The Alchemists

Like Sister, Like Brother

Like Sister, Like Brother

0"W-what did you say?" Aleksis furrowed her brows in confusion. She felt that her ears had just misheard.     

Her brother cannot possibly plan to move in with the woman he just met, right? Aahaha ... maybe Aleksis drank too much wine that it affected her sense of hearing.     

"I said I had to pack because tomorrow I will move in with Rose," Rune said lightly.     

Aleksis shook her head over and over as if trying to get rid of the influence of wine that affected her hearing.     

Seeing his wife look confused, Alaric touched Aleksis' arm and said softly to her. "You didn't hear him wrong, Honey. Rune did say he would move in with the girl."     

"Wait a minute. I do not understand," said Aleksis. "You just met her just for dinner, right? How is it possible for you to immediately make this decision? Did she drug you? Wait... give me back my brother. Who are you??"     

"Ahaha .. jeez, Aleksis. It's nothing like that," Rune laughed at his sister's reaction.     

"Then, what really happened? I am utterly confused," Aleksis said again.     

Rune shrugged and smiled. "I think I have met the love of my life. Her name is Rose, and she is a perfect girl. She asked me to be her boyfriend and move in with her. So, of course, I said yes."     

'Wait ... you said 'yes' just like that? You don't even know who she is, do you? "Aleksis asked anxiously. She frowned. "Wait a minute ... do you know who she is? "     

Rune shook his head. "Rose told me not to investigate her. So I will wait until she tells me who she really is. "     

Aleksis patted her forehead. She really did not understand why her brother, who had never been in love, could act so crazy when he met the woman who made him head over heels.     

"I do not understand why you can do this. You just met her, didn't you? Why can you be so sure that she is the right woman for you?" Aleksis asked in confusion.     

Rune smiled slightly at his sister's question. The handsome young man then tilted his chin at Alaric.     

"Aren't you like that too? If I am not mistaken, you asked the man sitting next to you to get married after only FOUR DAYS of courtship. Isn't that too fast for anyone's standard?"     

Alaric coughed, hearing Rune's words. The man was too happy to tease his wife every now and then, telling people about their meeting and how it was Aleksis who chased after him.      

However, now that he saw that it was used by his brother-in-law to get the upper hand during his argument with Aleksis, he felt sorry for his wife.     

The handsome man sighed and defended his wife. "Ahem, that is not the same. Aleksis and I have known each other eight years prior. She already knew who I was when she asked me to marry her. Aleksis knew my background, and we've been together for a long time."     

"Four days is not a long time..." Rune commented.     

Alaric waved his hand. "Yes, four days, but it was really intense. We were together almost 24 hours a day. That means our relationship was already very close. While you and the girl.. You only met once, for dinner. Just a few hours, right?"     

"Yeah. But at least I've seen her face ... I know what Rose is like. While my sister, when she married you, and even until ten years later, she did not even know what you look like," said Rune stubbornly. "So, I guess for Rose and I, when compared to you and Aleksis, are not too much different."     

Aleksis was dumbfounded when she heard Rune's words. She immediately got up and placed her hand on the young man's forehead to check if her brother had a fever or not. She then shook her head in surprise.     

"You don't have a fever. It means you are not sick. So, where did this come from? I don't understand why you went to dinner for a blind date with a girl arranged by your nephews, with the intention of ending your relationship on the online dating app, but when you came home, you said that you fall in love and decide to move in together with her. I am very confused." She looked at Rune intently. "Please, try to think from my perspective. Don't you find this weird?"     

Rune laughed at Aleksis' words. He then nodded in agreement with his sister's words. "You are right. It is weird, but I don't mind."     


"I'll go pack now, okay. Tomorrow morning at breakfast, I will tell you everything. I also need to thank Ireland and Scotland for helping me meet Rose."     

After saying that, Rune patted Aleksis on the shoulder and walked up to the second floor to enter his room. The man hummed happy songs when he opened the door, entered his room, and threw his body on the bed.      

Rune then closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Rose's beautiful face immediately filled his mind.     

Gosh... he never thought he could meet a perfect woman like Rose, and immediately fell in love.     

Indeed ... love was unpredictable.     

After he was imagining Rose's beautiful face and reminiscing about their time together at dinner, Rune decided to take his backpack and pack up his things there.     

Rune didn't have much stuff in New York. Most of his personal items, were at his parents' home, in their big castle in Stuttgart.      

Hmm .. he was deep in thought for a moment. If he wanted to disguise himself as an ordinary man, then he should have more cheap clothes. It was impossible to bring his expensive clothes with him to live with Rose.     

The young man immediately took his tablet from the nightstand and opened the marketplace. He ordered some clothes that looked ordinary and cheap, to be immediately sent to the Linden mansion the next morning before he left for Grand Central station.     

In his heart, he laughed to himself, thinking that he was doing the exact same thing as his brother, London, when the man was courting L.      

Ahh ... then he should not make the same mistake as London did.     

In the past, London Schneider's secret was almost exposed because he only had three sets of cheap clothes.     

Okay then, lessons learned. Now, Rune had to buy quite a lot of such clothes from the marketplace. Oh, he also had to buy cheap underwears to match them.     

The man was whistling when he ordered the various stuff he needed. After he was satisfied with his purchase, Rune put his tablet back on the nightstand and decided to meet Aleksis in the living room.     

Since he didn't have his clothes yet, he couldn't possibly pack now, could he?     

"All right, I'll tell you what happened," Rune said as he poked his head into the living room and found Aleksis still wearing that confused expression, even fifteen minutes after he left her.     

"Oh .. thank you," said Aleksis. She handed Rune a bottle of wine and a glass and signaled for her brother to pour a drink for himself.     

Rune smiled as he received the wine and poured the contents into his glass. He then briefly recounted what happened between him and Rose at the dinner and why he made a drastic decision to accept the girl's offer.     

"Ahhh, she sounds like a very mysterious girl," Aleksis said after listening to her brother's story. She could understand why Rune became so attracted to Rose.     

"I really like her. No, in fact, I think, I have fallen in love at first sight," Rune sighed sadly. "All this time, I always laughed at people who are in love because they often act stupid. But now .. it seems I just got my karma."     

"I also did not expect you to behave like this when you finally fall in love," Aleksis commented. "You are so bold by accepting her offer to move in together after just one dinner. And you don't even become her real boyfriend, only a fake one. It's so hard to believe."     

"I thought at that moment that I had no choice. If I told her I was not ready, then she would just leave my life, and I probably would never meet her again," Rune said. "I had to make a quick decision."     

Now, Aleksis could understand why her brother did what he did.     




From the author:     

Yep... like sister, like brother. I guess, when they know, they know. Let's hope Rose deserves Rune. ^^     

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