sleep, Vega then sat beside her husband who immediately poured her a drink.     

"Thank you," Vega said with a smile. She began to enjoy dinner with the others. They dined with a variety of delicious dishes ranging from entrees, appetizers, main courses, and desserts, all served with the appropriate wine.     

Rose was very happy to be invited to meet Rune's family. They enjoyed a sumptuous dinner and a wonderful chat, catching up on the news of each family member. It was such a beautiful moment.     

Her mood immediately went up seeing their conversation which was actually trivial but felt fun. Rose noticed that Elios Linden was the quietest among those people. His wife and children were very cheerful and chatty.     

Rose immediately liked being a part of them. She glanced at Rune a few times and saw that the man also looked very happy.      

When dinner was finally over, Rose thanked Aleksis for inviting her. Her eyes sparkled as she spoke. "Thank you so much for having me. The food was great and I feel very welcomed here."     

"Ah.. don't mention it, Rose. We are glad to have you here," said Aleksis with a big smile. She then turned to Rune who seemed like he was thinking about complicated things. "Rune, are you planning to introduce Rose to our parents?"     

"Yeah, I'm planning to visit Germany and meet mom and dad," said Rune. He then looked at Rose. "You don't mind meeting my parents, do you? Our plans to go to Germany were delayed."     

"Oh, that's right . . . I just remember I have been wanting to ask if your offer to meet your family in Germany is still valid?" Rose smiled. "I don't mind if we can meet your parents soon."     

She had brought Rune to see her family and explore her hometown of Medion. It would be fair if Rose visited Rune's family and saw his hometown too.     

So far Rose felt she was well received by Rune's sister and her family. It would also be good to know if his parents would like her too, right?     

When he heard Rose's enthusiastic answer, Rune let out a very bright smile. The young man was sure his father and mother would be very happy if he could bring Rose to meet them.     

He knew how much they wanted to see him fall in love and be happy with a woman, just like all his siblings.     

Moreover, Finland and Caspar were surprised to see their youngest son arrive at their house in Berlin alone, even though they already had plans to spend a family vacation with Rose.     

They didn't say anything at that time. They knew something must have happened between Rune and Rose so the girl canceled her visit to Germany to see them.     

Now Rune was ready to return to Caspar's and Finland's home with the good news and to reveal the truth about his family to Rose.      

"I'm sure my parents would be very happy to have you join us," said Rune excitedly. "Then how about we visit my parents in spring or summer?"     

"Yeah, I'd love that. That sounds perfect," said Rose with a smile.     

"Then... we can make plans for it." Rune was all smiles. Finally... he could bring his girl to meet his parents. He couldn't wait!     


After the nice dinner, they went to the lounge and continued their chat there. Mischa and Aleksis brought their young children to their room and got them to sleep before joining the others in the lounge.     

"Rune, regarding your traveling to Germany, I agree with your plans," said Alexis. "Spring or summer sounds nice."     

Hearing his sister's approval, Rune let out a warm smile and nodded at Alexis. "Yeah."     

"I'm sure our parents would love to see you visit with Rose," Alexis added. "However, I suggest that you hold off on your wish until mom gives birth because in the spring she will be heavily pregnant. It might not be the best time to host guests."     

"Oh... you are right," Rune understood what his sister was trying to say. Their mother might be too busy preparing for her delivery. She might also experience a lot of discomforts during her last trimester. It wouldn't be the best time to disturb an expecting woman.     

Alexis's words were true. Rune was too enthusiastic to immediately introduce Rose to his parents that he forgot that Finland was pregnant. He immediately gave a light smile and sighed.     

"Geez... I feel like I'm getting too excited." Rose turned to Rune with a concerned look. "Your mother must be having a hard time preparing to give birth and taking care of the baby, especially at such an age."     

Pregnancy for women in their fifties had many health risks. It must have been a very difficult pregnancy, right?      

At this point, Rose finally made her own guess that Rune and Aleksis must be siblings from different mothers and Rune was indeed much younger than Aleksis who already had an adult child.      

You see, if you think that Alexis also had the same mother as Rune, it means that Finland Schneider must be in her seventies. A 70-year-old woman couldn't possibly become pregnant right now.     

With that thought in mind, Rose assumed her future mother-in-law must be in her fifties.      

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