The Alchemists

Three Scary People

Three Scary People

0Larkin's men were not at all afraid of Nicolae and Mischa. They actually felt pity since these two handsome men did not seem to know how dangerous their boss and their mafia group were.     

Apart from five of his men who followed Larkin to the roof, there were still a dozen more who were waiting for him down below and were ready to go up if needed. They thought that to face these two people alone, they would not need help.     

"You're too patient, Uncle," Mischa said again.     

He walked over to Nicolae and pulled a gun from under his suit. Larkin's men scoffed. To them, Mischa did not look scary at all. In fact, he was extremely handsome with his blond hair and dreamy eyes. He actually reminded them of one of those pretty boys in the magazine.      

However, this pretty boy was holding a large pistol in his right hand and wore a mocking expression on his face. The mafia members in front began to look at each other and try to guess whether this man was indeed weak or actually had to be taken into account.     

He looked too confident, they thought.     

"Who are you?" Larkin asked, crossing his arms on his chest. He thought he had seen Mischa's face somewhere, but he could not remember where exactly. "Don't interfere in other people's business, so you won't become collateral."     

Mischa did not answer. Suddenly, he jumped forward, stepped on the wall, and ambushed Larkin while firing his gun twice. The two men behind Larkin had no time to escape and were sprawled on the floor with injured hands.     

Mischa was still kind enough not to kill them right away. Larkin, who was shocked, was still able to move reflexively to avoid Mischa. Still, his opponent accurately guessed the direction of his body's movements.     

Mischa immediately struck with his left elbow. He finished the job with one swift kick against Larkin's chest until the man slammed down to the floor violently.     

Larkin immediately got up and threw a punch at Mischa, but the blonde man casually held his punch with his right palm. He quickly slipped his gun back to his waist, and he countered Larkin's attacks with his bare hands.     




The two men were soon got into a fistfight. Larkin's men were left confused. They wanted to help their boss but are afraid that if they shot, Larkin would be hit by their bullets.     

Eventually, they could only watch nervously. After a few minutes of close combat, finally, Mischa seemed to be getting bored. With one last move, he punched Larkin's stomach, and before the man fell to the floor, Mischa grabbed Larkin's neck with his left hand.     

"I am warning you ... Next time I will not be this generous," he hissed, staring into Larkin's eyes with his burning gaze. "Goose and Wolf are my family. If you messed around again... don't let my appearance fool you. I'm Mischa Rhionen and will go after you to the end the world. You don't want me as your enemy."     

Instantly Larkin's eyes went so round. He just remembered where he had seen Mischa before. He saw this man several times on TV as a businessman, one of the leaders of RMI.     

But based on rumors in the underworld, this man was actually a legendary former assassin who was feared from years ago, along with his group, Rhionen Assassins.     

"You ... you?" He looked at Mischa in amazement. "No way. Mischa Rhionen is old. Don't you dare lie and claim to be someone you're not!"     

Larkin's confusion was understandable. Few people who had met Mischa in the past knew that he should have been 43 years old. However, the guy's appearance in front of him now still looked quite young.     

Moreover, harsh life as a hitman should have turned him into a rugged man, but instead, Mischa looked so neat and charming. Larkin thought Mischa just wanted to scare him by pretending to be some legendary assassin.     

"My age is none of your business," Mischa snorted. "But if you're still looking for trouble ... then don't expect me to forgive you next time."     

Mischa let go of his grip from Larkin's neck and dropped his body to the ground. He then walked over to Nicolae, who had been watching him, still leaning against the wall.     

Larkin's three uninjured subordinates immediately helped their boss, who was groaning while holding his painful neck.     

"I have troubled you again," Nicolae said. "Thanks."     

"It's okay. Now, when you give them advice, they should be able to listen better," Mischa commented.     

He wiped his hands as if cleaning dirt and then took off his suit. After he draped his suit on his shoulders, he rolled up his shirt sleeves. The man looked like a model in a men's magazine showing off the latest suit, not someone who had just been fighting.     

Even Larkin's men looked amazed to see him. They helped their boss to stand up and confront Nicolae, who was walking toward them.     

"Larkin ... this is the last warning. I don't like your cowardly actions like this. I still consider that you have a relationship with Sanna through her husband. I will not prolong this problem. But, if you ever do this again, I will not hesitate to destroy you. Sanna will know what kind of person her husband is friends with. "     

Larkin looked at Nicolae with an angry expression. He pushed away his men, who supported him because he wanted to beat up Nicolae. Apparently, he was not satisfied before he could vent his anger.     

"Why are you standing like fools? Let's beat him!!" he grumbled. He admitted defeat to the man who just beat him up, but all of his men could gang up on Wolf, right? This man was just a hacker, he was not a fighter ...     

Nicolae only sighed when he saw the three burly men charging toward him. He avoided the first person's blow by bowing his body at the right time and then turned around with a sharp jab to the second person's face on his right and was followed by a punch to the person to his left.     

His movements were swift. Each blow was filled with enormous force, and within one minute, his three opponents had been lying on the floor, curling in pain.     

Larkin couldn't believe his eyes at all. Was this really happening? Six tough men from the mafia group that was quite respected in France lost to only two regular men???     

His anger surged, and he finally drew a gun from one of his men's waist and immediately pointed it at Nicolae. He didn't care anymore if he had to kill someone today.     


Larkin's face looked pale, and his eyes went round when he saw his hands covered in blood, and the gun slipped from his grasp. He immediately looked to his left and saw a beautiful woman perched on the wall while crossing her legs elegantly. Her hand holding a small gun aimed at him.     

Marion appeared suddenly out of nowhere, and she shot Larkin's hand before he could pull the trigger to shoot Nicolae.     

"I don't want to ruin the hotel's reputation by leaving dead bodies here. So, I hope you will leave before I make you unable to walk," Marion snorted, turning the gun in her hand.     

Everyone looked at the girl with a surprised expression. Nicolae nodded towards Marion gratefully.     

Marion jumped down from the wall and walked over to Larkin and kicked the gun that had fallen on the floor. She knelt and pulled the man's head and forced his mouth open.     

"Ahh .. hmmph ..." Larkin was about to resist and got away from her grip, but Marion was stronger than him. The girl easily locked his shoulders and forced him to swallow a pill.     

"If you don't want your penis to die on you, you must look for me in one week. I'll give you the antidote after you make up for all your mistakes to my friend," Marion said, smiling slyly. "You can see for yourself whether I lie or not. Starting tonight, your little friend will not be able to go erect."     

After that, she got up and kicked Larkin once. The man growled in pain and curled up on the floor.     

"Gosh .. Boss!"     

"Crazy! Who are these people...?"     

"They are all so scary..."     

Larkin's men exchanged glances, and they soon realized they could not win against these three scary people.     

They immediately took their boss and their two friends who were injured by Mischa's shots earlier. Everyone hurried out through the door to go down to the lobby.     

"Wow ..." Nicolae just chuckled, seeing Marion's presence. "Do you still carry poison with you everywhere?"     

Marion just shrugged. "I always carry that pill with me. It's always effective to teach men a lesson. No man dares to risk losing their manhood for life."     

"Uhmm ... thank you, Marion," Nicolae said with a smile. He then turned to Mischa. "I have troubled you guys today."     

"It's okay," Marion answered casually. Mischa also nodded.     

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