The Alchemists

Is This The Same Rose?

Is This The Same Rose?

0"Hmm .. that's right too," Aleksis said. "I agree with you if you do not want to investigate Rose. I think the girl is right too. People nowadays have too much convenience, and it makes them lazy. I also think that we and ordinary human beings are not on a level playing field, given our position. We can get whatever information we want, but they can't."     

"True, therefore I will keep my word and will not investigate Rose at all," Rune said.     

"Ahem ... yes, I agree. But I think you should allow us to investigate the girl," Aleksis said quickly. She exchanged glances with her husband. "We just want to make sure you are safe. We will not tell you the results of our investigation. How about that?"     

Rune looked was deep in thought for a moment when he heard Aleksis' words. He understood that his sister was very worried about her. After all, he was the youngest child in his family and they wanted to always take care of him.     

With that thought in mind, he finally nodded. "Okay, you and Alaric can investigate and find out information about Rose, but you shouldn't tell me anything about her. You just tell me if she's a good girl or not."     

"Agreed," said Alexis excitedly.     

She and Alaric exchanged glances again. Their faces were filled with relief. They understood that people in love could be stupid sometimes.     

At first, they were worried and thought that Rune was also one of those people, who suddenly lost his mind when he met the girl he fell in love with.     

However, after hearing the young man's explanation, they understood that he knew what he was doing and they could trust him.     

Well, as long as Rune gave them permission to investigate Rose, then Aleksis and Alaric would find out whether the girl was trustworthy or not. And if she could be trusted, they let Rune live his life and weave his story with Rose.     

After all, now he was a man, and it was high time that he experienced what falling in love was like.     

After making an agreement, the three of them continued drinking wine and chatting until it was nearly midnight, before they went to bed.     


The next morning, at breakfast, Rune immediately hugged Ireland and Scotland warmly when he saw his two nephews entered the dining room.     

The two boys were amazed at their uncle's attitude.      

"Eh, Uncle ... What's are you doing? Why are you hugging us all of a sudden?" asked Ireland.      

Rune smiled broadly and just looked at the two of them with a mysterious expression. Scotland frowned, trying to think of all possibilities that would cause his uncle to behave so strangely this morning.      

Finally, he guessed it right. "Your blind date with Auntie Rose last night went well, is that right, Uncle?"     

Rune nodded, with a broad smile. "You're right. I met Auntie Rose and I really like her. She's a wonderful girl."     

"Hahaha ... I knew she would really suit you, Uncle," Ireland said enthusiastically.     

Rune just laughed at that, "You guys really know me very well. Thank you very much for bringing me to her. I have never met a woman as beautiful, smart, and attractive as her. And she is the perfect woman for me, from today I will stay with Aunt Rose."     

When Ireland and Scotland heard Rune's words, the two of them jumped in joy together. They already thought that their youngest uncle would like Aunt Rose. They knew this man well enough and had guessed that Rose was the right woman for him.     

The boys high-fived in the air and laughed, while Alexis and Alaric only watched their two sons while shaking their heads.     

Well, today, they would find out who Rose really was and if they can let Rune live with the girl.     


After finishing breakfast, Aleksis immediately accompanied Alaric into his study. The man then contacted Pavel and ordered his confidant to find out Rose's true identity.     

Alaric sent in a photo of the girl and a bit of information from the online dating site his children used to find dates for his brother-in-law.     

Half an hour later, Pavel called and told Alaric and Aleksis all the information he had managed to get about Rose.     

After he finished speaking, Aleksis who looked very surprised asked Pavel to confirm his words. "Are you serious? Is this really the same Rose?"     

"I've checked it several times, Madame. This is indeed the same person," replied Pavel respectfully. "     

"Thank you, Pavel, for the information," Alaric said before hanging up. He turned to his wife and saw Aleksis' face was now radiant.      

"I like this girl. If indeed she is as interesting as what Rune said, I will support him to marry Rose," said the beautiful woman with a smile.     

"Hmm .. okay. Then, let's just let them live together," said Alaric. Aleksis nodded in agreement.     

"Hmm ... do you think we should tell Father about this?" Aleksis asked Alaric suddenly.     

Alaric shook his head," Better not. This is your brother's private matter. Let him live his life. We must not interfere. What's important is we've made sure he's safe with Rose. "     

"Hmm ... so, Father shouldn't hear about this?"     

"Yes. Letting your brother live his life means we act like we don't know anything. If we interfere too much, we will only ruin it for him. You have to realize, your youngest brother is already an adult. He needs to learn from experience, not just from witnessing other people's love stories," Alaric advised. "Even if he will make mistakes, it's for him to learn from them."     

Aleksis sighed. Jeez ... her husband was right. Rune was already 40 years old. She shouldn't be too worried about him. Rune was not a child.     

"But we need to let him know that whatever happens, we will be here for him," said Aleksis, at last.     

"That's a good idea," said Alaric in agreement. "We still don't know why Rose wanted him to be her fake boyfriend for a year. Who knows, it might lead to something bad, and it could break your brother's heart."     

After they finished discussing what to do with Rune, the couple returned to the living room. They found Rune was receiving several packages delivered from the marketplace. The man's face looked very happy.     

"I bought some clothes," said Rune explained without being asked. He tore open the various packages to see the clothes that he bought last night. He took them out of the wrapping and put them on the table.      

Aleksis chuckled when she saw that. The girl remembered she did the same thing when she disguised herself as a poor student back in Singapore. London was no different. When he was courting L, he pretended to be a poor photographer in Berlin.     

Jeez ... indeed what Rune said, like sister like brothers. She cleared her throat and walked over to the table where Rune was lining up his newly bought clothes.     

"You bought cheap clothes?" Aleksis asked, trying to hold back her laughter.     

"Yes, I did. Rose would be suspicious if she saw I have expensive clothes with me. She seems to be from a middle-class family herself," said Rune. He was trying to remember Rose's clothes from last night. Even though the girl's clothes looked beautiful on her body, Rune was sure that none of her clothes was branded nor expensive.     

"Very well," said Aleksis. She then pointed to the expensive, limited edition watch that her brother was wearing. "Don't forget to take off your watch. It can buy a house in New York."     

Rune patted his forehead and then nodded.     

"Ah, that's right. I almost forgot about this... hehe." He was about to take off the watch strap, but then something flashed through his mind. "Ahem ... actually, I could have just worn this watch. I will tell her that this is a fake item that I bought when I traveled to China."     

Aleksis glanced at Alaric, and when she saw her husband shook his head, she hurriedly waved his hand. "Ahhh ... don't take any risk. Better take it off."     

Before Rune could refuse, Aleksis had forcefully taken off that watch from his wrist.     

"Hmm... you are right. Just keep it with you, until I need it back." Finally, Rune relented. He let Aleksis keep his watch while he took all the tags from his new clothes and then folded them neatly.     




From the author:     

Rose's identity sounds quite mysterious, don't you think?     

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