The Alchemists

Rune Is Thinking About Buying A House

Rune Is Thinking About Buying A House


To everyone who has been waiting for this book to resume, thank you so much for your patience. ^^     





After the kiss, Rune moved back a little to see Rose better. She was still as beautiful as ever and he felt so lucky to finally have her back in his life. The man smiled sweetly. "I am back."     

"Yes, you are..." Rose nodded. She never needed to put on any makeup to look beautiful, but it seemed she made an extra effort tonight. "Come on in."     

They clasped hands and walked inside. Rune took his bag with one hand and his other hand held Rose's hand. The loft studio looked slightly different from what he remembered. There were new paintings hanging on the wall and the couch in the living room was new. It was a comfortable brown leather sofa.     

He was about to put his bag in the closet next to the sofa but Rose shook her head. She pointed upstairs, toward the mezzanine. Rune's heart skipped a beat.     

He already expected that he and Rose would share a bed once they moved back in together because this time they were really in a relationship, no longer in a fake one. So, sleeping together was expected.     

Actually... his heart was filled with anticipation, and he had to get rid of the thought while he was traveling here, so he would stop thinking about having sex with Rose.     

Rune told himself it would happen sooner or later, but that was NOT the main thing that he wanted to get from being reunited with Rose.     

"We can get a new and bigger bed tomorrow," she said shyly. "I still have my old bed for now."     

Her current bed was very comfortable but it was not really comfortable to accommodate two people in the long run. This made Rune feel so happy.     

"That's a good idea," he said with a smile.     

"You can just put your stuff inside the wardrobe. I have cleared some space for you," Rose said. She pointed at the big closet in the corner of the room. "You can use the space in the dresser too. The shelves on the right are empty."     

"I don't have much stuff," Rune said. He was grateful that Rose was so thoughtful. It seemed she worked hard to prepare the space for him after she returned from the exhibition so it would be ready for Rune when he came.     

He cast his glance around them. This building was owned by Rose's best friend and she lived here for free. It was perfect for a single person. However, if they would get married and then someday raise a family, maybe they have to look for a bigger and nicer place to live.     

Money was not an issue. The question would be where they would want to settle down? Rune loved traveling but he had been doing it for decades now. He could enjoy living in a quiet place and have a relaxing life with a wife and children.     

However, he understood that Rose was still young, much younger than himself because they had different timelines in life, one being an immortal and the other was a regular human. Someone like Rose might still enjoy traveling, or living in big cities and pursuing her dreams.     

Didn't she say that she wanted to be a painter? Maybe she would prefer to continue living in New York.     

If that's the case, Rune would get a house, or a mansion in this city so Rose could still live nearby her friends, stay connected with the art scene in New York and carve her career as an artist.     

He would support her dream and be part of her happiness.     

"Thank you, Rose." Rune nodded happily. He took out his bag and placed it in the closet. "I will unpack later. I am feeling hungry. Wanna eat dinner?"     

"Yes. What do you want to eat?" Rose asked him.     

"Normally I would prefer home-cooked dishes. We can cook together," the man replied. "But we can save it for later. Let's go grocery shopping tomorrow and cook. Tonight we can eat out. What do you think about eating dinner at the brasserie across the street?"     

"That's a good idea," Rose concurred. "Let me get changed and we can go."     

"Then, I will be waiting downstairs." Rune kissed his girlfriend's cheek and went down from the mezzanine. He felt at home.     

Things were finally going in the right direction. After dinner, they could continue with wine by the balcony and talk about their plans for the future. He also must prepare to reveal his family's secrets to Rose.     

She was hiding her real identity from Rune for months when they first got to know each other. She was actually a member of a royal family in a small kingdom in Europe. It was not a bad secret at all.     

If anything, it only showed that Rose was a humble woman who didn't wish to use her affluent background to look better than anyone else.      

Rune's family's secret, however, was much bigger than Rose's secret and might not be perceived as bad, depending on how Rose would see the situation.     

Would she be mad if she found out Rune had been lying to her all this time? Would she think he was making up stories if he told her that he was an immortal and so was the rest of his family?     

Or... worse, would she fear him and think he and his family were freaks?     

"She would never do that," the man muttered to himself as he walked down the stairs and went to the kitchen to get some water to drink. "She would never think of me as a freak, but... she might not feel comfortable with the fact that the man she is in a relationship with was born almost two decades before her."     

His steps halted.      

The man looked up to the loft and sighed. He needed to find a good time to lay down all his cards before he even have a talk with Rose about their future together. The conversation about buying a house and settling down should only happen after Rose knew who Rune actually was.     

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