The Alchemists

Sophia's Plan

Sophia's Plan

0At a small tavern in Rotterdam, Sophia sat enjoying sparkling wine while smiling to herself. A young waiter who had cleared the table then sat next to her and helped pour wine into her glass.     

"Miss look so happy. Any good news?" the waiter asked Sophia.     

The purplish-eyed beauty only closed her eyes when she heard her question. Her mouth smiled wider. When she opened her eyes, those purple eyes seemed to glitter with joy.     

"I think now they must have received the letter. I wish I could be there, it would have been perfect! Haha ..." Her voice was filled with excitement.     

The waiter smiled at Sophia's words. She raised her glass and invited her to toast. "Everything has gone according to plan so far. It's not in vain that you sacrificed your brother."     

Sophia only raised an eyebrow. Her expression looked unhappy. "Alexei is old and no longer useful. He would only trouble me in the future. At least, he can be useful for one last time."     

"Hmmm, you are right."     

They then clinked their glasses and drank with satisfied expressions. Sophia glanced to the side, and her smile made her face look more beautiful.     

She held her glass of wine and her beautiful eyes were watching the canal in front of her tavern. Many small boats were passing by and the canal looked so busy.     

Her eyes stared far away, beyond the canal and the boats. Sophia was thinking about the past and that put a beautiful smile on her face.     

"All this will not work without proper preparation ... I have been patient enough, and I did my part well. Five years is not a short time," the girl muttered in a low voice.     

"Miss is very patient," commented the waiter.     

"Ah ... my patience is nothing, compared to your master's patience. He had been waiting for 25 years and prepared everything in detail. I learned a lot from him," Sophia commented while looking at her assistant. Her eyes gleamed happily.     

She remembered the man who came to see her five years ago when she was so desperate and almost ended her life. The man invited her to speak and assured her that she still had hope for revenge. He told her his own grudge toward Alaric Rhionen and how he had prepared a perfect plan to get his revenge.     

That day, Sophia's spirit returned. She finally found a purpose in life. She could survive and be patient. Until finally ... the long-awaited day had arrived.     

"Imagine ... the most powerful people in the world ... are too helpless to do anything ..." Sophia chuckled. She covered her mouth with the back of her little hand as she laughed. Elegant, just like someone of noble birth would do.     

Although she had now fallen into poverty, Sophia remained a noble daughter with class and elegance. Even her appearance, though modest, still looked graceful and enchanting.     

"Everything had been carefully considered. They must have thought Vega was actually in Switzerland because her photo with Alexei and Alexei's body was later found there ... Even though we only used ordinary camera tricks ... Tss ... how embarrassing. When they thought Vega was in Switzerland, our people were actually still holding her in Paris."     

"I'm sure they also checked all the videos taken by the high school kid. I heard she was summoned to meet Alaric at the Nobel Hotel. Haha .. even though they can find our people who followed Vega for ten days, they will not find their data anywhere because they are all in disguise ... Lauriel's people are not the only ones who can disguise themselves, right?"     

"True. Even if Wolf and Goose are on their side, there is no point," Sophia replied. She picked up her glass and signaled to her assistant to refill it.      

Deftly the girl took a bottle of wine and poured the contents into Sophia's glass. "We have Skia. He is much more dangerous because he never tries to make a name for himself. No one knows who he is .. hahaha."     

"The enemy in the shadow is far more dangerous than the enemy that you can see under the light. That is very true," Her assistant commented, nodding in agreement. "We are lucky, the plan is well-matched to get the right momentum. As soon as Wolf announced his bounty on Darknet to pay double the reward for anyone to find about the person who is after Goose, Skia immediately knew there was a connection between them."     

Sophia laughed and nodded. "Love does make people do stupid things, doesn't it? I didn't expect my cousin will announce his identity in such a way."     

"Ahh .. but his stupidity is our gain, Miss. It didn't take long for Skia to find out that it was the little French mafia that planned the failed abduction of Goose's child. By tracking him down, we could find Goose and Wolf together."     

"Ah ... that's right. Too bad, my cousin still does not know that Larkin is actually the mastermind behind his daughter's kidnapping. He even mobilized the stupid mafia group to find information .. tsk tsk ..." Sophia pretended to feel concerned for Nicolae. "Do you think we should tell him?"     

"Maybe we should keep that information for the future, Miss. Who knows, maybe someday we will need it to blackmail Larkin," said her assistant with a shrug. "If we let them know now, there is no benefit for us."     

"Hmm .. you are right. I will wait for the right time and reveal this secret." Sophia nodded. "I have to thank the stupid mafia, though. It was his stupidity that actually allowed us to kidnap Vega. If my cousin did not meet Goose, he would still be watching the children in Paris and Bordeaux. I was worried when I found out that Marion was there too. Crazy! She is very dangerous."     

"Luck was on our side. Wolf left his kids under the supervision of a former assassin who was recently heartbroken ... Oh ... what a perfect opportunity! Master immediately made his move and accelerated the kidnapping plan ... He is really good at making strategies and adapting it ..." said the waiter as she poured the wine back into Sophia's glass. "I was worried that Mischa would not come to Provins. We didn't know for sure how he felt about that woman. If he had managed to move on from her, then of course our plans were in vain."     

"Ahh .. you're right. It was a gamble on our side. But, hey ... everything is done and successful. We won." Sophia narrowed her eyes with a very serious expression. "Mischa came to Provins. Nicolae went with Goose. The children did not have adequate security. They were negligent and now must pay the consequences. I'm sure they are all blaming each other right now."     

"You don't want to kill the girl?" asked the waiter again, staring intently at Sophia. "Wouldn't she be a burden if you keep her for too long? I think if she was killed and her body was sent to her parents, we could traumatize them and prolonge their suffering."     

Sophia sighed at the question. "I think so too. But your Master gave me a very logical reason. He said, not knowing what happens is worse than death. As long as Alaric does not know what his daughter's fate is, he would suffer all his life. Every day, every night, every hour ... is torment.     

If we lose someone we love because they died, we will definitely grieve, and slowly, the sorrow would disappear with time and we will learn to let go. But if we don't know whether the person we are missing is alive or dead ... we won't be able to grieve properly. This is what your master wants to achieve."     

"Hmm ... I understand now. Master is indeed wise." The waiter sipped her wine and smiled slightly. "I could never follow his thoughts."     

"Ahahaha .. of course. That's why you became his assistant," Sophia commented while laughing. "Ahh .. I miss him."     

"Miss can't see him just yet. Alaric's people are still watching your every movements."     

"Ah, of course I know," Sophia answered. She was about to ask her assistant to pour more wine when suddenly the tavern door opened and two guests entered. They took the seats at the table in the corner. Sophia lifted her chin and signaled her assistant to work. "We have guests. You serve them first. Let's drink again later."     

The waiter nodded respectfully and rose from her seat. "Of course, Miss."     

She quickly approached the newly arrived guests and took their order. These new guests were a couple. They each ordered a can of beer, sparkling wine, and snacks.     

The waiter took all their orders and entered the bar to prepared them. Five minutes later, she was out with a tray of sparkling wine, a glass of Amstel beer, a bowl of beans and a plate of bitterballen.     

Sophia watched her assistant work serving guests with a satisfied smile on her face. She had opened a tavern for two years at the edge of this canal. It was not too crowded because they did not try hard to find guests and sell lots of drinks.     

She only needed this tavern as a cover for her new identity. As a shop owner, she would not be too suspicious if people came and went to see her.     

Sophia could also use her tavern to justify her source of income. Initially, Sophia didn't like this tavern, but now, it seemed she was getting used to it.     

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